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Your heart speaks truth.
The Divine Nature of Man
Wednesday, 11/25/98 11:10PM
When we consider the plight of man in this life we are always moved to pity and fuller understanding. Man born into this existence comes fully aware and fully equipped for all the challenges that lie ahead. This awareness diminishes rapidly, and man is left to do as he must depending upon his human resources. It is not necessarily true that he loses contact with the soul that guides him always, but all too often man gets swept up in the needs of this world and neglects his inner being.
It is easy to assert that spiritual awareness is a luxury, an ability offered to the very few fortunate souls who are freed from the trials of human life. This is an unfounded assumption, erroneous in its very existence. Man is aware no matter his material or social or spiritual appurtenances that all he knows beyond the facts of life is a gift. All he experiences beyond the daily details of his life he knows in full appreciation of gifts beyond the ordinary.
Each life come to fruition is a life which has learned the absolute wonder of help beyond the ordinary. It is tempting for man to feel himself so completely in charge of his destiny that he disregards the help he receives from those divinely aware of his needs. Indeed man is generally loathe to credit any outside force or influence for his good fortune. In time he will learn the folly of this gross assumption of power, but it serves him temporarily in experimentation. Man is meant to experiment, to probe the further aspects of his capabilities, of his potential.
When man chooses to abandon security and to aspire, he needs always the comfort and often assurance of his inner voice. I do not suggest that man faced with a difficult decision relating to his material welfare is divinely inspired in earthly matters. On the contrary, man needs only to listen and he will hear divine voices urging him down the path of love given and received, offering to him opportunities, long neglected, to finally act in love and to know perfection in his heart.
Believe me, all those who have known the power of love, there is no limit to this power. It cannot be destroyed. It cannot be replaced by any other emotion. It reigns supreme. No other emotion stirs the heart of man in such a way. All other emotions are offspring, worthy in and of themselves, but hollow without close relationship to their origin.
Be close, My children, in holy company.
Sunday, 10/18/98 10:43PM
Into each life comes awareness of divine attribution. In the newest of lives, those of infants newly arrived from their origins, you will see in the pureness of their responses the perfection that has been theirs and that they bring to the world in new incarnation.
In all of life there is renewal.
Each soul come to earth comes to renew his awareness and his promise to succeed in achieving the ultimate perfection that marks the end of his seeking. There are those come to this life who are fully aware of the nature of their quest. These are those souls fully aware of the nature of the human journey, of its relative insignificance in the scheme of life eternal. They know, and they share this awareness freely, that man come to earth is but a brief visitor, a temporary resident of this planet.
Man having achieved awareness of the transitory nature of human existence is then free to know fully this life and to meet all of its challenges with joy and a sense of buoyant awareness that much lies ahead. Man, so armed with this awareness, is well equipped to cope with all that life demands of him. He dismisses the insignificant. He embraces fully the challenges that offer strength and growth.
All men share in this striving. It matters not the environment. It matters not the location. It matters not the material deprivation. It matters that the soul engaged in struggle is aware of his divine capacity. Do not ever confuse material significance with spiritual significance. The most significant, then, in the eyes of the world may be the least significant in the world of the spirit. Nothing is absolute in this equation, but be assured that at all times the road to spiritual perfection is a road open to all souls. Be assured that it is a road of joy and achievement, and that all souls who know its length are at all times happy to be welcomed at its end.
Airborne Saturday, 11/7/98 7:12PM PST
It is incumbent upon all men to recognize the nature of their divine origin. It is important for reasons beyond count.
Man, when he is aware of his divine origin finds within himself strengths and virtues that serve him well in his earthly journey. Recognizing his own link with the divine, he cannot fail to recognize the divine nature of his fellow man. With this awareness comes the blessing of love that has no equal. He knows with absolute certainty that all of life is linked with eternity and that all problems he encounters are ephemeral in the scheme of things.
Man, aware of the gift of love, is both cushioned from the blows that life sometimes inflicts and indomitable in his determination to share this precious gift. He both teaches and learns at all times. His faith inspires others to new awareness and the generosity of his love inspires reciprocation.
Above all, man blessed with awareness of his divine nature finds within himself the peace that lights his life. He finds it possible to accept all trials and tribulations, to triumph over adversity of all kinds, and to know the absolute importance of love as a dominating force. He knows that he is guided and assisted in all ways each day of his life by those willing spirits who speak to him of their caring.
It is vital that all souls reach this divine awareness and recognize its beauty and power. Seek and you will find all I promise.
