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When will we learn?
In the fullness of time, when all men reach a state of grace, the world will know renewal as it has been promised from the very beginning. It is hard to imagine a world in which all men know the blessedness of their being and embrace their brothers in love divine and complete, but be assured that this ideal world simply awaits the fulfillment of promises made and kept.
In this uncertain world, a world of violence and constant strife between brothers, it is hard to imagine peaceful reconciliation among men of all beliefs and all rejection of belief. The power that will create this utopian existence is the simple power of love, but love so universal that it touches every heart and so magnified that it erases all conditions and all hesitations and enters the universal heart of men never to be denied. This revolution awaits, and it is as inevitable as the rising of the sun.
"How will this come about?" you ask, and rightly so. It will come about when man finds himself compelled for reasons he knows and for reasons he barely senses to open his mind and heart and to recognize the simple truth that man's road to peace and happiness is the extraordinarily simple practice of love given and received. Man will be moved to cast aside prejudice and animosity in full awareness that such emotions oppress and destroy, and that they destroy most the heart that harbors hatred's cousins. So enlightened, man will find it possible to free himself of intolerable burdens and to seek to know and love the brother he once held detestable. The world will rejoice in this glorious awareness of the power and persuasiveness of love shared.
When each man accepts his brother in love, who will wish harm? Who will choose denial over acceptance? hatred and intolerance over love and acceptance? There will be no room in the hearts of man for choice. The choice will be for the inevitability of loving brotherhood that will usher in a new age where violence withers, where peace prevails, and where all men know the light of divine wisdom and need no more.
Tuesday, 10/20/98 11:40PM - Divine Nature
In all of life, mysteries evolve and answers are given. Very early in each human life the soul come to earth forgets its origins, forgets its divine compact, and is forced to seek once again for the meaning of the life he has begun to lead.
The days of childhood are innocent, halcyon days, but gradually each human begins to seek a purpose, a reason for his journey through life. Some are fortunate to have great and specific talents, and it is easy for them to choose their earthly endeavors. Other, less strongly directed, seek to find satisfaction in diverse ways. Some are born to achieve greatness. Others find their destiny in more ordinary ways. All are God's children seeking, sometimes without being aware, to fulfill the promises made before the start of earthly existence.
It is not for others to determine the success or failure of another's striving. The lowliest of men in social graces and material success may know inner joy and fulfillment denied to his more materially successful brother. Conversely, the man most envied may suffer within. In all cases, man knows inner peace when he seeks to do all he can in this life to convey to all those whose lives are intertwined with his the full love that he wishes to share. He must at all times know the power of love shared in both thought and deed, and he must be aware of the effects of all his actions. Love begets love always. The converse is equally true, and it is the strongest of souls who lives each day in the full expression of love regardless of rebuffs and denial. Each day's end brings to the pure of heart the peace that nourishes the soul and gives it strength to live another day in perfect love and giving.
Imagine, My children, a world in which all souls remember their reason for being earthlings. Imagine a world motivated by love, a world in which no man ignores his brother's need for love, a world in which conflict is unknown, a world that is pleasing to God and man in all ways. Know always that this world is not only yours to create but that it is inevitable that you do so.
There is something in nature that binds man to man in the face of hardship and travail. It is an essential aspect of his divinity that he knows without question his kinship with his fellow man when his fellow man is in need of care and solace. At these times, the heart is touched, and the soul knows the universality of suffering and feels compelled to reach out in many ways.
It is understandable, you say, that man show concern for those he loves in need of help, and indeed this is true, but it is true that man is moved to action by the plight of strangers. Acts of heroism and extraordinary generosity are, fortunately, not uncommon in a world which needs and thrives on acts of love. For this is love in its purest form, love generated by the need of a stranger, action undertaken in loving caring to meet that need and aid a fellow man regardless of any personal relationship. Such acts reflect the capacity of the soul on its earthly journey for the love which is universal in its response and in its universality exists on the heavenly plane and which ideally should be practiced at all times on the earthly plane.
