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The Power of Love
Love lends meaning to our existence.
It is sweet indeed when man knows the full joy that life affords him when he finds himself capable of a loving response to all that life demands of him and in all the relationships that are his by choice and by mischance. It is not always possible for man to control his destiny even though he was permitted choice before assuming human identity, but he is allowed choice within parameters, also of his choosing, and when he begins his earthly adventure he is fully equipped to meet all challenges in love shared, to endure all hardships and loss in love shared, and to know in all his human relationships the blessing of love shared.
This is the beginning, but always man is allowed absolute freedom of choice. He may choose wisely and progress and flourish in earthly love or he may choose foolishly and selfishly and squander the gifts granted to him and diminish his capacity to progress in love given and received. Whatever man's choice, it follows as night the day that each decision to act in love despite the difficulty involved marks a step forward, a step which strengthens his capacity and which allows him to be more certain of his loving nature in the face of new challenge. Conversely, each unloving act tends to weaken his capacity for love given and received and his failure to progress spiritually makes the next choice more difficult. One unloving response does not, of course, determine all future reactions, but it does make it more difficult to respond in loving fashion.
It is vital, therefore, for each soul in progress to be aware of the power of love, to know that acts of love strengthen, that unloving acts weaken, and that both human happiness and spiritual progress are threatened by each unloving act, by each unloving word, for it is all too easy to fail in loving response, to retreat to self indulgence and weakness of will. This path is fraught with error.
Monday, 3/20/00 11:50PM - Lessons
Perfect as this life seems at times, it is but a reflection of the perfection to follow, a perfection beyond the human capacity to comprehend. Man knows occasional glimpses of glory in his human journey, and he is privileged in most cases to know the glory of human love and to know the joy of loving response. Yet, once again, this is simply a taste, a prelude to all he is destined to experience in eternal being.
It is no error or coincidence that the single unifying force in human existence is the universality of love, of the absolute need for love given and received that crosses all barriers, erases all differences, and that man knows from life's beginning to its very end. Love may take varying forms of expression in time and space, but the heart is a universal gift, and at all times in all places it is the key to happiness.
Love cannot exist in a vacuum. Love must always be shared. Each day of human existence is lightened by the awareness of love shared. The heart mourns its absence. Its loss is devastating. It is incumbent upon man always to seek love, to offer love, and to treasure each loving relationship that blesses his life. This is an obligation that becomes a joy. It is a source of rich spiritual progress. No man who truly seeks is denied.
The path of love is the path to glory, to eternal fulfillment, to oneness.
Monday, 3/27/00 11:30PM - Lessons
Before man reaches the end of his learning he will have endless opportunities to know the significance of his earthly experience. It is not always clear to him which path he should take when faced with choice that is difficult. There are times when the choice seems simple and obvious and easily made, but there are other times when man is truly perplexed about what is wise and good. At such times it is natural to consider first his own desires and satisfactions, but it is equal wisdom to consider the impact of his choice on those near and dear to him, particularly those dependent upon him in any way, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual.
Most men faced with difficult choice are thoughtful in all ways in their consideration of the step to take. Rarely is man motivated solely by self interest, but sadly this does occur and such choice may cause him regret at a later time. Ideally man chooses wisely and seeks to serve his own purposes with due consideration of its effect on others and seeks to ameliorate any negative effect his choice may involve.
There are times when man is truly wracked by indecision and surrenders choice to others. He may do this for the purest of reasons, knowing that he must live with consequences not of his own making. If he experiences regret, he accepts responsibility solely and seeks to choose wisely and individually thereafter.
When man is motivated by love in his choices, he cannot err, for his soul will speak to him of his wisdom and worth, and he will know great satisfaction in the love he inspires in the hearts of those he has sought to please in his choice.
Saturday 4/8/00 Midnight - Lessons
Of all the gifts that man is granted by all the wonder of his nature, love prevails, but love is as nothing if it is not permeated with understanding and compassion. The very nature of perfect love demands these elements.
It is easy to define love narrowly. It can be the love of shallow attraction, not to be dismissed in and of itself, but in and of itself a bare beginning to the complexity of love that resists all challenge. The word "love" is often used frivolously, sometimes with deeper meaning, sometimes with less, but the love that touches the soul is worthy of further analysis.
I have spoken of the love that is man's birthright, the love that the soul newly come to human existence both excites and returns. The infant is an object of love given and received, perfect in its giving, absolute in its need. The child experiments with love. The need persists, but the maturing individual is often led to use love as a weapon and often errs in this experimentation. Conversely, the growing child knows increasing need for love unconditional in nature at a time when this love is threatened or withdrawn or denied. This disparity creates havoc in the human heart and there ensues a search for fulfillment.
