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No need to fear death
In the midst of life man tends to forget its inevitable ending. He chooses to lose this awareness in the myriad activities and pleasures of his human existence. He banishes from his awareness thoughts of death. Even when he is sharply reminded of the brevity of life by the death of another, he chooses to disregard.
It is right and good that man live fully each day allotted to him in earthly existence. It is right and good that his experiences offer to him opportunity for pleasure and for learning, but in both pleasure and pain man needs to be aware of the divine purpose of life and to live each day in full awareness that his days on this earth are limited and that at the time when he is called to another world he should know full satisfaction in all he has done in this life. He should be free of self reproach. He should have no sense of failure.
It is incumbent, then, that man live each day of his life as though it could be his last. This should in no way be regarded as macabre or as brooding, but rather as healthy awareness that no day should be wasted and that each day should see at its end all responsibilities discharged, all love freely offered, all gratitude expressed freely, and all regrets resolved. Each day should afford opportunities for growth in all ways, and for all men full knowledge that a day spent in generous giving in both word and deed is all that is required. A day so spent in full awareness is pleasing to both God and man.
So know, My children, that the specter of death is not a specter at all but rather a gentle reminder to live life fully each day and thereby to know that at the end of life there is nothing left undone that should have been done and that there are no regrets. This way lies joy.
Martin’s Original Writings
Man has long yearned to know more about life after death, and God has decided that it is wise that he should now know. I have said that earth exists as a testing ground for souls, that souls are required to spend earthly lives learning the lessons of love in order to achieve oneness with God. This is not an easy thing to do. Perfect love is difficult to achieve. It does not know anger, impatience, intolerance, selfishness. It does not demand. It does not waver. It does not at any time restrict itself in any way. It at all times translates into actions. Perfect love is never adversely affected by circumstance. Perfect love responds to anger with love. Perfect love responds to cruelty with love. Perfect love responds to the most evil of acts with love. Perfect love is whole in and of itself and impregnable. Perfect love involves a sense of self love so strong as to be unassailable in the most difficult of lives, and involves total and unconditional love of all men as brothers. This perfection of love is necessary before man's love for God is perfect enough to love God in the oneness of being.
Perfect love as a concept is easy enough to understand. Perfect love as a reality is difficult to achieve. Most souls take centuries to achieve perfect love in a variety of lives. Each life, as I have said, is lived in ignorance of previous or simultaneous lives, and so the lessons of love learned in one life are not of value in the next, but they do contribute to the total learning of the soul and they are considered in the judgment of man for admission to oneness with God. The soul is judged after each life to determine how well the soul has advanced through that life in learning the lesson or lessons it had agreed to for that life and in learning the total lesson of perfect love.
It is in the nature of heavenly existence that each soul know at all times the joy of striving. Each soul possesses an awareness of its capacity to achieve perfect love and oneness. At all times the striving soul is afforded insight into its needs, and at all times the soul is aided in its quest by those loving spirits attuned to its needs.
There is no exact human counterpart to this striving, though man in his human existence seeks to emulate the striving of the soul in heaven when he is aware of his destiny. The awareness in humans of the need to seek perfection in love varies from individual to individual, although all men are born with this awareness. Some are able to maintain this awareness. Others lose it in greater or lesser degree. No man loses completely the innate knowledge that he is rewarded emotionally and spiritually by acts of love, but too often man despairs of achieving the degree of success in worldly pursuits that he covets and permits himself to forget his first responsibility in this mortal life.
The degree to which man remains aware of the need to strive for perfection in his love determines the ease with which the soul after death proceeds to perfect oneness. All of death, as has been said, is a joyful transition but the degree of joyfulness can vary from soul to soul depending on individual readiness to proceed to perfect love and oneness. Death as a transition permits the soul to take with it an awareness of all the events and achievements and failures of its immediately preceding life, and this awareness molds the soul in its striving for heavenly perfection insofar as the capacity for spiritual perfection transcends death. A holy life permits the soul easier progress, though all souls, no matter how reprehensible their human experiences, know the joy of progression and accept the inevitability of doing whatever is deemed necessary to achieve the beauty of perfect love.
