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Introduction to and Highlights of Martin's Blessed Words

Man and Scientific Achievement

There is in life much misunderstanding of its nature. Man is inclined to feel that he is indeed the center of the universe, that all of creation is and was from the beginning designed with his needs in mind, that he is master of all he surveys and in total control of his destiny. From the beginning of time, this attitude of man has served some purpose. It has led him to strive to control his environment, to use his God-given intellect in the pursuit of knowledge which will serve him well in making his earthly environment a pleasanter place. He has developed his scientific achievements to bring an end to the back breaking labor that marked early existence on the planet. He has developed the arts to educate himself in the beauties of this world, its history, its beliefs, and the intricacies of the human mind in its perception of the world about it. Man has achieved a high degree of proficiency in manipulating nature to meet his physical needs. He is currently in danger of going too far in this area.

God has watched man in his endeavors throughout the centuries, indeed has participated to some extent in these endeavors, and He has at all times been cognizant of the idealism that motivates man in his striving for a more perfect physical world, that is a world which more perfectly meets the physical needs of man, be these needs real or imagined. There seems now to be no limit to man's capacity to create a scientific utopia, a world in which nature is harnessed and obeys man's commands, a world in which machines of infinite precision perform tasks heretofore undreamed of, a world in which medical advances vie with nature's creative skills. In all of this God takes great pleasure. It is part of His plan for man that he use his talents in the service of the human race, in progress in all areas which will result in a life of ease and privilege, a life which so frees man from the physical demands that existence imposes that he has time for his spiritual development, for living his life in a way totally pleasing to his Creator.

In all of the world today, man has achieved a degree of scientific achievement which should indeed make a utopia of earth. Instead, the benefits of this scientific achievement are unevenly distributed, so that while some benefit greatly, others are totally deprived. The wealth created by this scientific achievement is equally ill distributed. Man in his haste has forgotten his origins, his duty to his fellow man, his absolute fealty to his Maker. Science has been perverted too in the pursuit of war. Weapons of destruction threaten the very existence of the planet and man's management of these weapons, always subject to human error, is an equal threat.

There are those in the world today who cry out in protest against all these distortions of scientific achievement, who call for the equitable distribution and sharing of scientific achievement and its rewards, who see the need for strong and forceful leadership in all the nations of the world today to share both the responsibility and the rewards of all that man has discovered which promotes the welfare of the human race, and to abolish forever the weapons of war and aggression which threaten this welfare. There is no time to lose. Each nation must feel its singular responsibility in this matter and all nations must act in concert to effectuate solutions and programs for the benefit of all men. The need is there. The answer is there. All that is needed is man's effort to do the will of God to benefit his fellow man.

Revelations - pg 19

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