Wednesday, 12/9/98 11:45PM
In man's infinite seeking he encounters questions beyond numbering that try his understanding. In times of trial the intensity of his questioning increases, and he is hard pressed to maintain steady faith when answers elude him. He questions his role in a complex world. He seeks to know the certainty of happiness in this existence, and he wonders when it seems elusive. There are times when he feels that he is ill equipped to cope with the demands of his daily existence, and he is tempted to surrender to depression and despair. He looks to those bound to him in loving relationships and seeks to borrow their strength.
It is the blessing of love given and received that man is more often than not rescued from the depths of despair by those loving souls who offer him reassurance and hope and bend all their energies to helping him solve the problems which so distress him. They cannot fully answer the questions which bedevil his mind, but they offer a release from anxiety, from depression and despair. They offer new hope, and the soul in distress finds in this heartfelt aid partial response to his questions. He realizes that in some ways the problems he encounters in his daily existence can be blessings in disguise, for they bring to him awareness of the love that surrounds him, the love that offers sympathy and understanding, and always all that is needed in material support. He achieves a richness of emotional awareness and an increased gratitude for the selflessness of the love that has been offered to him in his need.
Thus man progresses through trial to understanding to acceptance of the wonder of love, of its power to transform the most trying of experiences into a glorious realization of the power of the soul to triumph, to know the perfection of love shared, and to see clearly the wonder of progression.
Saturday, 12/12/98 11:35PM
In the course of a man's life he is faced constantly with challenges both to his faith in himself and to his faith in his purpose in life, his destiny, so to speak. It is not easy in the face of these challenges to feel absolute certainty. Humility is a part of man's nature and it is a partial answer to this uncertainty.
Man faced with challenge considers himself capable of meeting this particular challenge, but he wonders often how much more he can face with confidence. If his response to the original challenge suffices, his confidence is not only restored but strengthened. If, on the other hand, man knows the disappointment of defeat in the face of challenge, if he finds himself unable to meet its demands, his confidence suffers and he considers himself weakened. He dreads the uncertainty that fills his being and he longs for help.
Sometimes this help is immediately forthcoming. It may come in the form of aid from those who love him and who are able to ease his anxiety and to meet his needs. It may come from an unexpected turn of circumstances which gives him surcease from anxiety and promises solution. In any case, man rescued from the frustrations of failure feels both a sense of gratitude and an awareness of his human limitations.
Yet time after time in these circumstances man finds within himself an inner strength. He comforts himself with the sure knowledge that his efforts represented the full measure of his resources. He comforts himself with the awareness of the caring love that came to his aid. He finds in himself faith that no challenge will ever be too overwhelming to meet response, and he finds in himself added strength in this awareness.
Each time man triumphs over adversity, no matter its degree, he progresses. Each step in this progress is further proof of his divine nature.
Friday, 1/15/99 9:12PM
Not all men are equally endowed in their earthly journeys. They differ from one extreme to the other in wealth, beauty, intelligence and other human attributes, but in one aspect all men are equal. Each soul come to earth comes with God's blessing and God's wish for his rapid spiritual progress. He comes as do all men straight from the heart of God, perfect in his potential for perfection, cherished in all ways.
In some lives man is called upon to choose between material success and spiritual success. In most lives these choices seems small and insignificant, but over a period of time habits are established and minor choices lead inexorably to major ones. The temptations confronting man are many and varied, and man finds it easy to excuse himself when he chooses material gratification over spiritual growth. It is comforting to him to dismiss minor selfish acts and to vow to be worthier, but once the next choice looms the decision to act is weighted in favor of the earthly pleasures and privileges he has become accustomed to.
Sometimes it takes great disillusionment, full awareness of the transitory nature of material gratification, to awaken man to a realization of past error and determination to live his life differently. He grows then to know the power of love and the sublime satisfaction that this unselfish love grants to all souls.
There is always room and time for man gone astray to return to the loving nature he brought with him into this life. Moments of awareness of love's beneficence light his life, and he finds it not only possible but pleasurable to reject the enticements of material success and temporal pleasure. He finds the path to perfection full of joy.
Friday, 1/22/99 11:40PM
Rarely does man feel fully a failure in this life. There exists in each human a core of resiliency which serves him well. No matter how decimating his experience, man does not despair completely. There is in the very core of his being strength and hope, and in the most extreme despair the soul struggles to recover and to renew itself.
Often man is hard pressed to explain this inner strength. He seeks to find rational basis for this new found optimism and he most often fails in this inner searching. He is forced to conclude that there is no simple answer and to consider that what he knows of new hope comes from a force within himself that he does not fully understand. It is at this point often in the human experience that man comes to an appreciation of his link with powers beyond his perception, source of this new found strength. He rejoices in this new awareness and becomes further aware that no matter the nature of earthly trial he is never going to know total defeat. Thus armed he finds himself able to reach out and help his brothers in times of trouble and to rescue them from despair, to help them to discover within themselves the reservoirs of strength that are their salvation.
