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Let love transform the world.
I speak now of the day to come when all men will be joined in brotherhood.
There will be an end to strife and discord. There will be new understanding in the hearts of all men of their absolute need for each other in love and in tolerance. There will be endless acceptance without condition of the worth of all those who coexist with them.
How, you ask, will this happen? How will disparate beliefs find reconciliation and acceptance? What will motivate man to radical changes in attitudes and actions? When will all this occur?
Not all answers are readily given. Not all answers are readily understandable. It is enough to say that the world will be transformed by wonders that will not permit dismissal. The world will be one in wonder and astonishment at all that flies in the face of natural law. It will be clear to all mankind that God has spoken and that His love demands response. All those who observe and feel these wondrous happenings will rejoice in the enlightenment offered and long held prejudices will fade as if magically. Brother will embrace brother in new found understanding of the overwhelming need for love that knows no barriers, that is freely given and gratefully received. There will be jubilation in the air, and in the hearts of all mankind newborn faith and love of all those sharing this earthly home.
We will be glad, my scribe, at this transformation. Love will replace hatred. Acceptance will replace rejection. Tolerance will replace intolerance. Understanding will replace ignorance. Godliness will know true meaning in love universally and unconditionally shared.
This glory is not far off.
Tuesday, 9/28/99 11:55PM - Divine Nature of Man
In the beginning of time as man took form in the mind of God, he was conceived in love, nurtured in love, cherished in love, and was from the very start destined to bring to the world the message of love in its purest form. This pure love made of man a representation of the divine. It was breathed into each soul as a manifestation of its wondrous link with all heavenly power. It was meant to be at all times a source of strength and inspiration.
Breathed as well into the soul of man was the divine privilege of free will, the godlike capacity to choose at all times the ways he chose to live. Implicit in this power was its danger, for man recognized temptation by earthly pleasure from his very beginnings. Indeed earthly pleasure was a gift of God from the very origin of the universe. Man was meant to enjoy all the pleasures of human existence and to enjoy these pleasures in a spirit of infinite love and infinite sharing and total brotherhood, at all times the absolute necessity.
It was not long before this gift of free will was exercised in a spirit of selfishness and narrow accomplishment. The godliness of man come to earth was lost in the confusion and deprivation created by the selfishness man knew in his alienation from the path of love and caring. The chaos created by such infidelity was predictably disastrous and disconcerting. The idyllic existence man first knew was destroyed, and the peace that was meant to live in every heart came to an end in strife and recrimination.
Though most souls remembered with gratitude and faithfulness their obligation to live in love and to make of the earth a holy place, all too many surrendered to the wiles of temptation to improve their lots by imposing their will and victimizing their brothers. The world has suffered since at the hands of those misled souls. Violence has achieved a following. Mistrust has destroyed the bonds of love and caring. From generation to generation strife has found its gratification without ever achieving truth. The world aches for solutions.
These solutions will be found. They will be found in the hearts and the actions of the great majority of God's children, those sometimes silent souls who know that the only path is the path of love if one is to know true happiness and who know that they teach by example and learn by example. The time will come when those blessed souls speak in a voice that cannot be ignored, cannot be silenced.
The world will see in this outpouring of faith and love a solution to the problems that have plagued man for centuries. The pureness of the message will be irresistible, and slowly, inexorably, all those blessed souls seeking holiness will not only listen and heed but will find it their destiny to share all that their hearts tell them of divine love divinely shared, man's answer to all his needs.
Sunday, 5/30/99 11:27PM - Divine Nature of Man
In the fullness of time much will occur to bring to this world a sense of order, an awareness of the perfection that is not only possible but attainable.
There is much that must be done by man to insure this perfection. He must, first of all, abandon aggression. He must recognize that his brother is in and of himself. He must know that all of mankind is united in a single endeavor, and it matters not at all the degree of separation, be it in time, in distance, in class, or ethnicity. What matters is a common origin, a communality as total as truth. No man is born a stranger. No man can exist alone. No man can thrive without the warmth and support that brotherhood offers and demands. When man comes to full awareness of his divine identity with all those who share human life he will have taken the first step to perfection.
Ask yourself why this is such a difficult first step. Ask yourself how it will be possible to cast aside generations of prejudice and unfairness, imagined wrongs, hatreds inherited in ignorance, fears fostered by this same ignorance. The answer is that all men must learn to listen to the voices of reason that speak of peace and understanding. All men must look at the world they have inherited and to some extent created and know the wastefulness involved in discord and conflict. They must become freshly aware of the avenues that will take them to an era of acceptance and understanding, of loving behavior and respect for all those whose lives are intertwined with theirs.