Such crisis is difficult for all deprived, however briefly, of the certainty of love, but the seeking soul is persistent and aware of inner strength and almost without exception finds satisfaction. The path is not always either easy or swift, but is strong in its certainty, and the strength of love rediscovered is comfort in its achievement.
There is no search more compelling than the search for love given and received.
Those fortunate enough never to know deprivation are blessed in the constancy they know. Those who survive deprivation and seek and find renewed and rediscovered love are twice blessed and hold in their hearts the richness they know.
Thursday, 4/27/00 11:47PM - Lessons
The force of love in human life cannot be overestimated. From the start of time to now, from the first breath of each life to the last, love above all lends meaning to human existence. Without love the human race would not be. Without love the seeking soul could not be.
Love knows so many manifestations and so many relationships and such diversity in expression that simple definition of love is beyond words. Books have been written of love in its various forms. All true religions teach the absolute necessity of love in word and deed. In his innermost nature and awareness each man born to earthly life knows the total significance of love to his well being -- spiritual, emotional, and physical.
In short, man cannot survive without love. He may fancy that he can, that love is a foolish extravagance fraught with disappointment, but he deludes himself and inexorably becomes aware of this self delusion. Cynics may regard love lightly, as a distraction for the very young, inconsistent in its nature, short lived in its endurance. Children in the throes of young rebellion may believe that they can cast off the bonds of love that tie them to their parents and for a while may revel in this new found detachment, but it is the rare adult who does not realize the folly of this youthful extravagance and seek to reestablish a loving relationship with those who brought him into life.
Even in casual friendship, there is an element of love, a seeking to know more completely the closeness that satisfies the soul. Even in casual contact man must seek to express his love in courtesy and sensitivity to the feelings of others. Love for a stranger in need inspires man to acts of sharing worldly goods and thus easing the pain of another, a stranger, to be sure, but a brother as well.
This love is the animating and motivating force in all of man's days. Those who fail to recognize this truth and base each and every word and action upon it will live to regret their failure to create happiness for others and therefore for themselves.
Friday, 4/28/00 11:53PM - Lessons
In the course of time man will be freshly aware of the simplicity of all that is asked of him in his earthly journey. He is asked simply to live in love. With each breath he takes he must be aware of this obligation, absolute in its demands.
While the demand is simple, its execution is not. It is easy to demand love at all times and to accept this divine mandate. It is another thing entirely to live in full acceptance of this mandate in constant expression. It is the rare human whose love is so universal and so undemanding that nothing or no one can destroy its constancy. Most souls in progress find themselves vulnerable to irritation, impatience, dislike, and disapproval and unthinkingly withhold love and sometimes go further in negative feelings. Such failure to love in the face of difficulty weakens the soul and makes the next challenge to love the unlovable easier to dismiss.
Man is not to be condemned for such disfavor and antipathy toward his brother, but he needs to be reminded that he harms himself in love withheld more than he harms his brother. This failure is sometime more an unthinking response than a deliberate affront, but the thoughtful soul realizes error in time to make amends and restores his soul, and in the process confirms his brother's worthiness. Life to most souls in progress presents constant challenges to love and thereby offers countless opportunities to progress in the full expression of unconditional love freely given and given most freely to those both undeserving and needy.
There is no limit to the benefits man knows as he incorporates the practice of total responsive love to all those he encounters in his earthly journey. Each act of love strengthens both the giver and the receiver, and constant expression of love becomes habitual and thereby constantly enriching. Man needs only to imagine his life without love to know its vital importance and to realize that no man should be deprived of this blessing. It is but a step further to realize his obligation to satisfy this hunger in the neediest of God's children, in the most deprived of his brothers. All profit from this habit of giving love, no one more than the giver.
Wednesday, 5/3/00 11:59PM - Lessons
In times of difficulty, when man's patience is sorely tried, he is best able to make the spiritual progress that gives earthly life meaning. In most cases man finds within himself this patience as well as the strength to deal with all that is within his power. Often he depends heavily on those who are aware of his need, and in turn those giving aid share in this divine progress. At times there is no one on whom the soul in distress can rely directly, and he must seek aid from strangers. This love offers spiritual gain, for to respond to the needs of a stranger is noble indeed and brings great satisfaction to those who give and those who receive.