All men possess this divine capacity. No man is without the power he needs to meet the most difficult of trials and to emerge from all struggles strengthened in his awareness and prepared in all ways to confront the demands of human existence in a spirit of loving acceptance and full faith.
Look then upon despair as a source of strength and know the power within.
Saturday, 1/23/99 11:25PM
There is a time in each mortal life when full awareness comes of its finite nature. This awareness may be lingering or it may be instantaneous, a sudden revelation before life's termination. In all cases, man knows in his consideration of life's termination that what he has known of existence is but a part of the whole. He knows that he brought into this life a capacity for love which has found full expression, and he knows that he takes with him full awareness of the vitality and enduring nature of all the love he has engendered and enjoyed during the course of his earthly voyage.
There are those who would choose to dismiss such a concept as romantic nonsense, pure speculation based on the need to believe that love endures. Know, dear ones, that this is far from speculation, that love does indeed endure, that it is a quality and a capacity born in the soul of all men and that it is not only the most significant gift in earthly life but that it endures eternally.
Love exists in many manifestations, all of them worthy and nourishing, and man in planning his life is free to choose among the many incarnations possible, but the single absolute in each life contemplated is that love be central in meaning and practice and that the soul come to human existence knows always that love is the center of all existence and that no matter the nature of this love it is to be welcomed and shared.
It is difficult at times for the world to live steadfastly in the way man is meant to go. It is not easy always to respond to life's rebuffs and rejections. Indeed man at times finds it difficult to believe that life offers infinite opportunity to live in love. Under such circumstances the challenge becomes that of recognizing love in its many aspects, of seeking to appreciate each opportunity to offer love to those in need and to respond always to the words and deeds of love even when they are difficult to appreciate.
The true blessing offered to all those who seek to live in compliance with all that is demanded of them is the awareness that never are they denied further opportunity to live life as they promised to do. They are permitted error and omission, and they are fully assured that if one life does not provide opportunity for correction, then another will be afforded.
Man need never feel limited in his opportunity to achieve perfection. His need only is to be assured that he cannot fall short of his divine goal.
Sunday, 1/24/99 11:40 PM
How, man asks himself, can I best be assured that I am meeting all the obligations of this life as best I can? Do I look to others for approval? Do I seek to understand why I do what I do? Do I consider myself bound by the rules of the society in which I live or do I dare go beyond these limits and do what pleases me regardless of convention? Am I answerable to anyone but myself? If so, who?
It is the rare soul come to earth who does not experience such moments of questioning. Indeed this introspection may be a regular part of man's inner life. He may turn to others and find that he is not alone in his wondering. He may choose to share his ponderings and to learn from this sharing. He may seek to achieve wisdom and understanding by reading of the adventures of others who have sought to understand themselves and the world around them. He may seek to know of those who have had experiences beyond the ordinary who claim to have gained insight by supernatural means.
All of this striving to understand is a reasonable and laudable exercise, and man more often than not finds both inspiration and encouragement both in his introspection and in his sharing the thoughts and experiences of others. He finds himself both comforted and nourished, and although he may never be satisfied that he has achieved final and definitive answers to his questions, he finds that his life has been enriched by the sensitivity and awareness he has achieved, and that he has lived his life governed by awareness of his individual responsibility.
A life of seeking is a holy life, a life which finds its rewards not necessarily in answers but in questions.
Friday, 2/5/99 11:05PM
In all of man's striving there is a beauty that is not always apparent to him but is clearly a significant part of his human experience. There are times when man is not as aware as he might be of his own worthiness, of the perfectibility that is part of his nature. There are times when he is tempted to consider himself less than important in the scheme of life, a mere speck in the cosmos.
It is easy for man to be so overwhelmed by what seems to him the vastness and complexity of the universe. He looks about him and he is both confounded and humbled by the sheer numbers of those who share the planet with him. He is aware of how ignorant he is of so much about this planet and his fellow men, and it becomes more and more difficult for him to consider himself important except in the very narrow sphere he inhabits in this life. He tries to envision the worlds beyond his immediate experience, and he finds it difficult even when he actively seeks to learn. He thinks of the vast span of history and compares it to his brief life span, and his sense of nothingness increases.
At such times man is saved by finally realizing that he is unique, that no other can substitute for him, that he is loved in ways no other could be. He realizes finally that his world is all that matters and that he shares this insular identity with his brothers known and unknown. He comes to know that in his uniqueness there is proof of importance, that he has been designed in such a way as to persuade him of his worth.
Blessed is the man who so finds beauty in himself, who comes full circle to awareness, to faith certain in himself and his role in life.