There are many roads to God, as I have said, but in the end all souls must come to God in love and trust for the judgment that awaits. I have spoken of this judgment. I have said that it is kind and loving in nature, that there is no fear or sorrow involved, that there is at all times awareness on the part of the soul of its shortcomings, if there are shortcomings, and of the need to achieve perfect love.
It is not a simple thing to grasp the implications of this judgment. There are those who would say that their God would not be so demanding of His children, that a loving God would accept imperfections and transgressions and forgive freely and require nothing in return from the soul so imperfect in nature and deed. This is not God's plan. This is not the nature of heavenly existence. This is not what awaits all souls at the end of their earthly existence.
All souls have from the beginning of creation the capacity for perfect love. This perfect love is a love divine. It knows no barriers. It knows no hesitation. It knows no conditions. It meets cruelty with love. It meets destruction with love. It embraces all and excludes none at any time. Think on your life and ask yourself if you have known perfect love in your life. It is God's requirement that this perfect love be achieved, this capacity satisfied, before man knows total oneness with his maker.
It is not possible for man to comprehend fully what he would call the "reason" for God's demands of all His creatures. Much of what lies in wait for man beyond death must stay obscured from human vision, but it has pleased God for man to know that what awaits man at the moment of death is perfect peace, joy, and love, and that at no time is there anger or sorrow or accusation in judgment of his past life. There is rather a searching, an effort to understand how far the soul has progressed toward oneness, how the soul has fallen short of his promises in that life, and what the soul must do to progress toward spiritual perfection and oneness with God.
This is not a simple progression, and it is largely beyond human comprehension. It is not necessary for man to have total understanding. It is necessary only for him to know that it is in the nature of God's plan that no matter what the earthly experience, no matter what the religious practice, no matter what the nature of passage, judgment awaits all souls, a judgment of love given and received, love of self, love of fellow men, and love of God above all.
It is important for man to know now the loving nature of this judgment, that it is designed solely for the benefit of the soul seeking perfection, for it is the nature of the immortal soul to hunger for this perfection, to know its absolute necessity, its glory. Man in his journey through earthly life all too often loses awareness of this inborn hunger for perfection, of his capacity for perfect love, and of the absolute necessity for achieving this perfection of love. Some humans are more aware than others in this earthly experience of this spiritual capacity and live their lives accordingly. Some lose sight entirely and fall victim to distraction and worldliness.
Let all men know, then, that in earthly existence man may choose from a multitude of ways to seek after God, that each of these many ways will permit his progress toward spiritual perfection provided that love is at all times given freely and finds expression in action and deed, that all these roads taken lead to a single destination and a single experience, that of love and joy beyond human comprehension at the moment of death, of judgment, kind and loving in nature, and of continued progress toward oneness with God, the destiny of all souls without exception. There is great joy in this knowledge of God's plan. It knows not fear. It knows not harshness. It knows not anger. It knows only love.
Martin’s Original Writings
I have described elsewhere the procedures for receiving and judging new souls, and there is no need to reiterate, but only to emphasize again the joyful nature of the transition from earthly to heavenly existence. There are no exceptions to this rule. The basest criminal is received with love and given the opportunity to respond with love, to admit freely the errors of his immediately past life, and to move toward oneness with God by making amends with love in his heart. I have also spoken of the Others, those who reject this love and continue to act in rebellion until that inevitable time when they realize that the path toward oneness with God is the only path, and they in turn ask for love and judgment.
