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New Light Publishing® ![]() Introduction to and Highlights of Martin's Blessed Words |
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One God for all mankind
Martin’s Original Writings
It is the nature of heaven that all things transpire in a time frame unknown to humans and incomprehensible to the human mind. There is, as has been said, no past, present, or future in heaven as time is understood on earth, but rather a continuum of existence, a constant awareness of what has happened on earth, what is happening on earth, and what will happen on earth. The future is painted in broad strokes, and man has the capability of changing the future in both general and specific ways. When man listens and knows the will of God in his heart and follows God's path, peace and love prevail. When man fails to heed God's wishes and responds to the wiles and temptations of mammon, destruction follows.
At several points in history man has stood at a crossroads, a crisis point, and God has chosen in the past to send to His earthly children a message, a warning if you will, in His presence on earth. Look back in the history of the world and you will recognize these moments, these crossroads, when God took human shape and endeavored to speak to His children in words that they could understand and heed. The great teachers I spoke of earlier were divinely inspired, spokesmen for God in human form. Some of these great teachers were God Himself in human form, Jesus among them, and Moses at an earlier time in the history of man. And now, once again man is at a crossroads, a crisis point in his history, and God speaks to him now of the need for change in his earthly habits, in his earthly striving, in his management of the environment, in the habits of his heart.
God speaks to His children in this holy work and would have them listen closely to all they have been told, to ponder all that God has demanded of them, and to remember that since the world began there has been no other demand than that man should know love in his heart and let his actions be dominated by this love. Love is the only answer. Love is the total answer. Love is God's gift to man. The New Age of Love and Peace is now upon us. Let man rejoice in recognition of this New Age of Love and Peace. Let him join hands and hearts with his neighbor and let them, joined in the bonds of love, move into this new age with God in their hearts. Let fear and violence wither away. Let love and trust flourish. Let peace prevail. This is God's wish for man. This is the word of God.
Martin’s Original Writings
There are however other things to be said about organized religion as it exists today throughout the world. Narrow sectarianism has had a deleterious effect on the worship of God. Intolerance has intruded on relationships between religious organizations. I speak primarily of the Christian sects. Today among these sects there is little observance of the reason why Christ chose to die on the cross. His reason was simple --- to provide mankind with a supreme example of love for all men. By His death and resurrection Christ established the effectiveness of love. In His name millions have worshiped over hundreds of years. His death ushered in what has become known as the Christian era.
Christ's message was simple. Love your fellow man and love God. His disciples wrote that Christ above all demanded good works. He did not demand mighty churches. He did not demand elaborate ceremonies and panoplies. He did not demand a hierarchy of priests. Above all Christ preached simplicity. He preached the need for the lowliest of God's creatures to be treated as the highest. And to that end, God has repeatedly visited the earth in the guise of man. He has walked the streets of the world. He has been your friend, your neighbor. He has been a beggar. He has been a prince. Over the centuries God has assumed human form and lived ordinary human lives, enjoyed ordinary human pleasures, suffered ordinary human sorrows. He has returned, as have all other souls, ignorant of His divine origin with the intention of exhibiting to man the power of love, the absolute necessity of love. He has died ordinary human deaths. He has been mourned by his human families and remembered by them with love. He has watched with sorrow as He saw the message of Christ's death and resurrection forgotten. He has watched with sorrow as the outward forms of religious practices have become in so many cases meaningless exercises. He has watched with sorrow the failure of religious organizations to follow the simplicity of Christ's teaching of love.
This is not to say that all religions are to be condemned in this way. There are a few religions that meet God's criteria. Their actions reflect their faith, and their leaders actively encourage and demand acts of charity. In addition, within many religious organizations there are, as I have said, individuals and small groups that practice God's teaching of love and giving.
I speak primarily here of Christian sects, but beyond these groups there is a need for reassessment of religious organizations. God is not a God of Christians alone. Christ did not die alone for those who call themselves Christians. He died for all men, and he died in protest. He died in protest of intolerance, of bigotry, of man's failure to love his fellow man, of a world not aware of and not practicing the total fellowship of man in love.
Martin’s Original Writings
There are other things that man hungers to know about God's plan for man. In the beginning man existed as a concept only in God's mind. There is little mystery about the evolution of the earth and man. Science has provided adequate answers about this process. Science has been unable, however, to define adequately the difference between the human and the animal kingdoms. They have been unable to explain the divine spark that separates man from the rest of God's creatures. They have no scientific explanation for the soul of man. From the beginning it was God's plan that man inhabit the earth as a means of perfecting his soul for eventual existence in eternity.