Saturday, 2/20/99 11:50PM
It is intrinsic in human existence that man come to a realization of the divine relationship that he brings to his human journey. This awareness may come in many ways.
There are those who are so gifted that they cannot but be aware of divine influence. They know that their talents are so extraordinary as to defy understanding in human heritage. Often they will find traces of their genius in their parentage, but the full flowering of this genius is so extraordinary as to defy human definition.
Genius is widely interpreted. There are souls whose capacities for invention and expression bring fame and sometimes fortune. They are recognized and rewarded. There are others of equal intellect and invention who should have achieved recognition but who for a variety of reasons do not. Each of these gifted individuals finds satisfaction in his inventiveness and creativity whether recognized or not. Each finds infinite satisfaction in the genius within.
Not all souls come to life come with such talent, but lesser talents find their own reward. Those who recognize their abilities and sense in these abilities an obligation to use them wisely are the most fortunate of souls. They find full satisfaction in pursuing their goal and thereby enrich both themselves and all those they serve with their willing energy.
At all times man is judged in terms of all he has to offer to a world badly in need. At all times he should know that happiness lies in the full service of his fellow man and in the loving response that this service engenders.
Man is gifted in his talents. He is even more gifted in his awareness of how these talents should be expended.
Saturday, 3/20/99 11:34PM
There is never a time in human existence when man loses totally his divine identification. There is never a time when man cannot reach out in the direst of need and fail to find divine succor. It is difficult for man to accept awareness of the totality of divine love, of the total truth of all that has been said of the infinite relationship between the soul come to earth and those who have chosen to leave the heavenly realm to accompany this soul on his earthly journey. All these blessed spirits in the total fulfillment of love that they know willingly undertake their responsibility of guidance and sustenance to the soul come newly to life.
There is great joy in this singular responsibility. There is great wisdom in the choice made to nurture and to encourage the fullness of love given and received that is the requirement of all souls born to human existence. No matter how far man strays from the grace of love divinely bestowed, no matter how completely he rejects the heavenly assistance that is always his to accept or reject, no matter the totality of his assumption of power, man is eventually brought to the realization of his own ineptitude and in the end he freely admits to absolute dependence upon those who seek to guide him well.
In his eagerness to be singularly blessed in approbation, man may forget that all he seeks in gratitude and salvation lies in his very soul, that if this soul does not speak to him of love and joy totally fulfilled, then he must seek further.
This is my wish.
Wednesday, 3/31/99 11:07PM
When man errs in his striving for perfection he becomes aware of his own frailty and he begins to be aware of the absolute necessity to correct error and to offer full compensation for all wrongs and omissions. It is sweet success when the soul in journey becomes aware of the absolute necessity of redress, of righting wrongs, of correcting error, of expressing love where there has been deprivation.
All souls share in this common need to correct error, to be aware of the need to express love fulfilled in word and deed in every aspect of human existence. This is an awareness that is inherent in the soul come to life, in the continuing consciousness of divine origin, of divine insight.
However man may choose to expend his goodness, it serves him well to remember that the sole requirement of the soul come to earth is to live perfectly in love. This is often not an easy undertaking. With full acceptance, the soul comes often into a difficult human existence, a life that demands full contribution to all the loving relationships he knows. Some of these relationships are trying to the utmost. Others seems to the soul in progress not loving at all but rather antagonistic in nature. It is at this point that the soul knows the full challenge of love given and received. It becomes his duty and his joy to persuade the soul reluctant to respond of the pure beauty of love freely given and gratefully received.
No soul is unwilling to accept and to accept with absolute thanksgiving the love that is offered freely to all those in search of the ultimate reason for being. No soul will know a more perfect response.
Wednesday, 4/7/99 11:46PM
It is the ultimate joy for man to feel absolutely secure in his capacity to meet all the challenges of life in love and acceptance. This is a quality of life to be cherished and it is granted to all those who both accept all that is demanded of them in their earthly voyage and who know in their hearts the rightness of all they do.
All men seek this perfection in their daily lives, and countless are those who succeed in this achievement. These blessed souls are not only sublime in their own awareness of the perfection of their beings, but they create an awareness in all who encounter them. You have all known such souls in progress. You have encountered them in various guises and you have known the warmth and contagiousness of their giving love.
You need no intimate acquaintance to be affected by these perfect beings. Your acquaintance may be no more than a passing encounter, a word, a phrase, a blessing that awakens in you a sense of gratitude for goodness shared. There are times when these blessed beings have effect beyond individual encounter, when their actions speak so loudly that they achieve a fame that creates awareness in many and inspires in many an emulation of their caring.