This is a road that all men will one day willingly take in full awareness of its value. It remains for man to ensure this future progress by acts of love and affirmation and acceptance, and to join with his brothers in lands near and far in speaking of love given and received in voices too loud and too persistent to be denied.
Thus the world will be transformed.
Martin’s Original Writings
God in His wisdom sees the plight of man today, and in His mercy sends His love and His power to help. Throughout the world humans of all ages, all colors, all creeds are hearing the voice of God telling them that the path to peace is through love and through love only, and that this love must live in the heart at all times. It does not know fear. It does not know intolerance. It does not harbor violence in any form. Peace begins with man's kindness to man in the name of love. There is no other path to peace. Governments cannot achieve peace if love does not exist in the hearts and actions of their people. Love must come as a mighty wave sweeping across continents, moving all in its path, to an era when love is the motivating force for all men, when their actions are true reflections of the love in their hearts. To know how to love is the ultimate achievement. God is waiting for man to learn this. When he does he need do nothing else. All else will follow.
Martin’s Original Writings
In each generation there have been men of peace, but their voices have been lost in the clamor of conflict. If mankind pursues its present course it will destroy itself. The answer lies in a revolution in man's heart. It is time for the individual citizen to rise up and demand to be heard, to demand that his leaders listen to his pleas for peace. That peace must be based on the revolution in the heart that makes love the motivating force in all endeavors in the world of man. There have been peaceful revolutions in the past which have effectively changed the leadership and conduct of individual nations. Now is the time for a peaceful revolution throughout the world. Cast down your arms and embrace your former enemy. Ask each other to understand the empty nature of the enmity which existed between you, and understand its insignificance compared with the promise of peace based on love and understanding. Ask each other for love and understanding, and then give it freely each to the other.
As man moves, so moves the nation. As the nation moves, so moves the world. Man must cease following blindly the old way of problem solving through conflict which simply exacerbates the problem, and instead embrace the new way of problem solving through love. This revolution must start in the family, spread throughout the community and the nation, and finally become the ruling power in the world. Love is the answer. It has always been the answer. It always will be the answer. It is God's way. If love rules man's heart it will rule the nation and the world, and when love rules the world there will be perpetual peace. Man will thrive in the age of Love and Peace. Man will embrace his fellow man in a spirit of love without bounds, in a generosity that has no limits, in a fellowship of giving and receiving freely the bounty of this earth, in a total oneness with each other and with God. This is God's wish for man.
Tuesday, 10/6/98 4:10PM - Divine Nature of Man
In each life there is plan and pattern, not always clear either to the soul in question or to those bound to him in earthly ties. Each life, regardless of its length or brevity, serves a divine purpose.
It is hard for man to envision a divine purpose in a world so full of conflicts and hatreds, a world in which all too often life is valued lightly if at all. It is hard to imagine that the massacre of innocents is part of a divine plan. Yet if one is reminded that this life is but a single step in the succession of lives necessary to spiritual development, then each of these innocents becomes a soul to be envied, a soul early released to glory and new learning.
Violence is not part of God's plan. Violence stems from the free will of man when he strays from the path of goodness and love and surrenders to base instincts and forgets completely what he owes to his fellow man in compassion and caring. In the scheme of things, those who sink to the foulest of human behavior are a small minority, an infinitesimal part of the whole. They are profoundly outnumbered by those who live lives of love and giving and who seek always to live peaceably.
Among men there are an infinite number of gradations between those who seem totally possessed by greed and cruelty who have lost completely their inborn capacity for love, and those who live flawless lives, at all times unselfishly responsive in love. At all times those whom we would consider between these two extremes are both capable and often desirous of leading better lives and achieving spiritual awareness. In all these cases, man needs to be aware that he is at all times guided and loved by his angel teacher, a spirit of love and light who accompanied him to begin his earthly journey and who will depart this world when he does. He has only to know this glorious presence to gain strength. He has only to listen and to know words of love. He has only to open his heart.
Beyond this life lies infinite learning. Man all too often is complacent in his belief that a single life is all that is his destiny. He permits himself to believe that what he knows in earthly existence is all he needs to know, all there is to know. He looks into his mind and fails to look into his soul.
It is difficult, though not impossible, to imagine a world in which each and every man, woman, and child, brings to existence awareness of the true nature of the earthly experience, a world in which all souls live each day in full awareness that their journey through life is but an episode in total existence. In this world man's awareness of the search for perfection would be paramount, the supreme motivation in each human life.