Man has designed his world in such a way that he remains unaware of God's plan for him. He has convinced himself that God's primary concern is to be worshiped in churches or synagogues on holy days or the Sabbath. He has established rituals and celebrations to exhibit his love for God. He has erected mighty churches and temples in which to hold his observances. A body of priests, ministers, and rabbis has assumed responsibility for the religious affairs of their congregations and has become responsible for determining the ways in which man will worship God. Sacraments and institutions have been established and rituals have been designed and the manner of worship has been standardized for the faithful. Frequently, all too frequently, religious practices end at the church or synagogue door. The practitioners of various religions all too often feel that they have satisfied their obligation to God by attending church or temple as members of the congregation.
Organized religion has become a mighty force throughout the world. In the past organized religion has been responsible for many bloody wars and for widespread devastation. There have been many holy men sacrificed in the name of God because they protested corruption and evil doing in the churches of the world. Even today in parts of the world religious wars are being fought and blood spilled in the name of God.
Martin’s Original Writings
The time has come to correct this misconception of what God expects of man. Insofar as religious practices facilitate man's communication with God through prayer, they serve a purpose, but this narrow purpose is not enough to justify their existence as religious institutions. The first and only requirement God makes of man is to love --- to love himself, to love his fellow man, and to love God above all. This love can be expressed in many ways. There is no single approach which is pleasing to God. There are hundreds, but there is one absolute requirement. This love that God demands must find expression in action. It is not enough to express love for one's neighbor. It is not enough to declare your brotherhood with man. It is not enough to say that you worship your God. All of these professions of love must be translated into action. Man must act his life out in a constant series of gestures of love -- love for self, love for family and fellow man, and love for God above all.
Love for self is a difficult concept for most humans. God expects man to acknowledge his divine origin. Man is not an accident of science. Man is not a product of errant evolution. Man is not self created. Man is not born to live and die after a single life. Man is created by God and designed to live any number of lives in this world learning the lessons of perfect love as a means of attaining oneness with God in eternity. It is time that man acknowledges both his divine origin and God's demand that he live his life on earth in a constant search for perfect love. He must indeed love his neighbor as himself and in so doing he will find love for God in his heart. He must act in love at all times and in all places. His heart and his purse must be open to the needs of his fellow man.
Organized religions should look to their goals. Empty rituals devoid of love should be discarded or revised. Churches and synagogues should be in the forefront of social action, not just for their own congregations, although certainly these needs should be met first, but for the brotherhood of man. The clergy should take the lead in seeking out areas in which their congregations can act in love toward their fellow man. Society's needs are great in the world today, and the clergy are in a unique position to provide leadership in meeting the needs of the poor, the dispossessed, the troubled, the bereft, the neediest of God's children. Let this become more important than ritual.
There are some religions and some churches and synagogues which have already seen that this is God's way and are actively engaged in meeting the needs of those unable to help themselves in a variety of ways. This is the way of the Lord --- to see yourself as God's child and to see your fellow man as God's child and to know that his need is your need, his cry for help is your call to action. Join with your brothers in carrying out the works of love that God requires. Look to your priests and ministers and rabbis for leadership, and demand that the worship of God be more than words. God is happy to hear the prayers of His children, but He wants more than prayers. He wants deeds of love, of love freely given and freely received. He wants religious institutions to lead the way in this new approach to the worship of God, and to know that religious practice is a daily, even a hourly obligation and that there is no substitute, no alternative, to the requirement of love freely given and freely received, love which sees its expression in meeting the needs of all of God's children.
There is little more need be said about the obligations of existing churches and other religious organizations. Each of these institutions should carefully examine its effectiveness in promoting love and caring among its adherents and a closer loving and caring relationship with the world outside its congregation.
Martin’s Original Writings
God has decided that the time has come for all religious organizations to reexamine their theological bases and their ceremonies of worship. It is time for all religions to abandon intolerance of any sort and to seek communion with other religions. Intolerance of any kind is not acceptable to God. The time is long overdue for all religions to have active programs of love and fellowship to those in need. Look around you. It is impossible no matter where you look on this earth today not to see need. If your brother is suffering, you are suffering. If your brother is hungry, you are hungry. If your brother is sorrowful, you are sorrowful. If you reach out a hand to your brother in need, you reach out a hand to God. There is no such thing as a totally separate existence in God's world.