In all ways those who seek in their human existence to bring to the world awareness of the power and contagion of love serve a divine purpose. In all cases the world profits by their goodness and learns that their efforts demand response. The cycle of love is once again engendered and the wonder of love shared is miraculously given to those who embrace it in both need and gratitude.
Each age and each society knows these perfect beings who bring the light of love to all they encounter. There is no limit to their effectiveness. Treat them well.
Wednesday, 4/14/99 11:55PM
Among all souls come to earth there is need shared. There is infinite agreement as to this need among all those embarking on their earthly journey. They seek to learn against all odds, in the face of all challenge, despite all rebuffs and disappointments, to learn to love perfectly and to teach all they encounter the wonder of this precious gift.
On the surface this seems like a simple endeavor. What, you might ask, is more natural for man than to love? He is born with this need and his every instinct is determined by this need. In the face of all difficulty man spends his early days on earth as a creature totally dependent upon love received and infinitely generous in responsive love. There is a perfection in the exchange of love in the first days of human existence that has no equal. In the most fortunate of situations these days become weeks and months and years, and the soul blossoms in its learning, in its giving and in its taking.
In some cases, the soul come to earth has chosen to face challenges to the idyllic love of infancy and to seek the strength to persevere in the perfection of love when it becomes most difficult to do so. The soul thus challenged grows in strength with each victory over rebuff and rejection and knows full gratitude for all it has succeeded in learning of love given and received. Others follow a less fortunate path. Some know failure only momentarily. Others linger in failure. A few surrender to failure.
Yet there is inborn in the soul come to earth an awareness of its mission, and in the darkest of days the soul in turmoil knows this awareness. At times he rejects. At times he postpones. At times he realizes the folly of his resistance and acknowledges error. He seeks to correct his ways and to compensate for all harm he has done. He is gratified in many ways. He knows peace of mind. He knows love received. He prides himself rightfully for all he has done in correction of error and he rejoices completely in the love that fills his being.
There are, unfortunately, some men who do not find this peaceful resolution of their doubts and misdeeds, and these wayward souls are to be pitied, but it is wisdom to remember that what they do not find in this life they will know in the next.
Monday, 5/10/99 12:25AM
Man in his magnificence inspires awe. At his best he is a noble creature possessed of many powers, and at his best totally committed to living a life of goodness and love, aware at each moment of his existence of his wonder and of his need to reach the spiritual perfection that is the supreme achievement.
This achievement is not easily gained by all who journey through life. It requires a devotion and a constancy that are at times elusive and subject to subordination to earthly demands. It is all too easy for the soul in progress to forget its aspirations when lured by the temptations and pleasures that life sometimes offers. It is unfortunately easy for many souls to be distracted and eventually seduced by such temptation and to forget life's primary demands.
Yet even those who succumb to earthly temptation retain in their innermost beings an awareness of their divine mission. This awareness lies dormant in the soul and rejects all efforts at dismissal. Man calls this awareness "conscience" and it is an awareness that persists in the face of all difficulty, all straying, all rejection. If man persists in following his obsession with material rewards and neglects completely his need to progress spiritually, the awareness he has refused to live by or even to acknowledge follows him past the earthly death that he knows inevitably and awaits him on the heavenly plane.
Those who live a life in full awareness of their special mission know in all their days the rewards that their goodness and loving ways assure. They live and die aware of their God-given magnificence and they know no regret. They are blessed in every way and rejoice in their privilege.
Tuesday, 5/11/99 12:35PM
In the fullness of time, man will gain full understanding of all his life's experiences and their significance both to him and to all those dependent upon him in his earthly life.
Often man achieves this awareness during the course of his earthly journey and this awareness enables him to live in love in word and deed and thus progress spiritually while lending richness to those he loves and those who love him. His influence grows with his goodness and even those only peripherally involved in his life gain by their contact with him. These are souls rich in all ways.
Often men in their lives are less completely aware of their responsibility to live in love at each moment under all circumstances, but their efforts are commensurately rewarded, and as they grow in awareness they grow in sensitivity and responsiveness to others, and they discover within themselves rich resources of goodness. The greater the awareness man has of the rewards of loving behavior the more consistently his life is marked by love given and received and the more intense his happiness with his life becomes. He too affects all those whose lives touch his and he is further strengthened by this awareness.
Some men pass through human life without ever fully achieving the awareness that leads to spiritual richness and inner peace. They fail, for a variety of reasons, to listen to their hearts and they are deprived of the awareness of their own capacities to live in love under all circumstances. In some cases they actively reject the lessons of love and fail utterly to achieve happiness in their earthly existence and fail equally to find the road to spiritual progress. These souls must wait until they have abandoned human life to find enlightenment and hope and to realize opportunities neglected and love lost.