What would be the result of this awareness, you ask. Indeed, the question demands response. This world would be without conflict. Man, aware of the ephemeral nature of life, would cease striving for temporal power knowing that this power itself is ephemeral and not worth the cost. Man, freed from the need to achieve superiority over his brother, would be free to love those who depend upon his strength and to freely surrender superiority for brotherhood. In this world love would so dominate existence that conflict would be unthinkable, totally undesirable in all ways to all people.
The day is coming when this world will be realized. The first steps have been taken. The rest is soon to come.
There are many things that need to be revealed to man. Chief among them is the absolute need for tolerance. There is little acceptance of this absolute necessity in many parts of the world today. All about you you see the ravages that intolerance produces. You see brother set against brother in the name of patriotism or religious fervor. Both are destructive when combined with a failure to accept the beliefs of others as valid and permissible.
It behooves man to take steps to correct this error. First, he must look into his own heart. It is easy to overlook this character flaw in oneself. It is simple to accept without thinking prejudices which are so inborn as to seem natural and based on fact. It is easy to become so self satisfied that the errors of judgment become a matter of habit. There is great need for each individual to examine his beliefs closely and to discard those which are prejudicial in any way. Beyond this he must guard against any action which reflects intolerance. His words must reflect acceptance of all those beliefs which differ from his own. Finally, the individual must at all times seek to curb intolerance in those about him. He must seek to persuade others of the destructive effect of such intolerance. He must by his example lead others into an awareness of the absolute necessity of acceptance of the beliefs and customs of others, no matter how different or even repugnant they seem to him.
Those in authority have an even greater responsibility, one which is all too often neglected and ignored. Those in a position to command the respect of others should at all times be aware of their power and use it for the common good. In all cases the common good is served by an open hearted acceptance of all God's creatures and of all the differences which may exist among them. Never should a leader attempt to bolster his popularity or his power by appealing to the baser instincts among his followers. All too often this temptation proves irresistible. It is all too easy to appeal to prejudice, to flatter and cajole by telling men that they are superior to their brothers and neighbors and that therefore their superiority entitles them to intolerance. Man, by nature seeks security, and all to often finds it in the kinds of superiority that breed intolerance.
In all areas of the world today intolerance exacts its price. In all areas of life man must as an individual change this emotional crippling. Governments and religious organizations must recognize the dangers inherent in intolerance. A look at the past is convincing. A look at the present is convincing. Let man assure himself and generations to follow that a look to the future demands a world free of the corrosive influence of intolerance.
Saturday, 10/24/98 1:10AM EST - Divine Nature of Man
There is by design and by reason, infinite diversity in the human spectrum. Over the eons man has emerged in diverse parts of the globe, in diverse convictions, in varied talents and inclinations, in poverty and in wealth among nations, in rivalry and in cooperation, until we have come to a point where it is hard at times to assess the communality that all souls share.
Only in this diversity does man encounter confusion and at times animosity. All too often the foreign is suspect. The strange becomes threatening to the familiar. All too often in his insecurity man embraces that which is in no way threatening in favor of that which reinforces his sense of security. In its most extreme form, man is suspicious of his brother when his brother in any way departs from what he calls the norm.
Nations becomes so obsessed with security that nation is pitted against nation, most often without cause, but once the flame of animosity is lit, it is fed by fear. Even within a largely homogeneous society, man becomes fearful of those who are different from himself, be the difference race, religion, economic status, or sexual orientation. Often this suspicion and animosity finds expression in violence and open hostility, and the differences widen with no basis in fact. Man is at all times a child of God. No matter how far astray he goes he retains this divine relationship.
The oppressed are in a sense the most favored of God's children when man acts in rage and animosity against his brother, for they are the aggrieved and in their patient acceptance they reap spiritual riches. This is not to say that there should not be constant striving for justice, for total reconciliation among men regardless of their differences whether these differences be physical, ethnic, religious, or nationalistic.
There must in the coming years, as there have been in the past, be voices that speak clearly against injustice of all sorts, but it is essential these protesting voices be voices of love, voices that seek to end hatred with love given and received. This is the path to peace and justice, the path all men must eventually acknowledge as the only true way.
This is My word.
Friday, 11/20/98 11:12PM - Divine Nature of Man
It is the pride of man to provide loving care for those dependent upon him in this life. In giving he finds joy always. It matters little the richness or poorness of his resources. It matters that he gives all he can. Deprive man of his capacity to give and you deprive him of joy.
This inborn desire to share is one more proof of man's divinity. It marks him as one of God's children come to earth to display the gifts he has received and to share them by example. Those who benefit from this giving recognize in it the promptings of love and they are thereby enriched. Encouraged and inspired by example they seek in turn to share with others whatever resources they enjoy.