The religious organizations need to see these truths as a call to action and to start anew to send to the world the word that God is love and that love must be expressed in word and deed. God needs to hear the prayers and words of love from His children. He also needs to see His children offering words and deeds of love to their fellow men, their brothers. Little more is necessary in God's eyes.
Martin’s Original Writings
When heaven and earth are joined by love totally, the millennium will have arrived. The day of the final judgment will be at hand. This judgment is not the judgment of tradition, the separation of the good from the bad, the casting into hell of the damned and the reception into heaven of the blessed. No, this judgment will be the final reconciliation of God and man, the total acceptance of perfect love by man, the total acknowledgement of all souls that there is nothing in heaven or on earth more significant than love. All men will know the glories of celestial love.
It is difficult for the human mind to comprehend celestial love. It is, first of all, universal. There is no spirit in heaven seeking progress toward oneness with God who does not feel love. The capacity for love varies greatly from spirit to spirit depending upon the extent to which it has progressed toward oneness with God, but all spirits feel the greatest love of which they are capable at all times toward themselves, their fellow spirits, and toward God. This celestial love is a perfect love. It does not know doubt, inconstancy, jealousy, limitations or conditions. The spirits must greet each other with expressions of love at all times. They must never forget this requirement of God. Each expression of love must be answered with an expression of love. There are no exceptions to this rule.
In no way is there any pretense in this expression of love. It is the way of heaven to express love by saying, "I love you entirely." This means an expression of love as complete as the spirit is capable of feeling at that particular moment in eternity. "Entirely" says it all. It may mean a modicum of love, all that the spirit is capable of at that time, or it may mean overwhelmingly great love. It is at all times a statement of total honesty.
Man would do well to adopt this means of expression. I have said elsewhere in these writings that the constant expression of love generates further love, and the phrase "I love you entirely" serves this purpose while it also permits total honesty of expression. Honesty is essential in celestial love as it is in human love. Constancy is essential in celestial love as it is in human love. Celestial love is pure and generous in nature. It demands nothing of the receiver at any time. It cannot know the weaknesses of human love. It cannot be distracted. It cannot lessen or change its nature. It is the source of all joy in heaven and the joy is endless. Celestial love is a love of total understanding. It is love of total acceptance. It is love that sustains and nourishes. It is a love shared by God with His souls. In the final judgment all souls will know this love, and all souls will join with God in an eternity of endless love. This is God's plan for man.
It is the nature of God's plan for man that in the end all souls are joined with Him in perfect celestial love, and that in this state they continue to do God's work. The universe is vast, and there are planes other than earth upon which souls exist. These planes are unknown to humans and shall remain unknown to them until after their deaths, but the kingdom of God exists on these planes. The immensity of heaven defies human description and exceeds human comprehension, but this in no way makes it less of a truth. The world as it currently exists is but a testing ground for souls whose existence in these other heavenly planes is God's work and pride. This is a kingdom of love and bliss, a kingdom where love reigns supreme and where there is no emotion but joyous acceptance of God and His works.
The earthly plane is one of many such planes where souls are able and required to learn the lessons of love. The other planes are equally part of God's kingdom, but it is not my intention here to speak further of these other planes. Man needs to be aware that they exist. It is in no way necessary that he understand them.
It is important however that man know as much as it is possible for him to know about the nature of celestial love. There are a few similarities between human and celestial love. Human love at its most ideal is a love shared equally between two selfless individuals in a loving relationship, a love that endures hardships and challenges without wavering and which grows and changes in nature with the changes in human existence. Human love can also be the love within the family of a parent for a child, a love of giving, a love of tender concern. It can be the love of a child for a parent, a love of trust and dependence, of unquestioning faith. It can be the love that exists within the family in other relationships, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, each love differing in nature one from the other. Human love outside the family also can be deep and abiding, and ideally should embrace all men. As I have said, the capacity for human love varies as the human is shaped by his earthy experiences. In its most ideal forms, human love prepares man for the intensity of celestial love. Celestial love is the love of God reflected in the soul. It is perfect love, demanding nothing, rejoicing in its existence, expressing itself constantly, constantly replenished and nourished by love given and received. Celestial love is a love of ecstasy, of heightened awareness, of wonder. Celestial love is the love that binds souls together and binds souls to God. Celestial love is shared by all souls without distinction. Even the Others share in celestial love, although they reject it temporarily and finally realize its force and its joy. Celestial love is energy, spiritual energy, constantly spent and constantly renewed. The capacity of the soul for celestial love is unlimited and the capacity for celestial love grows as the soul comes closer to oneness with God. The intensity of celestial love is the intensity of God's love for His souls.