Such acts of generosity and love change both the giver and the receiver. The love generated may be only a spark, but it is often fanned into flame and often affects many others who observe this loving kindness and who are moved in turn to loving acts of their own. It is not always true that loving acts receive the recognition or the gratitude that they deserve from a world that has learned to be uncaring too much of the time, but this lack of awareness in no way limits the effectiveness or the beauty of the bond that is created between the human in dire need and the stranger who meets that need in a spirit of loving fellowship. Such acts of love are pleasing indeed to the God who seeks to find love in every soul and who finds in the loving acts of His children everywhere the ultimate joyful satisfaction He seeks.
Know then, My children, that love is at all times the supreme emotion, that acts of love are at all times the reason for human existence, and that acts of love toward a stranger in need of any sort reflect the highest form of love. Let no man fail his brother. Let no man forget that all men are brothers. Let all men know the joy of his brother's love. That way lies salvation.
Saturday, 10/24/98 1:10AM EST - Divine Nature
There is by design and by reason, infinite diversity in the human spectrum. Over the eons man has emerged in diverse parts of the globe, in diverse convictions, in varied talents and inclinations, in poverty and in wealth among nations, in rivalry and in cooperation, until we have come to a point where it is hard at times to assess the communality that all souls share.
Only in this diversity does man encounter confusion and at times animosity. All too often the foreign is suspect. The strange becomes threatening to the familiar. All too often in his insecurity man embraces that which is in no way threatening in favor of that which reinforces his sense of security. In its most extreme form, man is suspicious of his brother when his brother in any way departs from what he calls the norm.
Nations becomes so obsessed with security that nation is pitted against nation, most often without cause, but once the flame of animosity is lit, it is fed by fear. Even within a largely homogeneous society, man becomes fearful of those who are different from himself, be the difference race, religion, economic status, or sexual orientation. Often this suspicion and animosity finds expression in violence and open hostility, and the differences widen with no basis in fact. Man is at all times a child of God. No matter how far astray he goes he retains this divine relationship.
The oppressed are in a sense the most favored of God's children when man acts in rage and animosity against his brother, for they are the aggrieved and in their patient acceptance they reap spiritual riches. This is not to say that there should not be constant striving for justice, for total reconciliation among men regardless of their differences whether these differences be physical, ethnic, religious, or nationalistic.
There must in the coming years, as there have been in the past, be voices that speak clearly against injustice of all sorts, but it is essential these protesting voices be voices of love, voices that seek to end hatred with love given and received. This is the path to peace and justice, the path all men must eventually acknowledge as the only true way.
This is My word.
Thursday, 11/5/98 11:51PM EST - Divine Nature
There is little that is known. There is much that is speculated. There is much to be learned. There is much to be revealed. I speak here about the eternal question. What is the meaning of life? Why does man make this journey? Why does earthly existence find itself marked and to some marred by inequities beyond measure?
For eons man has struggled to answer these questions. Great teachers have sought to provide answers. Some have come close to perfection in their teaching. Some have been faithfully followed. Others have seen their teaching lost and distorted by human interpretation. No single teacher has succeeded in conveying to mankind the perfection of the divine plan. No group of followers has succeeded in accepting the purity of each teacher's original enlightenment. In all cases, man has lost the purity of truth in the struggle for power that ensued in each and every religious doctrinal belief.
It is pity indeed that this should have occurred, but once again we are forced to find understanding in the free will of man to do as he chooses at each step in human life. Power is a powerful aphrodisiac, and all too often over the centuries man has found himself seeking to control, to enjoy the power that comes with this control over his fellow man, and to lose, either partially or completely, awareness of his true perfect goal in life, that of knowing love in all its wonder, love given and received, love that defies condition.
Many souls, with all good intent, are seduced by those who proclaim themselves spokesmen for God, those who insist on absolute fidelity to all they proclaim. Often they rule in fear. At times they promise all that man craves in understanding the mystery of life and death. Most often they seek absolute security in knowing that they share absolute and immutable truth. Often they are tempted to regard all who disagree as spiritually unaware or even corrupt in their differing beliefs.