The magnitude of the gift given in love is not significant. The magnitude of the generous impulse is. The most deprived of humans in material goods still has much to share. The soul is enriched by the gift of love in whatever form it takes. A kind gesture is a gift that brings joy to both the giver and to the receiver. A word spoken in love and praise is a gift to be treasured, and the hearts of both giver and receiver are warmed. The gift of giving is one which man learns to cherish, and once this giving becomes habitual it enriches life immeasurably.
The world is transformed by those generous souls who find it within themselves to share all that has been given to them in this life and to know that inner voice that speaks its praise of each loving gesture. Indeed the generous soul is a soul doubly blessed. There is no end to his goodness. He knows inner peace and infinite gratitude.
Monday, 11/23/98 11:35PM - Divine Nature of Man
In the annals of time man has known many eras when he came close to awareness of the true meaning of life, of his divine mission to progress to oneness. During those blessed times the earth has known peace, and earnest striving to do good and to know the brotherhood of man in peace and comfort has marked man's behavior. Love prevailed above all other emotions and God was well pleased.
Into this idyllic world at each juncture has come discord and disaffection, and man has had to struggle to retain his identity as one of God's children and to do all that seemed to him right and good in the face of all adversity. During these times of trial and disaffection man continued to strive to maintain his close relationship with the power he knew to be divine and to assert at all times his fidelity. He lived in love in the most difficult of circumstances and in this life of love he found peace when all about him was marked by chaos and fear.
Man today is in much the same situation. Although there are still havens of love and perfect brotherhood in today's world, much of what man experiences is a challenge to those godlike qualities. He is assaulted by violence and injustice. He must constantly strive to assert his belief in right and goodness. He finds the world increasingly alien to all he holds dear. In his goodness, man triumphs over a world gone astray, a world lost to the love it once knew, and in his triumph he finds the joy that only the godly know fully.
The world is a challenge to all men in its present state. The needs to be met are overwhelming, and those blessed souls who seek to meet these needs never find surcease. Rather the harder they labor there seems to be more that needs to be done. Yet they never waver in their devotion, in their full faith that they are meeting the needs of others in a way that satisfies their own needs. This true expression of love given and received has no equal. They are blessed souls.
Thursday, 12/10/98 11:34PM - Divine Nature of Man
It is pleasing to man when he knows both the fullness of love in this life and the fullness of love he knows in his divine belonging.
It is sometimes difficult for the soul bound to earth to have full awareness of his divine origin and of his divine identity as man. There are institutions devoted to remind man of this divine connection, and in many ways they serve him well. They offer reassurance of all that his heart tells him is true. They assure him that he is a child of God, destined to know greatness and perfection in the light of the divine presence. To this extent, he is well served. This teaching serves man in persuading him of his own worth, of the infinite love that is his from a God whose sole concern is his welfare. It serves to remind him that no matter how difficult the journey through life, its end is a glorious justification.
Those who so guide and encourage man are indeed blessed. Among those blessed souls are some who exceed the limits of their mission. They go beyond assuring man of his worth, of his divine nature, of his inevitable progression to heavenly joy, and they add to this teaching, strictures which have no reasonable relationship to the purity of the basic lesson of love.
Each of these strictures has the predictable result of alienation -- man against man, group against group, leader against leader -- and of creating within the community of those who call themselves guardians and nourishers of man's soul divisiveness and conflict. God is not pleased with this divisiveness. He deplores the struggles for control over the souls of those struggling through life's challenges. He counts each man blessed who reaches the end of his mortal journey who has not only learned to live in love but who has spurned the seduction of sectarian divisiveness.
Not all those who purport to speak for God speak truly. Listen for the spokesman who asks only that you love without reserve, that you rejoice in giving, that you are grateful for receiving, that you hear always the divine voice praising you for embracing your brother in the perfection of love that finds constant expression in thought, word, and deed. No more is required.
Friday, 3/5/99 11:30PM - Divine Nature of Man
Man always seeks justice. Under all circumstances he is led to a need to know truth, and in this seeking he finds himself often a judge. He encounters conflict and he seeks to resolve this conflict in the interests of justice. He tries to learn truth on which to base his decision and to persuade the conflicting parties of the rightness of all he has concluded. He seeks to uncover truth in the hearts of those competing souls and to bring them to a state of acceptance and reconciliation. He calls his effort a search for justice, and in this he speaks truly.
Justice is often distorted by prejudice, by partiality, by dishonesty, and yet justice perseveres in the face of all challenge. Justice is not always served well by man. All too often he is intent on victory in conflict and uncaring about the merits of his claim. He is willing to twist truths to his own ends and in the ensuing confusion justice is temporarily ill served.
Rarely is imbalance in the scales of justice not recognized and corrected, but often this process is protracted and painful. In the interim all those injured by earlier miscarriage of justice are called upon to be infinitely patient in their efforts to redress this imbalance.