There is no higher emotion, and each man born to earthly life will in the end know this supreme love. The speed with which man progresses to this perfect celestial love, this oneness with God, depends upon free choice on the earthly plane, but progress man must and progress he will. God is patient. God is tolerant. God waits for man to know Him, secure in the knowledge that in the end all men will rest in His bosom. That is God's plan for man.
There are times when it is difficult to know the truth of a given statement. On the surface the statement may seem to be filled with wisdom and goodness, may seem to offer hope and solace, may seem to be spoken in sincerity and warmth. Underneath this surface there may be guile and falsehood.
I speak here of those who would deceive man with the promises of pseudo religion, who speak not from the fullness of faith and love, but from the crass motives of greed and a hunger for power. Such men appear frequently, enjoy a momentary fame, and then disappear from public view, having enriched themselves at the expense of a gullible but loving congregation which suffers from a sense of betrayal once the reality of this pseudo religion is revealed.
This is not to say that man must be constantly suspicious of those who claim to speak for God. The good and the sincere and the truly motivated far outnumber the opportunists, and in each case where man is betrayed by a leader whose motives are impure there is some benefit to those who are victimized. They sought God and learned of the fallibility of man, but if their searching was sincere, their faith strong, then there is a benefit involved in the learning that took place. In such cases man must know in his heart of the imperfectability of his fellow man and at the same time embrace him in understanding and love. He must bear no animus toward this individual who betrayed his faith and trust, but rather with a new wisdom forgive and love and go on seeking the love of God. He will find it. There is a myriad of ways, and each road taken in love and sincerity is a road acceptable to God. He seeks to speak to His children in many ways, and He hears their words of seeking and love, and He tells His children that those who seek crass profit from man's search for his God are not thereby enriched, that though they may profit materially, they are empty within. They know this in their hearts. They sense the unworthiness of their motives and their methods and in the end they must recognize the unloving nature of their actions and know them to be reprehensible.
Know then, all men, that although there are those who would take advantage of the searching faith of man they do so for only a little while. Falsity cannot thrive in the hearts of men searching for the truth of God's love and caring, and those who speak falsely are in the end known to be empty shells, abandoned by their followers and themselves turned seekers.
It is beyond human understanding to know exactly the workings of heaven. It is enough to know that God accepts with gratitude each word and gesture of faith in His goodness. He regards with gratitude all those who choose to devote their lives to furtherance of faith and the promulgation of awareness of the power of the divinity.
There are times when man in his hunger will pursue practices which on the surface seems suspect. He will seek to identify the supreme being in symbols, and there are times when these symbols will seem to acquire a life of their own.
There is no harm in symbols so long as man does not forget that they are merely reminders and that he must go beyond reverence for these symbols and realize the need for direct communication with his God. He must know that all material representations of the deity are merely reminders and not worthy of veneration in and of themselves.
Through the centuries man has found symbolism a useful tool in many ways, and he will continue to do so justly and reasonably. Yet the symbol in and of itself is meaningless. It acquires significance only when it inspires man to reverence and to awareness of the underlying reason for the symbol. A flag is a symbol of patriotic fervor and inspires man in this way. Religious icons are symbols of belief in God and His spirits and as such are useful as reminders and inspiration. In and of themselves they lack credence.
It behooves man to remember this distinction.
Tuesday, 9/29/98 - Divine Nature
[Martin said earlier this morning," This day marks the beginning of a new endeavor for us both. I ask you to take pen in hand today as often as you find possible and await my words. They will come and in them you will find pleasure and satisfaction. Know fully that all I say to you now is absolute promise." At a little after 11:25AM, Martin began this new endeavor with the following words.]