Let man know now that the divine truth is infinitely simple. There is only one mandate. That single mandate is to follow the path of love during his human voyage, to know absolutely the brotherhood of man, and to meet his brother's needs in all ways. There should be no strangers to the soul in journey. There should be no exception to his love. There should be infinite happiness in this love that dictates his every thought, word, and deed.
Once man accepts this simple truth, life becomes a glorious road to travel, a road that leads to human happiness, regardless of pitfalls and trials, and a road to the oneness that is the eternal goal. Perfection awaits the human traveler. He has only to learn the single and ultimate lesson of love.
Sunday, 12/13/98 11:18PM - Divine Nature
One of the pleasures man knows most fully in his life's experiences is the pleasure of doing good. The desire to benefit others is a significant part of man's nature from the moment of birth, and each time he is able to satisfy this need to please others it becomes a more complete part of his nature. He knows such satisfaction in affording others joy that he becomes a part of that joy.
There is no man born in any circumstance at any time who is not capable of affording pleasure to others. The infant in his crib is a source of joy to all who behold him and share in the love he engenders. The child in its growing years continues to afford pleasure to all who are involved in his development, all who follow his progressing from dependence to independence. With adulthood comes more complete control over behavior and more responsibility for responsiveness to others.
The happy man is one who reaches adulthood with full awareness that the key to happiness in this life is sensitivity to the needs of others and absolute willingness to meet these needs. It is of little import whether the soul in need be a dear one or a stranger. Truly the degree of satisfaction is at all times magnified by meeting the needs of one completely separated from family and friends. In all, man's pleasure in doing good, in befriending friend and foe alike, in seeking to satisfy the needs of his fellow man in all ways is supremely important in all he seeks to achieve in this life.
There is no man so deprived that he cannot find pleasure in assisting his brother in need, in demonstrating the love that binds man to man and man to God. There is no end to the miracle of giving, of bringing a smile to the face of his brother. In this way man pleases himself, his brother, and the God whose love embraces both.
Friday, 1/8/99 11:45PM - Divine Nature
Brief as human life is, it offers great opportunity to all to reach a full awareness of their significance in the divine plan. As children we are aware only of the vitality of each day's experiences. We seek joy in all our doings. We look to those we love for all we need. We expect no less than total support in every way in all we seek to do. When we are deprived, it is not only a source of disappointment but a source of challenge to be met. Each deprivation demands compensation.
I speak here as one who has known over and over the experiences each human knows during his journey. Man's life experiences have a universality that transcends time, distance, and culture. There is no environment so far removed that those who live in its confines do not share. There is no age when man does not share the strengths and weaknesses of his brothers separated from him in temporal identification. The simplest of cultures and the most complex of cultures each produce man barely distinguishable each from the other in their innermost striving and in their need for love.
No man exists in a vacuum. All men share in their striving and in their need, and in this striving and in this need they seek always the companionship and the support that makes life meaningful. The solitary individual does not know the joy of brotherhood, but he seeks it always and in its discovery knows delight and fulfillment.
Man needs no more to satisfy his desire to understand the reason for earthly existence than to know the joy of brotherhood and to be capable of sharing his material and emotional riches. In this sharing he knows reason. In this reason he finds joy. In this joy he recognizes his divine identity.
Wednesday, 1/13/99 10:12PM - Divine Nature
Man's talents find many outlets but no talent is comparable to his capacity for love, love unrivaled and unsurpassed. In all ways man's secondary talents are meant to complement this first, his infinite capacity for love.
Man is meant to meet his brother's needs in all ways, and when he finds himself useful in this way he finds himself blessed. It is therefore incumbent upon all souls come to earthly existence to seek to discover how each is best suited to serve well the brotherhood of man.
