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Introduction to and Highlights of Martin's Blessed Words
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Cast Aside Prejudice

In the fullness of time much will occur to bring to this world a sense of order, an awareness of the perfection that is not only possible but attainable.

There is much that must be done by man to insure this perfection. He must, first of all, abandon aggression. He must recognize that his brother is in and of himself. He must know that all of mankind is united in a single endeavor, and it matters not at all the degree of separation, be it in time, in distance, in class, or ethnicity. What matters is a common origin, a communality as total as truth. No man is born a stranger. No man can exist alone. No man can thrive without the warmth and support that brotherhood offers and demands. When man comes to full awareness of his divine identity with all those who share human life he will have taken the first step to perfection.

Ask yourself why this is such a difficult first step. Ask yourself how it will be possible to cast aside generations of prejudice and unfairness, imagined wrongs, hatreds inherited in ignorance, fears fostered by this same ignorance. The answer is that all men must learn to listen to the voices of reason that speak of peace and understanding. All men must look at the world they have inherited and to some extent created and know the wastefulness involved in discord and conflict. They must become freshly aware of the avenues that will take them to an era of acceptance and understanding, of loving behavior and respect for all those whose lives are intertwined with theirs.

This is a road that all men will one day willingly take in full awareness of its value. It remains for man to ensure this future progress by acts of love and affirmation and acceptance, and to join with his brothers in lands near and far in speaking of love given and received in voices too loud and too persistent to be denied.

Thus the world will be transformed.

Cast Aside Prejudice
The Divine Nature of Man

© 2010 Cornelia Silke dba New Light Publishing

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