Whenever death occurs, man should be aware then of its joyful nature, and he should be aware that his fear of death comes from his belief that death is the end of all consciousness, that the single life he knows is all of existence. It is from this mistaken assumption that the fear of death proceeds. Let man be aware that he is in total error in his belief that death marks the end of the existence of his soul. The soul is eternal, constantly renewing itself and constantly changing in its progress toward oneness with God. Death is not an ending but a beginning, a transition, and death should inspire not fear but a joyful anticipation of the wonders to come. Death has no sting. Death is a celebration. It marks the end of man's allotted days and years as agreed upon by him with God when he undertook this earthly journey, and it marks his release from the travails and restraints of earthly existence.
The soul newly received in heaven feels no sorrow for the loved ones he has left on earth, for he is with them at all times in spirit form. Love transcends death. Man's grief at the death of a loved one will be tempered if he accepts this truth about the nature of death. Grief is a normal human response to the loss of a loved one, but let your grief be lightened in the sure knowledge that the soul of the loved one has been received into glory by God and His angels and spirits and is surrounded by love greater than any he has ever known, for the strength of celestial love is beyond human imagining and it awaits all those who cross the threshold of death. Know that this is God's plan for man. This is God's word. Heed it.
In the fullness of time all answers will be given, all misunderstandings resolved, all yearnings satisfied. Man, having endured uncertainty, hardship, loneliness, and need, will find his joyous destiny and be gratified. Little will remain to try his soul.
I speak here of the end of mortal life and the start of eternal life. When man experiences this transition he knows instantly the inner peace that he has sought from the instant mortal life began. He achieves an awareness of the significance of each mortal act, each mortal relationship, each mortal experience. It is at all times a state of grace. It is at all times a time of renewal, of reexamination, of accountability.
Each soul making the transition from mortal life to life beyond is endowed with powers and capacities and awareness of all he should and must do. Each soul is given absolute choice about what it does. It is beyond human comprehension to know totally all that is involved in the passage from life to death to life, but it is enough for man to know that at all times and for all men this is an experience of joy and unending opportunity.
The soul come to God is aware of all he has and has not done in his mortal life to fulfill his compact, a compact willingly agreed to before birth. In most cases the soul may regret all he has failed to do in fulfillment of his life plan, but he is aware that failure is never final, that opportunities abound for him to succeed in his spiritual progress to oneness. Most souls eagerly accept the loving choices offered. Most souls are grateful for the love and support offered to them by spirits filled with caring and capacity. For some souls the process of death, judgment, and rebirth is swift and joyous; for a few it is slow and painful. But in all cases, the passage from death to life is a process of discovery, of renewal, of choices freely made and gratefully accepted.
Time, as earthly man knows it, is not of the same nature as heavenly time, and it is difficult to judge. What seems an instant on earth may be an eternity in heaven. The opposite is equally true. So man cannot in this life envision the span between earthly death and heavenly existence. For some souls the transition and adaptation is swift, for others less so, but let it be known that in all cases the end of human existence is marked by a joyous awareness of the intense love that permeates heavenly existence. The soul departed from this life has the choice of accepting this loving welcome or of rejecting. In the latter case, the soul may find progress to oneness slow and difficult, at times even painful, but the intensity of God's love does not permit any soul to ignore his destiny indefinitely, and in the end not a single soul born into human existence of his own choosing is permitted failure. Therein lies the miracle of birth and death, of the inevitability of oneness, of eternal joy.
Monday, 3/20/00 11:50PM - Lessons
Perfect as this life seems at times, it is but a reflection of the perfection to follow, a perfection beyond the human capacity to comprehend. Man knows occasional glimpses of glory in his human journey, and he is privileged in most cases to know the glory of human love and to know the joy of loving response. Yet, once again, this is simply a taste, a prelude to all he is destined to experience in eternal being.
It is no error or coincidence that the single unifying force in human existence is the universality of love, of the absolute need for love given and received that crosses all barriers, erases all differences, and that man knows from life's beginning to its very end. Love may take varying forms of expression in time and space, but the heart is a universal gift, and at all times, in all places it is the key to happiness.