No soul fails to reach the awareness he needs to progress spiritually, but there is great variance in the ways in which this awareness is achieved and great variance in the speed with which it is achieved. In the end all souls find enlightenment and are free to determine the nature of their future progress.
Thursday, 6/24/99 11:54PM
Before time began, man knew existence in the mind of God and His angels. This heritage enriches man to the present day and will continue to do so eternally.
Eternity is a concept beyond human comprehension. Yet it is reality. Infinity is equally difficult for the human mind to comprehend. Yet it too has significance. Man strives to grasp these concepts, and in his eagerness to understand all things, persuades himself that he is capable of encompassing these concepts. He speaks of the unfathomable realities as though they were commonplace and easily grasped.
It is a tribute to man's capacity for faith in the unknown that he accepts so readily so much that he does not and can not completely understand. This faith is commendable and serves him well. In the midst of earthly turmoil and travail he knows in his heart that the life he experiences is not all of existence. He knows that the past, present, and future of earthly time is but a minuscule part of the whole. He feels in his heart that no matter how boundless the earth's lands and oceans may seem they fade into insignificance when he considers infinity.
Man thus armed is well equipped to deal with the concept of planes beyond his human awareness, of lives of seeking after truth repeated willingly and joyfully. He finds it within himself to realize that the yearning he knows for more complete awareness is the yearning all souls know on the road to perfection. He becomes one with all seekers, and he knows the wonder of this brotherhood.
Life then is infinite in its promise, eternal in its nature, and each soul in progress is part of a magnificent whole, destined to know full belonging, total awareness, and perfection in spirit.
Thursday, 7/15/99 1:45AM
It is in the best interests of all men that they retain awareness of their enduring spirit and that they act at all times in full awareness of this eternal nature. .
Man has no real proof of his link to the divine, no absolute certainty that he is an eternal spirit, destined to become part of the Godhead and achieve in this way the perfection of spirit that is the goal of all souls. As a child he absorbs the beliefs of those who teach him, whether they be within or without the family, but most often family values and beliefs and religious affiliation, or lack of affiliation, are embraced and accepted by the young. In time they choose whether to continue in this faith or to question and choose alternative beliefs and affiliations.
In all of this shaping of the mind of man there is inherent a seeking, a desire to know more about the nature of the human experience and its ultimate meaning. There is in all men this hunger to know the unknowable, and during their earthly journeys most men find a set of beliefs which are comfortable and which guide him in his time on earth. From time to time man may find that he needs more than he has been taught and more than he has found acceptable in alternative beliefs, and when this occurs man finds himself looking within and seeking that inner voice that all men entertain.
Introspection in search of truth is a noble endeavor. Most men find that they are moved to seek enlightenment in the experience of other soul seekers. This is an enriching experience for all who are so moved, and the very depths of the soul respond to the need to know. Though man must in the end depend upon the faith that his search for truth inspires, he is satisfied. He knows peace and assurance. He seeks to share his richness and to inspire in others the faith he has found in himself.
Tuesday, 7/20/99 11:42PM
When man considers his life past he does so in full awareness of all he sought to do in dreams fulfilled and goals achieved. He is at times reluctant to admit disappointment and failure when that exists, but by and large he brings to his self assessment the honesty that it requires.
Man is moved to this self assessment at various points in his life. He tends always to do so when faced with a critical decision that will affect the future nature of his experiences. He tends to reassess at any time when he senses failure in himself and looks in this reassessment to find new faith in the future. Sometimes man is forced to reassess all he has done in life when he is visited by death and deprivation of one dear to his heart and he is moved to consider how completely he has lived in love with those he holds dear.
There is value always in retrospection provided it is done in total honesty and a fervent desire to correct any past errors and to compensate for any newly discovered deficiencies. This self examination is for some a reaffirmation, a persuasive awareness of a life well lived. For some it is a cleansing, a new beginning with weakness discarded and strengths reaffirmed.
In the best of cases, man shares this reassessment with those he holds dear, and together they rejoice in all that has blessed their lives and together they determine to strengthen themselves wherever they have been lacking. There is great good in shared awareness of the degree to which life is well lived in love shared. There is great good in awareness of what must be done to come closer to perfection in love shared. In all cases the soul is enriched and enabled.
Tuesday, 8/3/99 11:59PM
From the very beginning of human awareness, man has known in his innermost being that he is greater than the sum of his parts. Even when he wants most to be reasonable and confined to empirical fact, there is a part of his being which speaks truly of spiritual awareness and of belonging beyond the material.
It is difficult for man to deal with this inner awareness. He regards the world about him and knows the limitations of his human existence. He may or may not choose to embrace beliefs which suggest further identity. He may, at least rarely, refuse to consider the validity of experience beyond his sensory awareness. He may know experiences which encourage him to seek within and he may become aware of forces and influences beyond immediate awareness.