Once man survives earthly crisis, he finds within himself new strengths, and in the full awareness of these strengths he is able to accept new trials with full faith in his capacity to not only survive but to grow in wisdom and awareness. He begins to sense in himself capacities that he deems beyond the ordinary and begins to be aware of divine succor. With this awareness he serves as an example of saving grace to all who share his life and are aware of his new found strength. Above all, he becomes aware of the benefit of loving acceptance of all that is asked of him, and his heart rejoices in the peace that comes with this awareness that all that occurs in his earthly existence has reason and benefit.
When man reaches the point of loving acceptance of all that life demands of him in challenge, no matter its severity, no matter its duration, he has triumphed over all adversity and reached a point of spiritual perfection that is endlessly comforting. He is safe and secure in faith absolute.
Sunday, 5/14/00 10:31PM - Lessons
In the totality of mortal existence, man knows many varieties of experience, some notable and compelling, others less memorable and seemingly insignificant, some pleasurable, others less so. It is difficult for man to evaluate these various experiences in terms of their meaningfulness to his eternal quest for the perfection of love expressed in any and all circumstances.
There are times when man pays scant attention to his acts and often gives himself less credit than he deserves. He needs to remember that love shared increases in spiritual significance when it is manifested in acts of love and giving to one he scarcely knows in casual contact. Often man meets the needs of another without being aware of the intensity of need and does so with no expectation of credit or return. Such charity is commendable and speeds man on his way to spiritual perfection.
When man reaches the point of unthinking loving response under any and all conditions, when it becomes automatic for him to respond in total love to his fellow man in need, then he has indeed approached perfect love. The soul in progress who has reached this level of love given and received finds within his heart a peaceful awareness of his worth and a singular pleasure in all aspects of his life. He has reached a point in his spiritual progress where his life, both inner and outer aspects, creates joy in all hearts and lends a serenity to his being which cannot be dissipated or destroyed.
This is a state of grace devoutly enviable and wholly satisfying. It is a state of grace to which all men should aspire.
Monday, 6/12/00 11:23PM - Lessons
Whatever man asks of life, he is bound to receive, if not immediately, then eventually, but his wish must not be an idle one. All souls come to human life learn quickly that for each advantage they crave they must be willing to earn. It is important that each and every soul know that condition and look with respect upon the journeys of others with full awareness that their lives and the demands of those lives create a series of challenges that the soul must meet.
Whatever the challenge, man knows persuasively that the soul in progress both recognizes and accepts the challenges and is at all times capable of triumphing to speed him on his way to his ultimate goal, to the perfection of oneness, to the total achievement he has sought from the very start of life.
Monday, 6/19/00 6:45AM - Lessons
At all times man's life is filled with joy when it is filled with love. He is born to love, to know that love fills his being with nourishment as food sustains his corporal being. Deprived of love, man knows a hunger that never leaves him.
It is sad indeed when man is so misguided that he rejects love as central to his well being. In these cases the misguided soul seeks endlessly for a substitute that does not exist. He looks about him and sees those who seem to know happiness in their earthly achievement. Even when he himself succeeds in his endeavors, he is still hungry and incomplete. Wealth fails him equally. Fame, even in limited fashion, is empty satisfaction. He seeks to know the answer and he fails utterly until he looks more carefully about him.
The most thoughtful of men realize after soul searching and zealous search that those who are happy in human existence have only one thing in common and that single thing is love -- love of self and love of others. He seeks further and discovers that love cannot be bought but that it is given freely in response to words and acts of love, and that even a stranger's response to a kind word or gesture brings pleasure to the soul. Slowly, armed with this awareness, the soul heretofore starved begins to find himself fulfilled. His hunger disappears with each exchange of love and he wonders that the lesson of love required so much searching when it was his from the very start of life, but he realizes as well that the reward is all the sweeter for being hard gained.
Tuesday, 6/27/00 11:55PM - Lessons
Before all else in life, man is well served to know that all he desires in human existence must, regardless of its nature, have love as its source and inspiration. Love takes many forms and each of its variations is worthy in and of itself.
Some men are blessed in their love of all mankind. They are blessed to know a total dedication to the common good. Each act of their lives is gratifying to them the more completely it benefits all mankind. The welfare of others is their single motivation, and their souls glow with pride and satisfaction when they have benefited others to the full extent of their talents and capabilities. There are an endless number of avenues for the soul to take in fulfilling expression of this love.