In the end, no matter how long it takes, man's insistence upon justice becomes a causative factor in redressing wrongs. It buoys the human spirit when the call for justice is clearly heard and heeded.
There is a sweetness in the word -- justice.
Tuesday, 4/13/99 11:55PM - Divine Nature of Man
In the history of man's adventures on planet earth, he has known many eras of upheaval and destruction. Yet always man survives to begin another era and to try to bring to the world the peace that all mankind so fervently desires.
In all of the turmoil that man experiences in time of cruelty and oppression, of brother striking out against brother, there remains a thread of awareness that peace is the goal of all thinking men, that no matter the prizes of victory, the price is too high. And so enemies are reconciled. They forget, perhaps all too quickly, the differences that led them to conflict and they rest secure in the achievement of peace.
Still, this peace is forever precarious, for it is in the nature of man to be so seduced by power and greed, to be led into a false sense of security, that tensions build, that minds are set, that awareness of brotherly love and equality wither away and the world finds itself once more in conflict.
What can explain this perversion, this rejection of peace, this embracing of strife? Always the answer lies in the overwhelming power of a few, leaders who foment hatred and whose concern for the value of human life does not extend beyond themselves. They appeal to the baser instincts of their followers. They exploit weakness and want. They promise elusive glory. They preach superiority and seduce those anxious to believe others inferior and thereby unworthy.
In all of this foment, the great majority of souls come to earth are victims, swayed by false visions urged upon them by their leaders. Yet they are not fully persuaded of all they are taught to believe. Within their souls they feel a sense of error when they reject their brothers and embrace violent rejection of those they call the enemy.
In time, there is a victor in each of these power struggles and there is one who is in all outward ways the loser. Yet when one examines conflict and its resolution, it is often difficult to distinguish between the winner and the loser. The glory of victory is short lived and equally short lived is the humiliation of defeat. In the course of time former enemies find themselves friends and, inevitably, new tears in the fabric of society appear and incipient conflict creates new opposition among those sharing planet earth and the cycle of conflict, struggle, and resolution is once again begun.
There is such pity in this human weakness, this willingness man knows to feel disaffection, to reject his brother, and to excuse himself for doing so.
The day is coming when man will be fully aware of the folly of conflict, when he will see within himself a capacity for peaceful reconciliation that will transform all of existence. The time is soon.
Friday, 4/23/99 10:30PM - Divine Nature of Man
In the long history of man on earth there has been infinite speculation about his origins and his purpose in this life.
Let it be known that man springs from the will of God, divine in his conception, perfect in his capacities, willful in his freedom, and at all times divinely linked to his origins. There have been many epochs in the history of mankind when the soul come to life has largely forgotten his divine origins, has surrendered to the temptations of material pleasure, and has abused the free will that separates him from all other earthly creatures. In these epochs of strife and inhumanity, the divine spark has been maintained by those blessed souls who held fast to their faith in the divine mandate to love above all else.
When the clouds of discord disappear, the pure of heart inherit earthly responsibility and work resolutely to establish an earthly regime where love prevails and peace lives in the hearts of all men. All too soon this peace is corrupted once again, and those who have been seduced by promise of earthly rewards overwhelm their saintly brothers and destroy the peaceful world that does not serve their purposes.
It takes little examination of human history to discern these cycles of war and peace, of discord and conciliation, and to realize the absolute need for all souls come to earth to unite in a constant effort to restore the planet earth to its pristine condition, to eliminate the lovelessness that leads to strife, and to persuade all men that the only path to happiness in this life is the path of love entire.
Friday, 5/7/99 1:30AM - Divine Nature of Man
In the fullness of time all men will know full awareness of the complexity and completeness of the human experience. There will be no unanswered questions, no doubts unresolved, no hesitance in believing in the completeness of all that man knows. There will be wondrous revelation, and no question will remain to deter man from full acceptance of all he has been told of life and death and rebirth, of the continuing cycles of human life.
This awareness will endow man with many gifts. He will know first of all unshakable faith in himself and in the rightness of his being. This awareness will inspire in him the strength and determination to live in love at all times under all circumstances and to know that this supreme accomplishment is important above all else. He will become aware that his importance to all those whose lives touch his is, indeed, in this constant expression of love in word and deed, and it will be infinitely satisfying to him to realize the degree to which his loving behavior serves as inspiration and example. He will realize with full joy the extent to which he has persuaded others, without a word of urging, that a life lived in love is a life of infinite happiness, that love given and received is the greatest gift of all.