In all of his life's experiences he retains awareness of the true significance of all he strives to accomplish in material terms. He may know to some extent the inadequacy of his striving, but in all events he is eventually moved to consider that the material rewards of his existence leave much to be desired. If he is still in need of enlightenment, he moves in certainty to a life which centers on spiritual growth and, inevitably, focuses on the awareness of the importance of love shared infinitely.
True awareness comes to all souls in progress. Some ignore this revelation. Some gratefully embrace its grace and mold their lives appropriately. Those who ignore the imperative to love freely and to accept love gratefully are deprived. They may still find fulfillment and promise, but they must first embrace awareness that without love life is meaningless, an exercise in futility.
Thursday, 8/26/99 10:55PM
It is the destiny of all men to know divine purpose in earthly existence. It is their privilege to come to full awareness that the reason for each earthly journey is to learn the lessons of love that lead to divine oneness, the eternal goal, the perfect ending of endeavor.
This is bliss indeed, to know with absolute certainty that no error is too great to be forgiven, that no departure from the path of truth is incapable of new direction, that the soul blackened by misdirection and misdeeds knows new opportunity to redeem itself. There is infinite charity in the divine plan. Each of God's children come to earth is allowed infinite liberty to err with sure awareness that forgiveness awaits and that atonement and new learning offers certain redemption.
No man walks alone on his earthly journey. No man needs to feel abandoned or unloved. No matter the degree of earthly travail and disappointment, each soul come to earth retains absolute assurance of ultimate triumph. Each soul is destined to know the absolute glory of divine oneness.
This is a promise absolute. Difficult though it may be for man to accept, all men are truly brothers in divine belonging. Some err grievously in their journeys through life, and for this they are responsible totally, and for this they experience agonizing delays in achieving their eternal goal. Those who fulfill the promises they made before human birth progress more rapidly and are gratified by their progress. All are joined in a shared awareness of the beauty of earthly experience, leading as it does inevitably to total bliss eternally shared.
This is divine promise. No man will be denied such glory.
Saturday, 9/4/99 11:40PM
Supreme above all other concerns of man in his earthly journey should be a desire to know full awareness in all he says and does of the triumphant nature of love.
In his seeking after happiness in his mortal existence, man is often confused in his search for inner peace and a feeling of fulfillment. He is often subject to pressures which are difficult to resist, and he is often tempted by his awareness of the pleasure that material rewards offers. If he feels able, it is tempting for him to strive for material comfort and temporal power. Man succeeds randomly in this quest, and to some great rewards come in wealth and renown. Others are less strikingly successful but have reason to be satisfied with their earthly successes. Some are less equipped even to attempt such success and are forced to live lives in full awareness of their limitations.
There is no direct relationship between material well being and spiritual well being. Indeed, if anything, material success may be said to be a liability in this regard. It is all too easy to lose sight of the importance of the soul when the body assumes significance above all else. Yet there are those souls in progress who use earthly riches wisely, who seek to share their good fortune in every way and truly nurture the sense of brotherly sharing that reflects a loving soul. Some are heedless in this regard and thereby deprive themselves even more than they deprive their brothers.
Those who never strive for material reward are perhaps the most blessed. They know no temptation, and most often are the most willing to share whatever they are able to share. Above all they are forced to consider themselves fortunate in non-material ways and realize the value of love and caring in their lives. They rarely fail.
Sunday, 9/5/99 10:20PM
Let us know at all times the brotherhood of man. Let us rejoice in this awareness even when we are less than caring.
It is all to easy to settle into comfortable belonging in human life, even when it is less than, far from, perfect in its pleasures and in its comfort. Yet it is beyond the capacities of all not to recognize belonging beyond immediate awareness. Man born into human existence is born with awareness of belonging. Most immediately this awareness is confined to immediate family, to all those closely concerned with love given and received.
As the soul progresses in his journey he becomes more and more aware of the need to mark his journey with love of all sorts, above all of love given and received. If he retains awareness of his divine compact, and even if he does not retain this awareness exactly, he knows in his heart that his need is to find love perfect in all ways to make reasonable and justifying his path through life.
Few souls fail in this search for meaning. Few souls fail to recognize those that they have embraced fully in love past and who [they] embrace fully in love newly offered. There is no end to gratification in this recognition and renewal, and no soul goes unrewarded in that reckoning.
It needs to be said clearly that this life is an adventure, to some rewarding, to others devastating, but to all a path on the eternal road that began eons ago and ends in the final joy of oneness.
This is promise of great cheer and unbounded joy. Embrace its generosity.