Others are interested primary in smaller worlds. Among the most blessed are those who share completely in family love, who are fortunate to know loving relationships in early life and who find love in perfect partnership and know the joy of new life and love in this commitment. In turn, the young are blessed with love and in turn perpetuate its efficacy.
Within or without the family acts of love enrich all those who give and all those who receive. The world is a brighter and kinder place for each word and deed that is loving in nature, and the quality of love shared grows richer with new involvement. No word or deed expressing love is ever wasted or undervalued. Even if there is not immediate expression of gratitude, love so manifested is infinitely persuasive and infinitely contagious. Love is magnified always in the giving and receiving.
Finally, love must in the end, and it should from the beginning, be persuasive in its reinforcement of self worth, total awareness of the divine power that animates all of life and counts love the supreme achievement.
Friday, 6/30/00 10.38AM - Lessons
It is the good fortune of all souls come to earth to be born in love and to know from first breath the wonder of infinite caring. This sustenance is all important to the new soul. Without it he cannot survive. It is the single most important ingredient in life.
This absolute necessity does not diminish with time, but the child having passed the point of total dependence finds it possible to reach out to others in pursuit of love and experience rejection and non-response without being damaged beyond repair. The child, while absolutely in need of sustaining love can without permanent damage survive loss of love and find the resilience needed to accept new love and new conditions. The young are infinitely adaptable to change and are fortunately equally capable of opening their hearts to all caring relationships.
When the young, for whatever reason, are deprived of the love they have known since birth, it is their blessing to accept unquestioningly those who seek to replace the love lost with new love, different but equally nourishing, and in time the child forgets its earlier love and thrives in new loving relationship. Earlier scars are healed and new love flourishes.
There are times when the child is not fully compensated for the love taken from him, and he begins a struggle, sometimes brief, sometimes prolonged, to find in his earthly life adequate replacement for the love he once knew. Rarely does the soul in progress fail in this effort, but much is required in patience and perseverance.
Saturday, 10/10/98 9:44PM - Lessons
Most of life is necessarily involved with meeting the needs of survival. These needs vary enormously from individual to individual, from time to time, from circumstance to circumstance. Man is equipped to meet these demands upon him to greater or lesser degree. The man most fully equipped experiences ease in meeting the day to day material demands of survival, but he is not always equally equipped emotionally and spiritually to feel fully confident in his capacities.
Often the man the world regards as least likely to be able to provide materially for himself and for those he loves does so in a way not clearly apparent to those who observe but clearly satisfying to those in need of his giving. Often this soul, lacking social recognition, is the richer and offers greater riches to those bound to him in need. The bond between them is the bond of love, and there is no greater gift given and received.
What shall I say, then, of the absolute obligation each soul become man offers to himself and all those chosen to share his earthly experience? First of all he offers himself. He offers to know and to respond to each need. He offers to love unconditionally, to give all within his power. He offers to be all at all times and to never surrender either the responsibility of the demands of love freely exchanged.
This, then, is the perfection all souls seek, to know love perfect in its demands, adequate in its giving, received joyfully and fully returned. Be at peace when you have found this perfection of love given and received and know that no more is asked of you in your earthly journey. You are home.
Tuesday, 10/13/98 11:31PM - Divine Nature
There is infinite joy in the human experience when the soul come to earth knows the miracle of love given and received. Love is not narrowly defined. It is not circumscribed, reserved in any way. Love is infinite in its generosity, reaching out at all times to enrich and to endear. The man who knows love needs little more. The man who extends love without condition is the richest of men. His giving love engenders giving love. His need to share all the riches of his heart inspires response even from the most unlikely respondent. The very contagiousness of his affection for all those he encounters proves an infinite blessing. It knows no limits.
Let us examine the nature of this love that knows no limits. Let us ask how this perfection is possible in an imperfect world, a world so demanding that man is often in danger of losing completely his inborn capacity for perfect love. The man who knows perfect love despite the buffets of life, despite disappointment and denial, is the man whose soul has retained its divine awareness. The soul knows always that love is its own reward, that nothing else contributes so absolutely to happiness.
There are those who cynically consider unconditional love a foolish expenditure of trust, a misguided assumption of mortal perfection. They fear love, for they fear its rejection. They are unwilling to expose themselves to rebuff. They shield themselves from rejection. In all of this denial they know in their hearts the error of their ways, but they become prideful in their beliefs and so deprive themselves of the simple pleasure of human devotion and caring.