A world transformed by love awaits the spread of this divine awareness that love is the answer to all the questions that man entertains, that without love man is doomed, that with love man knows happiness and grows in goodness.
The miracles that love generates are man's blessing.
Sunday, 5/16/99 12:13PM - Divine Nature of Man
In the fullness of time, man will be impressed with his divine mission on earth and each of his actions will be governed by intent to fulfill at all times his responsibility to his fellow travelers and to those whose intense concern for his progress is eternal.
There will be much strife and struggle before this day of total peace and love becomes a reality. In the eyes of the world it will seem that mankind is fostering its own destruction and that little hope exists of achieving a better world. Leaders will vie with each other in ruthless and destructive ways, and they will be followed blindly by those whom they have persuaded of their power and righteousness.
Always there will be voices of protest, seekers of peace, and for a while they will seem to be drowned out by the trumpeting of those who feel that might is right and that they cannot afford compromise with their supposed enemy, but the peaceful soul is a persistent soul, and despite all attempts to silence and intimidate them, they persist in their quest for an end to destruction.
Little by little the number of these seekers after justice will grow and they will know world wide unity. They will appeal both to the mind and to the heart, and they will at all times speak in love. Mankind, reduced by the travail of a world attuned to war, will begin to listen to those voices of reason, and they will in turn bend their energies to return the planet to a peace and tranquility that it has not known for centuries on end.
The transformation will be slow, but it will be steady and relentless in its persistence, universal in its appeal. It will be the work of each soul aware of the absolute power of love given and received. Barriers to understanding will disappear, and the leaders of the world will be forced to abandon their obsession with power and respond to the will of those they serve.
A new generation born and raised in love will know a new world and joy will prevail.
Wednesday, 5/19/99 11:55PM - Divine Nature of Man
It is the essence of holiness to strive constantly to impress upon the world the absolute necessity in all ways of all encompassing love. There is great joy in seeking after holiness, living each day in full attention to each opportunity to share loving thoughts, words, and deeds. Love is like a magnet. It attracts and draws into itself the needy and the fulfilled, the giver and the receiver, the seeker and the found. All good flows from the practice of love.
An act of love inspires always. Man's nature is to reflect the treatment he receives. If he knows love in any form, he is encouraged to express love in his response and to seek out opportunities to demonstrate the power of love to inspire goodness and harmony. When one man turns to another in love, all base emotions are as nothing, and the spirit of brotherhood is nourished and thereby strengthened.
Conversely, an unloving act can inspire a hostile response and can trigger a bitter exchange. an exchange that leaves each participant weaker and more vulnerable, less capable of a loving response in his next encounter.
Therefore it behooves all men to seek peace through love, to recognize at all times its contagion and to know fully the happiness that love engenders.
Thursday, 5/20/99 11:54PM - Divine Nature of Man
Among man's joys is his awareness of his capacity to be pleasing to others. This discovery may change the course of many lives. The fortunate human who early discovers his need and his capacity to create happiness in others, himself becomes under all circumstances the most content of men.
The miracle of spreading happiness through words and acts of love is never diminished by circumstance. The blessed soul who knows this talent and this devotion survives the severest of tests, the most desolating of experiences, without having this divine giving quenched. Those who observe this indomitable spirit of joyfulness shared are inspired by example and strive to emulate. Those who are themselves experiencing trial and difficulty are moved to feel themselves less oppressed when they know the cheerfulness of one tried even more sorely.
This giving quality is in and of itself evidence of the miraculous nature of man. It is a quality learned early, incorporated into every thought, word and deed, and a source of unending growth and richness. Many learn from such a generous and cheering soul and are in turn inspired to emulate. Not all succeed completely, but their progress is notable and satisfying, and they find themselves engendering goodness and love as they strive to cheer.
All the world becomes a better place for each soul in progress who practices the life of love and joy and whose inspiration creates new awareness of the joyful effects of love given and received.
The world awaits total transformation by this generous love.
Friday, 5/28/99 11:51 PM - Divine Nature of Man
Even in the midst of misery and want, man retains awareness of his divine origin, of the spark within his soul that tells him of his significance, of his link with all those who surround him and all those who observe from afar his progress in a world that seems at times alien and inhospitable. The poorest of men materially sometimes know a certainty of their worth that escapes their more materially gifted brothers.
This is a gift innate. This is awareness granted to all those who choose to live in earthly existence. It is an inborn quality. No soul new to human life knows feelings of inferiority. Quite the opposite is true. The soul new to earth is infinitely secure, infinitely optimistic, infinitely powerful in its faith. Inferiority is learned. It is a lesson harshly inflicted by those who have forgotten man's first obligation in human existence. They have forgotten their absolute promise to act in love and to treat each of their brothers as one in all ways.