Love cannot exist in a vacuum. Love must always be shared. Each day of human existence is lightened by the awareness of love shared. The heart mourns its absence. Its loss is devastating. It is incumbent upon man always to seek love, to offer love, and to treasure each loving relationship that blesses his life. This is an obligation that becomes a joy. It is a source of rich spiritual progress. No man who truly seeks is denied.
The path of love is the path to glory, to eternal fulfillment, to oneness.
Thursday, 3/23/00 11:10PM - Lessons
When man considers his life past, he all too often underestimates his true value, his total response to all that life has demanded of him. While it is true that most lives are not marked by remarkable achievement, it is equally true that remarkable achievement is not a demand of the soul in progress. Rather what is demanded for perfect progression is a loving response to all that life offers and demands and a full realization that when much is demanded much is required in response, but that there is equal value in a response adequate to smaller demands, to more ordinary requirements in life.
In all ways, the soul in progress should evaluate worth in terms of what is given and what is required in response. It is understandable that man may regard those powerful in status as superior. It is understandable that man may regard acts of bravery and heroism as beyond his life's capabilities. It is understandable that man may regard acts of charitable giving far beyond his resources as superior to all that he is able to contribute to his brother's welfare.
Yet in all of these assumptions there is error. Each man is judged independent of all others in his response to earthly demands. It is not a new concept in man's thinking to say that to those who are given much, much is demanded. The converse is equally true. All too often man forgets this truth and fails in his self assessment. While modesty is a desirable characteristic, it should not lead man away from an honest and dispassionate appreciation of his own worth.
It is important that man appreciate himself, for that is a vital aspect of love of self, the first of the divine demands. Thus armed with a new sense of self worth, man is capable of great achievement and capable as well of knowing his contribution to this achievement and all else that follows.
There is a basic honesty in man, an honesty which should be a source of satisfaction and pride, never more than when he judges himself.
Saturday, 11/21/98 11:19PM - Divine Nature
At the end of life man becomes aware of all that he has done in his life just past. For some this awareness begins before the end of mortal life, and in it man finds the start of the self judgment that is an inevitable part of the cycle of human existence. For some souls facing the inevitability of death this recognition of all he has done and not done during his lifetime brings a feeling of deep satisfaction, and he departs this world fully aware and prepared for all that awaits him on the heavenly plane.
For others this recollection is bittersweet, and the soul contemplating death finds pleasure in recalling the good he has done and regret for all he has failed to do in the name of love. The fortunate soul is granted time to speak of his failures to those he is soon to leave behind and to seek a loving forgiveness for omissions and errors. This brings peace to all. There are some who must wait patiently for the judgment after death to find release from remorse and promise of learning to come.
Death comes suddenly to some in this life, and these souls are not afforded the privilege of recognizing their successes or failures in this life before they leave this plane. This is to some a cause for regret. Yet they quickly become aware of their capacity to convey to those they left behind on earth the love that knows no end and to convey to those they have wronged the depth of their regret. There is salvation in this capacity for all souls, but in particular for those who have experienced sudden death. Souls departed from this life never stop loving those they loved in life. They never stop speaking of this love. They never stop caring.
Listen then and feel this loving communication with those taken by death. Ask and you will know this blessing. It is open to all souls.
Saturday, 5/13/00 11:13PM - Lessons
When the end of life comes, as it must to any man, the ending may be long and accepted and desired or it may be unexpected and abrupt. In either case the soul in progress newly released from travail rejoices in new found freedom and recognition of the path not taken perfectly. Yet in this new awareness of trial and error in the human existence, there is thankfulness of all the merit recognized and regret for all that was left undone in the interests of love shared.
Once man has strayed from the path he was meant to take, he finds himself vulnerable to all those forces, both earthly and spiritual, that seek to dissuade him in the progress he needs to progress in all sanctity. In the course of time, the jailer and the jailed become one in their need to escape from total isolation. Often the luckless soul is swept up in this sweep. Know always, dearest loves, that you have always the alternative of peaceful euphoria, of knowing of infinite power beyond human awareness, and in the end we know that perfection of love shared eternally, man's ultimate reward.