Man does not persist indefinitely in his rejection of love as the supreme gift. When death overtakes him it brings with it full awareness of the significance of this divine emotion. The man who has lived a life of love freely given and gratefully received rejoices in knowing the power of celestial love and knows that he has been infinitely enriched by his human experience. The man who dies impoverished, never having fully embraced the wonder of human love, finds in celestial love a fulfillment he never imagined possible and regrets his lost opportunities in the life just past. All souls are joined in perfect love eventually, but those who failed to learn the lessons of love in their earthly existence will know a need for this learning.
Monday, 11/2/98 3:33PM EST - Divine Nature
What man knows when he enters earthly life is soon forgotten, and it is his responsibility to seek to satisfy all the demands of this life which he agreed to so readily before beginning human existence. He has much help in this endeavor from those who guide him from afar and seek to communicate their love and their concern. All men are capable of hearing this heavenly urging. All men have the particular guidance of an angel teacher devoted at all times to their spiritual progress. In the darkest of times this angel's devotion brings hope. In the brightest of times this angel rejoices in all that man succeeds in learning of what he needs to do to progress in God's eyes.
There is a direct relationship between earthly happiness and awareness of the need to learn the lessons of love and to be governed by them in each action and in each word. It is not necessary for man to hear exact spoken words from this angelic being. It is necessary only that he seek to be guided and to trust the dictates of his heart, for indeed angelic communication finds expression in this way. The heart speaks to the mind and the message given is received.
This divine communication is the supreme gift man knows in his earthly journey. It speaks always of love and it fills the heart of man with sweet awareness of this love. It inspires him to share his capacity for love, even to those least likely, and in this sharing find the emotional richness that translates into human happiness.
Thursday, 11/19/98 11:42PM - Divine nature
In all of life there is a common thread.
This thread is called love. There is no existence so barren that it lacks love completely. There is no existence so rich in material rewards that it can exist without love. All men in all times in all parts of the world find that love is their primary emotion. They are born in love and they immediately know the need of love. At each step in the human journey, man is enriched by sharing in love and deprived in its lack. No man survives without love. Without this blessed emotion his heart starves, his soul shrivels. In all of this life's efforts he is denied full satisfaction. Material rewards do not feed the soul. Family ties lacking love do not nourish in any way.
How does man stray so completely from his origins? How does he countenance the loss of the emotion that is the food of life? Man loses love given and received in insidious ways. He is tempted first and often by the love of life's transitory pleasures. He seeks constant gratification and loses all true value in love shared. Man is tempted by the treasures of this life. He seeks to find esteem not in his own goodness but in the eyes of the world, a world too often gone astray and sorely lacking in the values that feed man's soul. Once man has set his foot firmly upon the path that seeks earthly gratification he finds it hard to retreat. He rejoices in transitory pleasure, in idle relationships, in rewards easily gained and equally easily dismissed. He loses the love of those once held dear and he seeks in vain for substitutes.
Occasionally man sees the errors of his ways before it is too late. He seeks to compensate all those he has abandoned and denied and to reconstruct the wonder he knew in love and so easily discarded. It is the fortunate man indeed who is able to plead awareness of error and to know love restored. All too many men are led into greed and dissolution until it is too late to recover innocence. They go from one idle pursuit to the next, always aware of the lack in their lives, often aware that this lack is the love they so unwisely abandoned.
Think, My children, of those souls who have strayed from the paths of love and pity them. They hunger.
Sunday, 11/22/98 11:22PM - Divine Nature
Children in this life are special souls. They come fresh from the God who is the source of all love and they bring into this life the wonder of love pure and undefiled, endless in its acceptance and generosity, unfailing in its forgiveness. These early years of human existence are marked by beauty in many ways. To those who love them most intimately, they are a source of constant delight. This is not to say that they are incapable of trying the patience of their care givers, but always their pure goodness survives all trials, and those who are their loving guardians are reminded anew of the precious beings in their charge.
Not all children are gifted with this loving care that is their birthright. There are times when events conspire to deprive them of the physical and emotional care that they need. Under the direst of circumstances these young souls not only survive but serve as wondrous examples. No matter how sorely they are tried, no matter the extent of deprivation, they serve as examples of the soul triumphant. The spark of love not only survives but seems to be fed by adversity, and these young children emerge from the sorest of trials, the most adverse of circumstances, seemingly strengthened by travail, full of hope and love.
This wondrous capacity for survival is not limited to the very young. Indeed in some souls it seems to grow with each passing year, but almost without exception children are uniquely privileged in this way. No matter the degree of deprivation, the child retains in its inner core capacity for love that has no equal. It survives all trials to provide strength in later years and to serve as an example of God's gift to man.