Some men are so gifted that there is no doubt in their minds of how they must live their lives in devotion to the gifts divinely bestowed. Such a man, a man profoundly aware of what he must do in this life, is truly an enlightened son of the Father. Whether his talents lie in medicine, religion, social service, or a myriad of other activities, all he is called upon to do is to use his talents developed as best he can to serve his brothers. It matters not at all the degree of sophistication that his talents represent. The man serving the lowliest of roles with love and caring in his heart is easily the equal of the rarest of intelligences and abilities seeking to serve equally.
Man is privileged when he knows with absolute confidence that he has found his reason for living, and in his acceptance of this role and his earnest efforts to succeed in service he becomes a soul to be envied. He knows inner peace, and in those he serves well he finds great satisfaction in their responsive love.
Not all men see clearly the significance of their lives, but even the most unaware will find awareness if they seek it truly. Man is meant to know pleasure and satisfaction in his earthly existence, and there is no pleasure or satisfaction greater than that of knowing that he has fulfilled his destiny as perfectly as he could.
Thus man pleases himself, all those bound to him in love in this life, and all those bound to him eternally. Above all he pleases God.
Tuesday, 1/19/99 10:34PM - Divine Nature
In all of life reason plays a vital part. Man is born a creature of reason. He seeks from the very start of life to understand cause and effect. He seeks to plumb the mysteries of the mind and to understand inspiration and expression. He seeks to understand fully the true genius of man in his relationship to his environment. He seeks always to extend this understanding into the depths of the human soul.
All this striving for full awareness of the nature of man is pleasing both in its innocent questioning and in its idealism. It is fitting that man seek to understand more fully his brother's nature in full awareness that in understanding better the nature of his brother he will gain in understanding of himself. When man achieves even a modicum of this understating he achieves much, for he reaches a point where he can feel confidence in asking of his brother awareness of all they share. He needs to persuade his brother of their common origin and shared destiny, and in his striving to touch his brother's heart and to inspire in that heart divine awareness he seeks all he needs in this life. Thus does brother inform brother of their shared destiny, and when this wondrous awareness begins to be shared by all who know their dreams then a mighty force is released.
Brothers united in the cause of love cannot be denied. They find strength in each other and they seek, each and every one, to show the strength of love to all who need and all who strive. It is impossible to imagine the strength thus created and impossible to imagine the power of this love to change the very face of mankind. Wonder will follow wonder. The world will exult in a new persuasion and a new awareness of the universality of divine love divinely shared.
There will be no lost souls. All of mankind will be as one in the full awareness of divine beneficence, and there will be no limit to the joyful proclamations that follow man to the far corners of the earth and persuade him that the time has come, that he must follow faithfully the dictates of his heart and allow himself to be led to the perfect peace he has sought always. He will rejoice in all he knows and he will seek endlessly to share.
This is the destiny of all men.
Wednesday, 2/10/99 11:37PM - Divine Nature
Glorious as man is in his beginning, he grows in glory as he encounters all in life that he has anticipated. He finds in himself strength at every opportunity to express the fullness of his being and he finds it within himself to share this strength with those in need of sustenance and love.
There is much in the soul come to life that seeks this sustenance, this awareness of a common goal, of shared strengths and weaknesses, of a total need to proceed to an end ill defined but inevitable in human life. All men pursue this path, some more generously endowed to meet its challenges, others having chosen to endure severe challenge and to in the end succeed.
This is a generous company, a company of souls so overwhelming in number as to stagger the imagination, but in this company each recognizes his brother and knows fully that they pursue the same path, that they are inevitably one with the source of all power and all good, and that in this final identity they need no more. They have arrived at the point where all problems are resolved, all conflicts satisfied, all yearnings indulged.
This is the journey of all souls. Rejoice that it is yours.
Thursday, 2/11/99 11:45PM - Divine Nature
It is without question essential that man know the goodness that he will find if he seeks in the souls of all with whom he shares this brief human journey. It is easy to sense and to appreciate this innate goodness in those he knows in love. It is more difficult to go beyond this circle and to extend his appreciation of all the wonder that is man. It is particularly difficult for him to find goodness in those who seem to him unappealing, often repugnant, alien in many ways. Yet it is exactly those souls who need to know his awareness of their innate goodness and worth.