Thursday, 5/18/00 11:32PM - Lessons
Whatever man knows in his earthly life, he needs to be aware of its divine design. It is ultimate comfort for the soul in progress to know that all life offers to him in all its diversity is all he sought to know before entering his earthly experience. It is such a source of comfort when man is totally aware of his own mastery. It fills him with confidence when he realizes that each challenge is one of his own devising, that nothing that occurs in the span of his earthly voyage is foreign in its origin.
There is such complexity in this truth that full comprehension is far beyond human capacity to digest fully. Yet it is such a boon to man struggling with difficulty he deems beyond his control and his ability to control, to recognize in his soul that he has chosen this particular challenge and that he is fully able to cope and to triumph. There is in most men's minds a soul's residual memory of their divine compact and consequently an inborn awareness of their own capacity to deal with all the trials life presents.
When man fails, or at least fails in his own perception, he needs to remember that he is destined for ultimate victory in achieving the goal of eternal blessedness. He needs to remember that each earthly disappointment is as nothing, and that his benefit is to learn by misadventure and to know renewed confidence in this learning. Cumulative failure may succeed temporarily in diminishing man's confidence in himself, and indeed it may be that he will leave earthly life without knowing fully his own abilities to progress in all ways, but it is endless comfort to all those who regard themselves as inadequate when they pass the portal of death and recognize their own worthiness in the fullness of love that awaits all souls.
There is no failure for any man. Each soul in progress no matter the degree of disappointment or disillusionment in this life is a soul come to glory in the next.
Saturday, 1/23/99 11:25PM - Divine Nature
There is a time in each mortal life when full awareness comes of its finite nature. This awareness may be lingering or it may be instantaneous, a sudden revelation before life's termination. In all cases, man knows in his consideration of life's termination that what he has known of existence is but a part of the whole. He knows that he brought into this life a capacity for love which has found full expression, and he knows that he takes with him full awareness of the vitality and enduring nature of all the love he has engendered and enjoyed during the course of his earthly voyage.
There are those who would choose to dismiss such a concept as romantic nonsense, pure speculation based on the need to believe that love endures. Know, dear ones, that this is far from speculation, that love does indeed endure, that it is a quality and a capacity born in the soul of all men and that it is not only the most significant gift in earthly life but that it endures eternally.
Love exists in many manifestations, all of them worthy and nourishing, and man in planning his life is free to choose among the many incarnations possible, but the single absolute in each life contemplated is that love be central in meaning and practice and that the soul come to human existence knows always that love is the center of all existence and that no matter the nature of this love it is to be welcomed and shared.
It is difficult at times for the world to live steadfastly in the way man is meant to go. It is not easy always to respond to life's rebuffs and rejections. Indeed man at times finds it difficult to believe that life offers infinite opportunity to live in love. Under such circumstances the challenge becomes that of recognizing love in its many aspects, of seeking to appreciate each opportunity to offer love to those in need and to respond always to the words and deeds of love even when they are difficult to appreciate.
The true blessing offered to all those who seek to live in compliance with all that is demanded of them is the awareness that never are they denied further opportunity to live life as they promised to do. They are permitted error and omission, and they are fully assured that if one life does not provide opportunity for correction, then another will be afforded.
Man need never feel limited in his opportunity to achieve perfection. His need only is to be assured that he cannot fall short of his divine goal.
Monday, 3/22/99 11:54PM - Divine Nature
It is rarely that man experiencing human existence fails completely in his learning.
There are times when the soul come to earth brings with it simple needs, easily achieved, to progress. There are other souls who come with a long list of necessary achievements, each one chosen and agreed to in full faith of total accomplishment. In each case the soul come to earth is totally capable of success, though the more difficult the challenge, the more demanding the life. It is true that man's capacities are at all time adequate, but it is equally true that man at times fails to live up to his capabilities for a variety of reasons and falls short of his life's goals. Sometimes man is aware of failure in this life. Sometimes he must wait until the gentle reckoning that awaits him after human death.