Sunday, 9/12/99 11:59PM
In all ways man is dependent upon his inner self, the soul that is his eternally and that he brings into each life as the central part of his being, his cause for existence.
It has always been difficult for man to distinguish between body and soul. The corporeal being lends itself easily to earthly analysis, to examinations minute in detail and analysis. The relationship between body and mind, though the latter is incorporated as part of the body, has been pursued assiduously and much of consequence has been determined of the dominance of the brain, of its essential nature in the governance of the physical existence each man born to life knows.
The soul, though, is another matter. The soul stubbornly resists human analysis. Its existence is indisputable. Its importance to each life exists always in human consciousness. It asserts itself in times of doubt. It speaks encouragement in times of trial. Who, then, can dare to say that man is body alone -- that he is animated from birth to death solely by the mechanics of his corporeal being. No man claims this untenable conviction. Yet few men are united in explanation of what lies beyond corporeal reality.
Let us conclude then that ready answers are not available in this earthly life, but that man nevertheless continues to seek in the absolute conviction that the body, even the mind, is not all, that there is a future reality not readily understandable or accessible but nevertheless significant and essential, and that lends itself to intuitive understanding, to perception beyond the ordinary, and that this extension of awareness holds infinite reward.
Wednesday, 9/15/99 11:58PM
At each juncture in his earthly life man needs to remember its divine purpose. He needs to believe in his ability to meet all challenges and to live in love absolute in full faith. He needs to know in his innermost soul that no more is demanded of him. He needs to feel joyous in the love that guides and dominates his very being and dictates his every response.
When man lives in love in full awareness of its power and persuasion, he needs little more to satisfy his need for achievement. While many men seek material rewards and find in their success a measure of happiness and self satisfaction, there are others whose needs are fully satisfied by their emotional and spiritual well being, by lives lived in love and service to others without regard to material reward. Such individuals rarely experience the restlessness and doubt that those less centered on the spirit may know. There is a limit to earthly pleasures. There is a limit to the need for riches and opulence. There is no limit to the need for soulful nourishment.
Most men in their journey through life reach awareness of the hollow nature of a life lived in pursuit of earthly riches, of temporal power and influence. Most men succeed in tempering their earthly ambitions and reach a balance between body and soul which affords them inner peace and feelings of spiritual well being. The soul which fails to achieve this balance and to know at least a measure of spiritual richness lives in hunger. He is to be pitied.
Few men are so dazzled by riches and earthly comforts and satisfactions that they fail to see further need. All men will, in the end, know such awareness and the world will be infinitely enriched.
Saturday, 9/18/99 11:21PM
As man struggles through life, he is beset by doubts when his path is beset by difficulties he finds onerous. Even in his untroubled moments he wonders about the nature of his earthly experiences. In times of plenty he is content. In times of need he feels abandoned. At all times he feels the need of counsel, of help beyond his immediate awareness, and he reaches out in words unspoken, in emotions experienced. All men know such times of uncertainty, times when they mistrust their own abilities and perceptions and when they yearn for certainty in their responses and in their capacities.
No man escapes completely these feelings of uncertainty as they proceed in their earthly journeys. No man feels fully confident in meeting unexpected demands on their abilities. No man is able totally to cope with challenges he meets unexpectedly. No man courts disaster in full faith in his ability to deal with it.
Yet all lives are troubled by the unexpected. All men know times when they are totally unprepared for all that is expected of them in response. Instantly they doubt their capacity to cope, and yet almost immediately they realize that they do indeed have both the capacity and the willingness to meet this particular challenge and all others which might follow. They rejoice in this new awareness of strength, and their lives are thereby blessed.
Man has at all times capacities beyond his immediate awareness, and he is blessed with awareness in times of need. He needs only to seek to be gratified and in this gratification to know strength beyond the ordinary. Man is thereby blessed.
Wednesday, 2/10/99 11:37PM
Glorious as man is in his beginning, he grows in glory as he encounters all in life that he has anticipated. He finds in himself strength at every opportunity to express the fullness of his being and he finds it within himself to share this strength with those in need of sustenance and love.
There is much in the soul come to life that seeks this sustenance, this awareness of a common goal, of shared strengths and weaknesses, of a total need to proceed to an end ill defined but inevitable in human life. All men pursue this path, some more generously endowed to meet its challenges, others having chosen to endure severe challenge and to in the end succeed.
This is a generous company, a company of souls so overwhelming in number as to stagger the imagination, but in this company each recognizes his brother and knows fully that they pursue the same path, that they are inevitably one with the source of all power and all good, and that in this final identity they need no more. They have arrived at the point where all problems are resolved, all conflicts satisfied, all yearnings indulged.
This is the journey of all souls. Rejoice that it is yours.
© 2010 Cornelia Silke dba New Light Publishing