It is all too easy in human life to forget that all are children of God, that each soul come to earth is in and of itself worthy of love and needful of this love. It is not easy, perhaps, to recognize God in the lowly, the deprived, the soul gone fully astray, but it is man's duty to do so. Each human comes to this existence in a guise of his choosing, knowing that he may face rebuff and rejection if he chooses to be one of society's rejects. It becomes then the responsibility of all his brethren to see beyond the surface, to sense the absolute worthiness of this brother who has chosen life's more difficult experiences.
Truly the soul who acknowledges the brotherhood of man regardless of superficialities is the soul proven most worthy. Never will he have cause for regret when his generous heart leads him to embrace fully the most needy of his fellow men and to fulfill his promise to live in love pure and unconditional.
There is no grace equal to man's recognition of the total worthiness of all those with whom he shares life's journey. He knows joy always in himself and in his brother. He is blessed.
Friday, 4/30/99 11:30EST - Divine Nature
Whenever men assemble, they recognize the need for brotherhood and all it produces in belonging.
Man strives in many ways to express his feelings of brotherhood. He seeks out those he feels kinship with in thoughts and emotions and often formalizes these relationships in social groups and organizations. Man is aware of the need of belonging to those who are fellow citizens, and here too he strives to affiliate himself with those of like persuasion and principle. Members of a profession or trade seek to proclaim their brotherhood in organizations designed to promote their work and to proclaim their pride in their peers and in the principles and practices that unite them in pride.
All of these activities are laudable insofar as they encourage self pride and faith in their brothers. So long as they promote harmony and positive achievement in loving ways, they are pleasing to all who share and to those not directly but indirectly affected by their practices and activities.
The danger, when there is danger, in such associations comes when their self pride leads to intolerance of all those who hold opposing views. Brotherhood becomes all too often lost in the struggle for righteousness. Man tends to feel alienated by another's beliefs, loyalties and practices and forgets that above all he is bound as a child of God to embrace his brother in love and acceptance of his innate worth. If there are differences and disputes, it is essential that all conflicts be resolved in loving ways and that the spirit of brotherly love not be diminished in any way.
Man has the capacity to live in love and peace under all circumstances and to know that all differences between men can be solved by the perfection of love given and received.
Sunday, 7/11/99 11:50PM - Divine Nature
Whenever man strays from the path he has determined to take in his earthly journey, many options are his. He may in the exercise of his free will depart completely or partially from all that he has promised to achieve in his earthly experience. He can go so completely astray that his hope of finding his way back to the path of goodness diminishes with each act and with each word. He can be so completely seduced that he is lost to the influence of all those who seek his response, to all those devoted to his well being.
It is a sad but true fact that man armed with all the strengths and awareness necessary to full achievement of his goals is capable of failure in his earthly endeavors. It is an unfortunate fact that man fails to heed the urging of those who cherish him and wish him well and instead heeds the voices of seduction and destruction which lure him to earthly power and pleasure and slowly strip him of those attributes that mark him as a creature of love and caring.
The world suffers from such disaffection, and those who are most directly affected by this disaffection suffer the most. Man, when he forgets that all men are his brothers, is capable of cruelty that defies description, and his path to the perfection he came to seek is lost in self gratification in all ways. He lusts for power and delights in any manifestation of that power regardless of its effect on others.
Such power is short lived, however devastating its results, as all of life is short lived, and the soul gone so completely astray realizes eventually the horror of his responsibility and the absolute burden of guilt that is his. Unless this recognition comes to him in time for redress of all error, he takes this burden with him across the threshold of death, and then comes the full realization of the grievousness of his errors.
No error, however great, no cruelty, however deliberate and devastating, escapes recognition. Let it be comfort to those who suffer in their earthly existences to know this truth, and let them rejoice in their patience and forbearance. Let them feel pity for their tormentors, for they are the triumphant.