In all cases, man is insured of total acceptance of all he does and does not do in a single life, for it is part of the divine plan that the soul come to earthly existence of its own will, know infinite tolerance and infinite opportunity to succeed in its seeking. All roads lead to oneness with the divine nature, and all men find the right path eventually.
The soul at all times achieves a patient understanding of all that is required to reach perfection, and there is never unwillingness or hesitation in pursing this ultimate goal. Joy fills all hearts on the way to oneness. There is no doubt, no hesitation, no unwillingness in this pursuit, and at all times there is full faith that progress to perfect love perfectly shared is the path all souls take in perfect acceptance and love.
Saturday, 5/29/99 11:59PM - Divine Nature
In the fullness of time the least aware of those who seek to know wisdom will be fully enlightened. In the fullness of time those most deprived will know fullness of purpose and exultation in all ways. There will be such a joyful reckoning embraced by all souls and welcomed universally.
This will not be the individual judgment of each soul newly arrived from death's portal. Rather this will be a general convening of all those who seek to attain the perfect belonging that is the purview of those who have achieved in their earthly lives or in their heavenly striving the true dedication that distinguishes them and marks them as ready for divine acceptance into the heavenly body known as the Godhead.
It is no easy task to achieve perfection. It is not in any way a brief endeavor. It is not in any way a guaranteed result of human striving. Rather the achievement of perfection demands a steady effort, an absolute affirmation of the rightness of a life lived in love in all ways, in each deed, thought, and emotion. It is a life idealized by many, achieved by many others, ridiculed by a few, the source of great satisfaction for most.
No life offers a path from start to finish without trial and temptation. No life offers total awareness of the reason and rightness of all that life demands. Yet in most cases man accepts gladly all that is asked of him, accepts without understanding but with full faith that he is capable of meeting the demands of the life he has chosen.
Full enlightenment may be reserved until the moment that the soul surrenders its earthly journey and enters a new life, but man has the capacity at each juncture of earthly existence to evaluate and to judge the extent to which his life has been successful in the ways that his divine nature demands and has always demanded.
Thus man gains awareness and in this awareness wisdom.
Sunday, 6/6/99 11:33PM - Divine Nature
From the instant that life begins, man acts out a scenario long in the making. In the time between death and rebirth wondrous experiences and awarenesses are afforded the soul in progress in the pause that follows the end of earthly existence. He arrives at heaven's gate in all ways needy. He is welcomed and afforded love beyond all he has ever experienced. He knows immediately that he has entered a state of grace which he has known before, and all his fears leave him instantly. He is quick to rejoice in his new home and quick to respond to the warmth of his welcome.
To his astonishment he sees and recognizes souls from his past journey and from journeys before that, and he is overwhelmed by this power new to him. He begins the journey into a new world fortified by his own self awareness and infinitely enriched by the love that is offered to him. There is no end to the glory he knows and no end to the awareness he quickly perceives of all he has known in his life just past and in the total cycle of life eternal that is his. There is no hunger. There is no lack. There is completion. There is an awareness of new need and total acceptance of its rightness.
No man should fear this transition to a world of glory beyond belief. It awaits all souls, the strong and the weak, the whole and the maimed, the willing and the unwilling. There is no denial of worth. There is no rejection. There is always hope. There is always certainty of success, of attaining the goal of all souls since time began, the total fulfillment of oneness, true divine belonging, the perfection that is the be all and end all.
Monday, 6/21/99 11:42PM - Divine Nature
It is of the utmost importance that in the midst of the struggles and deprivations that mark human life, man reflects the glory of his origin. It is significant that under the most desolating of experiences, under the most trying of challenges, there remains in the heart of man a divine awareness of his importance in the drama that is human life.