In the annals of time much has been written of the divine nature of man. Yet the ultimate truth of man's nature has never been totally revealed. I speak here of the diverse convictions and beliefs that the world knows in its many religions and various dogmas. There is much truth in some of the tenets of organized religion, and yet no church has wholly grasped the nature of the relationship between God and man. Much has been written about the nature of man. Even more has been written about the nature of God. There has been much soul searching, much academic dispute and proclamation. There has been much written to prove that man is an accident and that God does not exist.
There is a certain value in all of man's searching for what he regards as the ultimate truth of the universe, the only world known to man empirically. Yet, in his striving, man has in his statement of personal beliefs and rules of conduct tended to create division and discrimination among his fellow human beings. Each man who is absolutely sure that his is the true answer to existence automatically pronounces all those who hold differing views erroneous and not to be regarded as equally insightful. Over the centuries man has in his searching and in his proclaimed beliefs perhaps done more harm than good. In his zeal he has found certainty for himself and regarded all his fellow men with intolerance. They, in turn, equally sure of the truth of their own certainty, return his intolerance and close their minds further.
Let it be known that God regards those who would use the search for divine truth to promote themselves regardless of consequence as deplorable, a true injustice in the eyes of the divinity. Man is meant to embrace his brother in love that knows no boundaries, no divisions. Man needs to recognize that the mysteries of human existence, what comes before and what comes after, do not lend themselves to easy explanation nor to reliance on ancient texts held to be divine truth. Much that has been written of God and man over the ages contains some truth valuable as a guide to man's understanding and conduct, but there is no immutable absolute truth in these various books held sacred by those who embrace their tenets. These books are both in their interpretation and in their amendment the works of man, not of God.
It is time to recognize the innate limitations of man's understanding of things beyond his immediate sensory awareness. It is time to recognize the truth that while man's mind is incapable of absolute certainty about the nature and reason for human existence and man's relationship to God, he is possessed of a soul that speaks to him. This soul does not need instruction, does not need dogma. This soul, come from God, at all times retains this close connection. When God speaks, the soul hears and hears joyfully and correctly.
Let it be known that God deplores the injustice created by man's efforts to claim knowledge of truth absolute and to impose his beliefs on others, deeming them less wise and worthy. No single sect has all the answers, and the more rigid the dogma the further removed from God each becomes. The time has come for brother to embrace brother in full acceptance and awareness of the human limitations each knows. The time has come for religious leaders to be aware of their first responsibility to their followers.
Tuesday, 12/1/98 11:34PM - Divine Nature
In man's innermost heart he knows the infiniteness of his being. Even when he is being most rational about the brevity of human life there springs forth a feeling of infinite being. His tongue speaks of an absolute end to existence, but his heart speaks otherwise.
Man has been taught many things about the nature of life and death. Some hold that this life is all, that after human death only memory remains. Others believe in a hereafter that is the end of human existence after a single life experience, and there are various versions of this hereafter held dear by believers. Some hold that this life is but one of a series of lives, each one designed to teach. Once again, the nature of this belief knows variety.
In all these varying concepts of the purpose of human existence there is only one absolute unifying disparate doctrines, and that concept is that man is meant to live in love and that all of his actions and all of his words should and must reflect this love, a love universal in its essence, denying no man, accepting all. This central doctrine is without fault and in and of itself totally commendable.
It is lamentable however that the varying dogmas celebrating the divinity have in so many cases lost sight of this central and quite perfect demand of man that he put love above all else in his life. All too often religious leaders lose sight of this supreme demand of God in their involvement with issues they feel significant in their teaching, but which tend to separate their followers from all those who hold opposing beliefs. Religion all too often becomes political. Positions are taken on controversial issues, and each religion holds itself infallible and holds all those who disagree both fallible and misled.
This is not pleasing to the Creator. No human, be he leader or follower, has the ultimate authority to determine the will of God beyond teaching the lessons of love. Through history blood has been spilled and innocents slaughtered in the name of religious righteousness. This continues to this day.
Know, all men, that the time has come to put to an end the divisiveness which finds its justification in the assumption of knowledge absolute of God's will. God asks but one thing of man. He asks that he love without discrimination. He asks that he act in love each day of his life. He asks that no man deny his brother in the guise of religious righteousness. He asks an end to religious tyranny. He asks that all men embrace their brothers in total acceptance and love without end.
Tuesday, 2/16/99 11:56PM - Martin’s Original Writings
There are many theories as to the part faith plays in the life of souls come to earth in search of perfection.