Friday, 7/23/99 11:10PM - Divine Nature
From the lowest to the highest in human life, from the eldest to the youngest, all extremes are joined in one endeavor, the seeking of perfect love perfectly expressed, a soul perfect in all respects, all duties and responsibilities discharged.
Life in its complexity and in its variations is difficult to consider as a common journey, an endeavor shared by all souls. Yet this is indeed the case, and at all times it would benefit man to believe this truth and to be guided by it in all his thoughts, words, and deeds.
It is not a simple thing for man to feel total kinship with one separated from him in all ways -- distant in space, different in race and origin, unequal in talents and aspirations, disparate culturally, totally different in all meaningful ways. I speak here of extremes, and it is clear that all extremes know gradation in variation. Yet I speak truly when I say that man finds it difficult to see and accept a kindred soul, a total equal in all important ways, in his brothers who are so different from him.
Some men overcome the limitations of diversity, but most men find this difficult. Even those who declare themselves tolerant of all differences among men take exception when they are asked to declare themselves totally equal to those who seem alien in any and all ways.
The day will come, of course, when their blindness to the common bond that unites all men will be a source to them of new awareness, and they will regret their earlier reluctance to embrace the truth of brotherhood among all those come to earth to learn and to teach. Once aware, they will find richness in acceptance and wonder how they could have been so misguided. The world will profit and joy will be born.
Saturday, 7/24/99 11:08PM - Divine nature of man
Among all that man desires to achieve in his earthly journey, love reigns supreme. This cannot be said too often. This statement defies all contradiction.
Man is born to love and to be loved. From his first breath he knows this need. He inspires love in all who observe his helplessness, his total dependence upon the loving care without which he cannot survive. All those who offer love to this soul come newly to earth are nourished by the satisfaction they feel. They know within themselves the true significance of all they offer in survival to one of God's angels come to earth. They look into the eyes of this perfect little demonstration of divine will and know certainty in all their heart tells them.
Man in his passage through life never loses this capacity to inspire love. He never loses his need for love to nourish and sustain and perfect him. Often he is led astray by those who seek to distract him from his first need and his first duty, and he suffers as he strays from the path of love freely given and gratefully received. He is aware of the emptiness that invades his life, but he is insecure in his certainty of how to return to a life of love.
Sometimes man knows repeated failures in his life. He may delude himself in thinking that love is a secondary need, that material satisfactions are a necessary foundation for a loving relationship. He may feel that a sense of dependence upon love is a weakness, and he may consciously dismiss love as a factor in his life. He may err in other ways. He may never know in his earthly journey that the emptiness inside is his failure to appreciate the importance of love in all aspects of his life.
Not all men retain full awareness of the vital nature of love. Not all men retain their inborn capacity to give love freely and without condition. These are souls to be pitied.
Sunday, 7/25/99 11:40PM - Divine Nature
There is in all lives a measure of awareness of total belonging. Some souls come to earth enjoy an empathy with all those they encounter in their human journey and even with those they do not encounter directly. These sensitive souls are aware of the divine thread which joins all of humanity in a common goal.
Not all souls are this aware of the brotherhood of man, but rarely does man feel no connection with others who share his existence. Most often family provides a sense of belonging and lends strength to each of its members in times of trial and stress. Equally, family feeling intensifies joy in times of celebration and rejoicing. There is blessedness in the emotions and loyalties that bind members of a family each to the other at all times.
For many, a sense of belonging is achieved by joining with other kindred souls in common cause. The possibilities are many. Religious affiliation offers much to those who embrace common beliefs and practices. Philanthropic ventures serve great purpose and unite those who give and those who receive in the blessedness of love shared. Both the old and the young profit by association with their peers and social groups which offer ideals and activities designed to foster fellow feeling and to extend this fellow feeling to all who seek belonging.
In all these ways man achieves refuge from loneliness. No man is meant to be a solitary individual devoid of the warmth of loving companionship. His heart tells him to reach out to this fellow man and in so doing he knows the grace of belonging.
