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The New Age of Love and Peace
The Divine Plan
Little more need be said about man's behavior toward his brothers. In all places at all times he must speak and act in love and must be aware that this obligation supersedes all others at all times in all places. Man should strive to so implant love in his heart that it is pure instinct to act in love, to speak in love. All his being should be animated by love.
I have spoken earlier of the rewards of a life of love, both on earth and in heaven. There is no greater reward than to live and die in the full awareness of that love. There is no greater reward than the sure knowledge that in your earthly life you are progressing toward oneness with God, the ultimate destiny of all souls.
Know this, then, that all human lives are trials. The most fortunate of men is as surely being tried as the lowliest, most desolate. The man who lives for a century is as surely being tried as the child who dies in infancy. For all things there is a reason. In all things man is charged with the responsibility of meeting his contract with God, a contract freely agreed upon before birth. This is not a game God plays. There is no frivolity or capriciousness in God's governance of man's earthly existence. For all things there is a reason in heaven. At all times there is a divine plan, but in all of this, man is capable of error, of misdirection, of folly, of ignorance, of evil deeds. This is the nature of his earthly existence and the nature of the free will which exists on both the earthly and the heavenly planes, but it is equally the nature of the soul to seek perfection, and in his earthly life man must work for this perfection, sometimes against odds seemingly insurmountable, but man is born each life with the capacity to do as he has agreed with God, to live the life of his choosing and to progress toward spiritual perfection.
It is not within man's capacity to judge another's progress or perfection. This is a matter between God and the soul. Man must be a judge solely of his own spiritual progress in his earthly life and of the need to hear the voice of God and to heed that voice, for the voice of God is there for all who will listen. I have defined holiness as a seeking after God; that is all -- a seeking. And if man leads a holy life, a life of seeking God, he will find Him. He will find him in love----love of self, love of his brother, and love of God above all. And having found God in love, he need do no more. His life will bring him joy. His death will bring him joy. All the heavens will resound with praise of this man of God, this child of God, who in his earthly life learned the lessons of love and who will join the spirits in heaven in celestial love for all of God's creatures and for God Himself.
This is God's word. Listen well and ponder on all I have said in these pages. The dawn of the New Age of Love and Peace is here. Let all men see the light. Let all men embrace their brother in love, and let all men's actions be guided and motivated by this love. Let the joy of love exist in every heart and let man sing the praises of love. Let no man cower in fear. Love drives out fear. Let no man know loneliness. Love drives out loneliness. Let no man live in need. Love satisfies need. Let no man live in ignorance of love. All men must know love, the giving and the receiving, and all men must know the love of God in their hearts. Love is man's destiny. The perfect love he seeks to find will be his in the end. Seek it now in this New Age of Love and Peace. This is God's wish for man. This is the word of God.
The New Age of Love and Peace - The Divine planMartin's Original Writings
© 2010 Cornelia Silke dba New Light Publishing