Those who lack faith find it difficult to understand it in others, and yet faith takes many forms. It is the rare individual who lacks faith completely. How barren life would be if man did not know faith in the love of those bound to him in earthly ties. It is indeed difficult to imagine love truly felt without faith as a necessary part of this love. We would be bereft indeed if life were without faith of any sort.
Further extension of this faith causes some to hesitate and yet the very nature of human life makes faith essential to sanity. Man must have faith in the institutions that guide and govern his life. He must believe in the system of laws, for example, which govern his daily existence. He must have faith in those who govern or he must seek new leaders. He must, if he is wise, have faith in the past and in the lessons of history. In all ways, then, man experiences faith whether he calls it by that name or not.
It is in the realm of religious faith that man experiences the greatest hesitation. Not all men hesitate. Indeed many fully and completely accept the faith into which they were born and instructed. Others apply what they regard as reason and find it difficult to follow in the footsteps they were first taught to respect. Many seek constantly to find affirmation in a religious belief or set of beliefs, and in this seeking they find satisfaction, and if they are fortunate, a set of beliefs which offers them comfort and peace.
There are no hard and fast rules about faith. It is right and good that man search his heart each day of his life. If he finds himself secure in the strength of the faith that animates his being it is of little consequence what the nature of that fulfilling faith is so long as it is based firmly on the single absolute of love given and received. There is no room for deviation in this regard, for man's earthly experience must be one of love given freely and gratefully received, and all faith which recognizes this absolute requirement is pleasing in the sight of God.
Martin’s Original Writings
Little more need be said about man's behavior toward his brothers. In all places at all times he must speak and act in love and must be aware that this obligation supersedes all others at all times in all places. Man should strive to so implant love in his heart that it is pure instinct to act in love, to speak in love. All his being should be animated by love.
I have spoken earlier of the rewards of a life of love, both on earth and in heaven. There is no greater reward than to live and die in the full awareness of that love. There is no greater reward than the sure knowledge that in your earthly life you are progressing toward oneness with God, the ultimate destiny of all souls.
Know this then, that all human lives are trials. The most fortunate of men is as surely being tried as the lowliest, most desolate. The man who lives for a century is as surely being tried as the child who dies in infancy. For all things there is a reason. In all things man is charged with the responsibility of meeting his contract with God, a contract freely agreed upon before birth.This is not a game God plays. There is no frivolity or capriciousness in God's governance of man's earthly existence. For all things there is a reason in heaven. At all times there is a divine plan, but in all of this man is capable of error, of misdirection, of folly, of ignorance, of evil deeds. This is the nature of his earthly existence and the nature of the free will which exists on both the earthly and the heavenly planes, but it is equally the nature of the soul to seek perfection, and in his earthly life man must work for this perfection, sometimes against odds seemingly insurmountable, but man is born each life with the capacity to do as he has agreed with God, to live the life of his choosing and to progress toward spiritual perfection.
It is not within man's capacity to judge another's progress or perfection. This is a matter between God and the soul. Man must be a judge solely of his own spiritual progress in his earthly life and of the need to hear the voice of God and to heed that voice, for the voice of God is there for all who will listen. I have defined holiness as a seeking after God; that is all -- a seeking. And if man leads a holy life, a life of seeking God, he will find Him. He will find him in love----love of self, love of his brother, and love of God above all. And having found God in love, he need do no more. His life will bring him joy. His death will bring him joy. All the heavens will resound with praise of this man of God, this child of God, who in his earthly life learned the lessons of love and who will join the spirits in heaven in celestial love for all of God's creatures and for God Himself.
This is God's word. Listen well and ponder on all I have said in these pages. The dawn of the New Age of Love and Peace is here. Let all men see the light. Let all men embrace their brother in love, and let all men's actions be guided and motivated by this love. Let the joy of love exist in every heart and let man sing the praises of love. Let no man cower in fear. Love drives out fear. Let no man know loneliness. Love drives out loneliness. Let no man live in need. Love satisfies need. Let no man live in ignorance of love. All men must know love, the giving and the receiving, and all men must know the love of God in their hearts. Love is man's destiny. The perfect love he seeks to find will be his in the end. Seek it now in this New Age of Love and Peace. This is God's wish for man. This is the word of God.
© 2010 Cornelia Silke dba New Light Publishing