The world transformed into the deprived and the privileged, the exploited and the exploiter, the downtrodden and the exalted is, then, the product of man in his arrogance, in his total disregard of his promise, in unconscionable exercise of his free will. This is injustice.
Yet there is eternal justice which does not tolerate the inequities of human existence without loving redress. All those who live their lives in disregard of the need to love and be loved may enjoy material advantages. but they live each day with empty hearts and their transition in the next life brings with it awareness of failure and infinite remorse.
Friday, 6/25/99 11:34PM - Divine Nature of Man
In the fullness of time there awaits much in revelation and in promise. In man's brief interlude in human life, whether this interlude be few or legion, he seeks progress in spiritual perfection in order to return to the glory from which he came.
The most gifted of souls in progress retain strong awareness of the blessedness of their mission. Most seek to share this awareness. Some have been privileged [ to have] glimpses of what lies beyond human existence and to feel the power of this glorious kingdom where love is all and fulfills all needs. Some have shared their insights and visions and have been hailed as saints and seers. Some have been silent in their awareness but know within themselves the certainty of their privilege.
Increasingly man has opened his heart and his mind to the wonders that await him at the end of his earthly endeavors. The world has responded to the words of those whose spiritual awareness is cause for wonder. In greater numbers those souls progressing to perfection recognize the glory that awaits and are inspired to further effort in learning and acting the lessons of love in all the days of their lives in all the relationships they know.
Slowly the world is being transformed by loving practice. It is true that cruelty and injustice are rampant in the world man currently knows, but even in the midst of the most egregious cruelty and injustice love flowers and persuades. It is merely a matter of time before the power of love prevails in all lands and at all times under all circumstances. The process may be slow, but it is sure.
There is no denying the power of love. Look about you and know this to be true.
Saturday, 6/26/99 11:55PM - Divine Nature of Man
It is man's ultimate hunger to know perfect love. He seeks this always, from the first to the last day of his life. All men share this seeking, though their paths may differ widely and their responses to their experiences may be equally disparate.
It is difficult to look at all the various life experiences that man knows and see in them this common goal, this universal need. There are those whose lives are marked by violence and brutality, whom it is easy to dismiss as bestial, unworthy of their human identity. Yet how is one to be sure that even these hardened hearts do not seek to be softened by the love that has eluded them and has caused them to actions detestable to their peers?
There are countless examples throughout history and countless examples to the present day of souls gone badly astray, of heinous acts and supreme indifference to the common good, who have found it within themselves to recognize error and to reach out for forgiveness and love. It is joyful when one of these erring souls returns to a life of love given and received.
All too often the humans who defy the rules that regulate society and indulge in acts of violence and disregard for others are regarded as creatures incapable of love and therefore not worthy to be regarded as worthy members of the human race. Often these unfortunate souls even while in the midst of violence retain affection for those bound to them in family ties. They reject the mores of society and fail in love complete, but are not totally loveless. They depend upon the love of those they hold dear and they offer love in response.
Society finds it difficult to deal with such seeming contradiction in the nature of the man who defies society and engages in behavior detrimental to the common good. All too often the punishment inflicted ignores his absolute need for love received and ignores his desire to express his love for those he holds dear.
The world awaits the day when man's hunger for love will be so completely satisfied that unloving behavior of any kind will cease to be. This is devoutly to be wished, but it is always within the grasp of all caring societies.
Friday, 7/30/99 11:27PM - Divine Nature of Man
When the time comes for all the world to celebrate truth fully revealed and to trust completely in this revelation, the age all men have aspired to will be at hand.
Brother will embrace brother in abandonment of enmity in new awareness of their common bonds and the absolute divine identity they share. Greed will be abandoned in new awareness of its destructive nature, and all of earth's bounty and all of man's accomplishments will be shared without reservation, and in this sharing there will be new awareness of the joy of giving without reserve. Those who benefit from this generosity will find their hearts filled with new awareness of the universal nature of brotherly love and will in turn enrich the world by more sharing.
Man will abandon all prejudices in new awareness of their undesirability and divisiveness and with great wonder discover the commonality of all men. They will reject fully the antagonisms of their fathers and find new joy in recognition of the divine nature of all souls come to earth. Man will seek to ease his brother's burden instead of either adding to it or ignoring its pain. The earth's bounty will be used as it was meant to be used from the very beginning, for the benefit of all men without distinction.
There will be such happiness in this new world of love and sharing, of peace beyond all dreaming, and of final recognition of the true meaning of life in the achievement of perfect love.