Friday, 7/30/99 11:27PM - Divine nature
When the time comes for all the world to celebrate truth fully revealed and to trust completely in this revelation, the age all men have aspired to will be at hand.
Brother will embrace brother in abandonment of enmity in new awareness of their common bonds and the absolute divine identity they share. Greed will be abandoned in new awareness of its destructive nature, and all of earth's bounty and all of man's accomplishments will be shared without reservation, and in this sharing there will be new awareness of the joy of giving without reserve. Those who benefit from this generosity will find their hearts filled with new awareness of the universal nature of brotherly love and will in turn enrich the world by more sharing.
Man will abandon all prejudices in new awareness of their undesirability and divisiveness and with great wonder discover the commonality of all men. They will reject fully the antagonisms of their fathers and find new joy in recognition of the divine nature of all souls come to earth. Man will seek to ease his brother's burden instead of either adding to it or ignoring its pain. The earth's bounty will be used as it was meant to be used from the very beginning, for the benefit of all men without distinction.
There will be such happiness in this new world of love and sharing, of peace beyond all dreaming, and of final recognition of the true meaning of life in the achievement of perfect love.
Friday, 8/13/99 11:40PM - Divine Nature
The world is quick to sensationalize the evil that man does. It is less quick to celebrate the innate goodness of the vast majority of souls come to earth to learn and to teach the lessons of love. Gentle souls abound in all the societies that man has created, and in each of those gentle souls lies boundless and infectious love. Each act of goodness and giving, each word of love and caring makes the world a better place for all involved, and each act of goodness serves as example to those who observe it. Most are moved to emulation, and all profit.
It may seem at times that justice is lost in the triumph of evil. It may try man's credulity to state that despite violence and malfeasance and inhumane attitudes, the world is a holy place and a fitting place for all those who seek spiritual progress and ultimate perfection. Yet he has only to look about him to realize that the man who delights in evil acts, in total lack of concern for others is a rarity. It is true that many men fail to some degree to act always in love and caring, but the man who epitomizes total evil is rare indeed.
Society struggles to create a world in which all men know brotherhood and no man lacks the necessities of life. In such a world there would be less manifestation of the behavior that threatens society. When all men know caring and when all men are assured human welfare and response to their needs, there will be even fewer souls who stray from the path of goodness.
Thursday, 8/26/99 10:55PM - Divine Nature
It is the destiny of all men to know divine purpose in earthly existence. It is their privilege to come to full awareness that the reason for each earthly journey is to learn the lessons of love that lead to divine oneness, the eternal goal, the perfect ending of endeavor.
This is bliss indeed, to know with absolute certainty that no error is too great to be forgiven, that no departure from the path of truth is incapable of new direction, that the soul blackened by misdirection and misdeeds knows new opportunity to redeem itself. There is infinite charity in the divine plan. Each of God's children come to earth is allowed infinite liberty to err with sure awareness that forgiveness awaits and that atonement and new learning offers certain redemption.
No man walks alone on his earthly journey. No man needs to feel abandoned or unloved. No matter the degree of earthly travail and disappointment, each soul come to earth retains absolute assurance of ultimate triumph. Each soul is destined to know the absolute glory of divine oneness.
This is a promise absolute. Difficult though it may be for man to accept, all men are truly brothers in divine belonging. Some err grievously in their journeys through life, and for this they are responsible totally, and for this they experience agonizing delays in achieving their eternal goal. Those who fulfill the promises they made before human birth progress more rapidly and are gratified by their progress. All are joined in a shared awareness of the beauty of earthly experience, leading as it does inevitably to total bliss eternally shared.
This is divine promise. No man will be denied such glory.
Sunday, 9/5/99 10:20PM - Divine Nature
Let us know at all times the brotherhood of man. Let us rejoice in this awareness even when we are less than caring.
It is all to easy to settle into comfortable belonging in human life, even when it is less than, far from, perfect in its pleasures and in its comfort. Yet it is beyond the capacities of all not to recognize belonging beyond immediate awareness. Man born into human existence is born with awareness of belonging. Most immediately this awareness is confined to immediate family, to all those closely concerned with love given and received.