In his modesty, man does not aspire to divinity. Yet he senses a link to the divine nature of his being. He knows in his heart and in his soul that he is not alone in this world, that beyond the joyous relationships of family and friends he is enriched by a sense of belonging to the unseen and to forces beyond his capacity to grasp.
Man is blessed in the strength that this feeling of belonging to a whole greater that its parts gives to him. He knows without being told that no matter how solitary his existence, no matter how friendless he may at times find himself, he is never without the sustenance that is his from birth to death, the inner nourishment that lends support and direction to a life chosen in faith complete.
It is joy indeed when man completes his earthly journey satisfied in all ways that he has done well in fulfilling all promises. It is further joy when he knows the full rewards of having learned well all that was needful in earthly life to reach the perfection of love given and received that admits him to the holy company of the Godhead. There is no further striving. All is complete.
Tuesday, 6/29/99 11:50PM - Divine Nature
Man knows such triumph when he looks back on a life lived in love and trust. Even if he has not succeeded fully in learning the lessons of love, he rejoices in progress and is buoyed in the awareness that further opportunities lie ahead and that he is destined for full success in the achievement of perfect love. It matters not how long it takes. It matters not how difficult the journey. At the end lies oneness.
For some, retrospection is more difficult. Not all men succeed even in great measure in fulfilling promises made and learning that to live in love is the ultimate achievement. They forget to listen to their hearts and surrender to the lure of pleasures earned at the expense of others. They slip into thoughtlessness and insensitivity and stray far from the path of goodness and grace.
Some are fortunate to recognize error before their earthly journeys end, but some do not know this advantage and pass beyond human life into the heavenly plane where they quickly learn the meaning of accountability. They look back upon their lives just past and with new awareness regret values corrupted, cruelties both of commission and omission that marred their lives, of hurts inflicted both intentionally and unintentionally. With eyes open for the first time, they see themselves as fallible and responsible for their grievous errors. They rue opportunities lost and love ignored, but with hope in their hearts they recognize the necessity of further learning and eagerly embrace all that is offered to them in loving guidance. Even the blackest heart recognizes the love that is bound to transform him and faces the future with new hope.
No matter the course of human life, man knows in eternity his essential goodness. He is grateful that he is never denied opportunity to progress to perfection.
Thursday, 7/15/99 10:45PM - Divine Nature
In the general reckoning that comes at the end of each mortal life, the soul newly departed from earth finds consolation, joy, and promise. It is his privilege to review his life just past with absolute truth and with full awareness of all he has done for good or for bad each and every minute of his earthly existence. This remembering is shared by those holy beings who seek to nurture and to encourage, and they lend strength to the soul centrally involved.
It is not an easy task for the soul to look back in total honesty to a life of which he is not proud. It is difficult to admit the degree of failure and unawareness that marked and distorted his earthly existence. It is painful to admit the extent to which he has failed in promise keeping, in seeking to learn all that he deemed necessary before entering life.
In all of this recall and regret, the examining soul is aided and encouraged by the overwhelming love he knows. He finds himself readily forgiven for transgression and imbued with hope and determination to succeed more fully in the achievement of perfect love. He is aided in all ways as he goes about determining the future actions he must take and the experiences he must expect in order to progress.
Failure is to some extent held as learning, for the soul newly aware of what he has failed to do and to learn is strengthened in his awareness of what he must do next and in his resolve to succeed.
For all souls comes the reckoning that is pure joy, when the soul come to judgment looks back upon all his experiences and knows that he has truly learned the lessons of love. This certainty must come from within, but it is a source of overwhelming joy to all those spirits who welcome him into their holy company and rejoice with him that his earthly striving is at an end.
This is the divine promise, and all souls come to eternal life know its perfection. This is Godliness.
Friday, 7/16/99 11:49PM - Divine Nature
Magnificent as man is in his earthly endeavors, he is but a pale reflection of his soul come to full glory in the perfection of love given and received, shared perfectly and unconditionally, and totally aware of its divine identity.