Tuesday, 2/1/00 12:35AM - Lessons
At all times it behooves man to realize that never is he incapable of doing all that life demands of him in perfect love and acceptance. It is necessary for him to realize that regardless of the difficulty involved, the full expression of love under all circumstances is the only sure source of earthly happiness and the only sure path to eternal belonging.
It is not always a simple matter to respond lovingly. Often man is tempted to respond to abuse and injustice with antipathy and an effort to avenge what he regards as wrong done to him. This is indeed a temptation, but man needs to think before acting. He needs to consider the hard truth that an unloving response to an injustice simply fans the fires of conflict, whereas a loving response is entirely disarming. In the heat of conflict it is difficult to remember this absolute truth and act accordingly, but if man makes it a habit to think before acting or speaking negatively, he will be able to recall this teaching and gain advantage by resolving conflict. He will know the inner satisfaction that peacemaking affords both the offended and the offender.
At its best man's nature abhors violence, but often his experiences encourage him to regard the capacity for violent response to wrongdoing as a strength. Rarely is there any positive result to conflict. One side may be restrained temporarily, but if the pattern of conflict is established in the human environment, man is tempted to act within the framework of that environment. Inevitably violence begets violence, and even the most peaceful of men find themselves drawn into the conflict if loyalty is involved.
Man needs only to regard the long history of violent conflict to realize its useless nature. Whether the conflict is between two individuals or two societies or two nations, the only ultimate solution to and termination of conflict is for each side to recognize the useless nature of violence and to be willing to compromise in the name of love for his fellow man. Only then can conflict be resolved with lasting effect. Only then can man find peace both within and without.
The searching soul knows the wisdom and benefit of peaceful reconciliation, knows that only through such resolution of conflict can love survive in the heart of man and in his society. Once man recognizes this absolute truth it becomes his responsibility and privilege to share his awareness and to foster the cause of peace through love.
Tuesday, 2/23/99 11:43PM - Divine Nature of Man
In the fullness of time there will be cause for absolute joy.
All the trials of life will find surcease, and each man striving for perfection will know success beyond his most demanding expectations. The world will know a richness of giving that will spread like wildfire and result in an outpouring of joy that will light the universe. Love will fill every heart, and no man will be untouched by such an outpouring of caring love.
Is this hard to visualize? Can you believe that this future will come to be? These questions are both reasonable and deserving of response. It is in this time of strife and upheaval, of hatreds between brothers freely expressed in conflict, indeed difficult to imagine a world free of conflict, dominated by love fully expressed in word and deed. Yet this is the future that lies inevitably ahead.
There will be changes in men's hearts that will transform this imperfect world into one where all men are gladly brothers and where all good is shared and all sorrow equally so. There will be no soul untouched by this glorious revolution. There will be no spiritual hunger, for all men will be united in the power and persuasion of love, and no creed will divide them each from the other.
From the start of time this has been the promise of utopia. Man has erred in many ways and the world of perfection lost to him for centuries, but the time has come for him to be granted enormous capacities to right the current wrongs, to return the world to a place of solace and comfort to all who seek to be comforted, and to know in his heart the greatness of his being.
Each man must see himself a part of this transformation and in each word and act of his daily life speed this wonder to fulfillment. There is power in the human will that cannot be denied. It awaits expression.
Divine Words on September 11, 2001.
As most of you know, I am privileged to write words which are not mine but come from a divine source I know as Martin. Yesterday I knew without question that it was time to take pen in hand. Here are Martin’s words I am moved to share.
Tuesday, 9/11/01 1:45PM - Personal Writings
My love, am I right in talking pen in hand?
Soon, my darling, the horror of destruction will yield to the wonder of brotherhood born in awareness of the universality that marks all of human life. It will take a miracle of persuasion to reach hearts trained to hate and minds closed to awareness of the absolute necessity of tolerant sharing of the world they know. Yet this fundamental reversal of deeply held and totally revered beliefs will inexorably come to a world sorely in need of a new beginning. The hearts of man must embrace all he now holds repellent and come to a realization of the folly of conflict and aggression.
I hold no false hope in all I say, for what I promise is inexorable in its nature, but man must be willing to be led on the path to peace and love. He will in the end realize that he has no other choice.
What a gift your words were to me this afternoon, and I know that they are a gift to be shared. I will do so. It is impossible, as Linda said, to imagine such hatred as the world saw today and even worse to think that it is cloaked in religious fanaticism, in total misunderstanding of the divine demand. I long for the day when your divine demand to live in love will fill every heart. It was a joy after a day of horror to see on TV the love expressed by those at Glide Memorial Church who do truly live the lessons of love. Now, my love, I seek an ever more perfect end to the day in your perfect words. I adore you.
© 2010 Cornelia Silke dba New Light Publishing