As the soul progresses in his journey he becomes more and more aware of the need to mark his journey with love of all sorts, above all of love given and received. If he retains awareness of his divine compact, and even if he does not retain this awareness exactly, he knows in his heart that his need is to find love perfect in all ways to make reasonable and justifying his path through life.
Few souls fail in this search for meaning. Few souls fail to recognize those that they have embraced fully in love past and who [they] embrace fully in love newly offered. There is no end to gratification in this recognition and renewal, and no soul goes unrewarded in that reckoning.
It needs to be said clearly that this life is an adventure, to some rewarding, to others devastating, but to all a path on the eternal road that began eons ago and ends in the final joy of oneness.
This is promise of great cheer and unbounded joy. Embrace its generosity.
Wednesday, 10/28/98 11:52PM EST - Divine Nature
In all of life's journey, nothing is more significant to the soul seeking its perfect ending than the infinite possibilities offered by love given and received, shared in all ways.
Love knows no limits, no parameters. It knows no special form. It applies to all souls in all ways. There is a tendency among those on this journey to consider love narrowly; to think that all there is of love can be circumscribed in terms of family and friends. Let man be assured that love is most significant when it involves those bound together in ties of family love and ties of friendship. Let man know as well that this is not all that is demanded of him in love. He must learn to love each and every one of his fellow men regardless of attraction, of mutual interests and concerns. Indeed there are no exceptions to the mandate to love indiscriminately.
This is difficult for most men. It requires a tolerance beyond the ordinary. It involves infinite generosity and infinite forgiveness of failure. In most lifetimes, man is not aware of the need that his soul knows for acceptance in love from all his brothers. Yet in times of stress, this need asserts itself and serves as a reminder. Man, when confronted with a challenge to his loving nature will most often choose to act in love even when he regards the object of this love as alien and unworthy. This love is more than acceptable, but in its perfection it demands total acceptance of all that may seem unacceptable in character, in action, in words.
In other words, simple tolerance and professions of love are not enough. To achieve perfection and to progress toward this ideal the soul in progress must embrace fully and without reservation even the brother he regards with distaste and disapproval. This asks much. Yet much is needed, both for the soul in need of love and for the soul in need of giving love and thus progressing.
All men are challenged in this regard, and if they experience either failure or unawareness of the need to love, they have only to try again to know the infinite satisfaction of unconditional love. Failure is insignificant, for it is at worst temporary, and infinite possibilities lie ahead on this road all men travel. It is, in the end, a road of infinite joy and the lessons of love lend it richness.
Saturday, 5/20/00 10:56PM - Lessons
Among all men there exists a brotherhood of need. All men come to earth in lives designed to prepare them fully for all the struggles and successes of earthly life and to ensure them that all progress will be made to know brotherhood in the deepest and most meaningful sense of the word. Brotherhood is an eternal term. It is a concept that embraces all time, all place, all circumstance. In each life man meets brothers he has known before and will, in all probability, meet again. In the span of time and space there exists infinite possibility of the most intimate of earthly relationships in the most improbable of circumstances.
It is part of divine destiny that all men realize the absolute belonging among all of God's children come to earth. There is urgency for all men to achieve this awareness, for it is the surest answer to eliminating the intolerance and divisiveness that marks today's world. Men dispute meaninglessly and endlessly. They dispute because of fancied affronts. They challenge ownership of meaningless stretches of land. They argue about the outward practices of religious conviction while ignoring the inner fervor that animates this conflict. In all, man needs to reassess this practice and to try to reach peaceful accord with those who share his time and place and to realize the absolute unifying force that all souls in progress share.
There are no differences in God's eyes between brothers akin to each other in any way. It matters not at all the differences in culture or custom, in creed or in affiliation. It matters that within the soul of each man there is divine origin and continuing divine relationship and responsibility. All else is as nothing. Man -- all men -- must know this to be whole.
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