There is no way for man to comprehend completely the nature of the blessedness that awaits him at the end of his striving. There are glimpses granted to rare souls for the specific purpose of imparting to all men the glory of their destiny. Yet these glimpses are just that, a small part of the whole.
All men strive to understand the nature of eternal life and to envision its attributes. This aspiration is one that man in his earthly life is incapable of realizing. Heavenly existence cannot be described in human terms. Man has been told that love is the supreme reality in heaven, and that is indeed the absolute and ultimate truth. He has been told that all those heavenly bodies who abide on the heavenly plane labor in love to aid all souls struggling to achieve perfection. This too is truth.
You have been told that there is inherent in the granting of free will to all souls a struggle between strength and weakness, between faithfulness and infidelity, between the forces of good and evil. This too is true, but history has somewhat distorted the nature of the struggle for man's soul, this constant conflict.
Man can and does grasp much of these revealed truths, and yet his perception of all that lies beyond the passage from earthly life to eternal life is of necessity severely limited. The human mind is simply incapable of envisioning the details of heavenly existence, of encompassing the celestial mind.
Man should not regret this limitation. All wisdom and all awareness await his entry into the world of the spirit. No man will be denied full knowledge of all he yearns to know. No soul will be unsatisfied in any way. There is great joy for all in this enlightenment, most of all for the soul that has waited patiently for so long.
Thursday, 9/2/99 11:47PM - Divine Nature
It is incumbent upon all men to know the full wonder of their existence, to be aware of a miraculous beginning and an equally miraculous ending. The world is aware of the joy inherent in the miracle of birth, of the absolute wonder of creation that it represents. The world is less responsive to the miracle of death. There is no certainty that death is any more than an ending of the life created at birth, a total closure.
It is part of the human compact that the soul come to earthly experience has no knowledge of its previous existence and the existence that awaits after the end of the human journey. This is a mystery that evades certainty in human life, yet man is gifted in many ways with glimpses of the eternal nature of the soul which resides in all men. There are gifted individuals who are capable of very direct communication with those who have left human life and who long to communicate their love to those they left behind. Each man has this capacity, though perhaps in not so developed a way, but the soul truly desirous of communication can achieve this goal.
In all ways man in his human journey should be assured that the single life he lives is not all of existence and that the love he brought to the world at birth and knew during his life will accompany him to his next existence and will be shared profoundly and universally. This is a promise absolute and should serve as great comfort to all who seek to know the assurance of infinite being. Man is created beloved of his Maker and designed to know eternal love.
Wednesday, 5/26/99 11:55PM - Divine Nature
By the end of human life, man is ready in all ways to move on. I speak here even of death that seems in all ways premature, a cruel cutting off of life, an untimely end to promise. I speak here too of sudden death, death in no way anticipated, in no way prepared for, either for the soul in progress or for those who are bereaved. I speak finally of those whose lives have been both challenging and fulfilling and who have known full enjoyment of the years allotted them and approach death as a fitting ending to a life well lived.
I speak, then, of extremes, of life lived briefly and of life lived in longevity. I speak of death sudden and of death long anticipated, in some cases yearned for. I speak of the universal nature of death, a gift as surely as birth is a gift, for they are as one, birth and death, separated only by a time variable but in all cases infinitesimal in the full span of eternity.
Death then comes as both an inevitable occurrence and as a friend, a gateway between worlds difficult to envision, a true transition to bliss unimaginable. Few are the difficulties connected with the transition from earthly to heavenly existence and even these few are transitory and insignificant. All souls are joined with their brothers and all souls rejoice in this reunion.
Death then is to be joyfully welcomed by those chosen to embrace its promise. There should be no hostility, no reluctance, no fear, but rather a conscious awareness of the divine purpose of life and the infinite promise of life to come.
Rejoice therefore when death makes your acquaintance and know that all who are chosen are privileged.
© 2010 Cornelia Silke dba New Light Publishing