Look to the child always for inspiration and for awareness of the power of love.
Monday, 12/14/98 10:47PM - Divine Nature
Whatever pleases man in the purity of love given and received pleases God. Let there be no mistake in this assumption. Let man be completely sure that if he acts in love he cannot err. Let him know that all his efforts to translate feelings into love find favor with the Lord.
Not all men feel fully confident in this life of doing all that they feel wise and good. For some men their efforts seem too simple to please beyond the ordinary. For others their efforts seem unfocused, simply a yearning to do all that is good and right, and they do not try to please specifically and yet they succeed in doing so. All men act in awareness that their actions have effect. Their efforts may be of no measure, easily dismissed. Others may seem less easily dismissed, but of no great import. The rest bear scrutiny.
When man acts in love, be it love of self, love of others, or love of God, his actions are laudable. There are those who would disagree, who would say, "How can this be? How can man act in love of himself and be pleased?" The answer is simple. If man acts in love of himself he acts to increase his awareness of his human worth. He acts to seek approval, to find in the words of others reassurance of his worth. If he is hurtful in his actions he recognizes his error. If he is not hurtful in his actions he summons to himself a certain feeling of self worth that he has sought always. In the richness of self worth so lately achieved man finds it within himself to reach out to others in love shared. Having deemed himself worthy, he finds himself worthy of sharing, and in his new found confidence he finds reservoirs of love that he longs to share.
This is truly a miracle in human existence, this discovery that the most uncertain of men may become the most certain and may find richness in his worldly experience in the sharing that this new awareness affords. All men share in its perfection of love achieved, shared, and enriched. All men profit. God is pleased.
Monday, 1/4/99 10:37PM - Divine Nature
Man's innermost being yearns always to know the pleasure that love given and received affords. He seeks this love in many places, and it is the fortunate soul who finds it in many places. He finds that love has a contagion of its own and is therefore an effective tool. Man has only to express love to disarm the hostile. He has only to act in love to assure the wary. His words and deeds of love transform his life and he grows richer with each expression of love and enriches the object of his love. The world becomes a better place and all men profit thereby.
The miracle of love is one which needs little explanation. It speaks for itself and manifests its power to all who observe. The most reluctant of souls, hardened by earthly disappointment, cannot indefinitely reject love offered in all goodness and candor. Patience may be called for in such cases, but perseverance reaps rich rewards. Often the most needy of souls is the most dramatic in its surrender to love offered and the most gratifying to the giver. There is no end to grace when the unloved becomes the loved and in turn reaches out to others in need.
Man's glory in his earthly sojourn is directly dependent upon his practice of love under all circumstances with all souls. One needs only to look into the eyes of such a man and see in them reflection of the divine. This man, gratified in all ways, finds that he needs no more in life to be fully satisfied, and each day of his life is spent in both satisfaction and sweet anticipation of the wonders to come. This is the source of all human pleasure in life and has been ever. There is both justice and wisdom in this.
Thursday, 1/21/99 11:45PM - Divine Nature
Man in his journey through life learns much of his own nature. Each man's perceptions may vary from those of his brothers, but there are realizations that all men share.
Chief among man's awarenesses is his need for companionship. From the very start of life, man realizes that he is not meant to be solitary. In his infancy he learns that love begins with total dependence and total response to love and the bonds between parent and child are forged. No matter the nature of his environment man grows into adulthood retaining the awareness he first knew in life of the absolute necessity of sharing, of giving and receiving love, and of knowing dependence on others.
There is no set pattern for man maturing from the dependence of infancy into the independence and individual responsibility of adulthood, but in all times and in all cultures the absolute need for companionship and caring becomes part of man's awareness. Ideally he finds companionship and caring in the love that begets a family, and he learns the sweetness of responsive love from those dependent upon him both for material and emotional succor. He finds himself so strengthened by the love of family that he reaches out to the community to share his love and to know the pleasure of a loving response to all he offers. Ideally man finds himself in a close knit community of souls aware of their mutual needs and anxious to respond always to the needs of others and to thereby bind them to those who seek to love them.
The wise man never loses sight of this single central truth -- that he exists by the grace of God for the sole purpose of so learning the lessons of love that his life is dominated and directed by this central need. His life needs little else.
Saturday, 3/6/99 11:32PM - Divine Nature
Beyond all understanding it is man's need to be a part of the divine interrelationships that define human life. Man is born of his own choosing into a life of his own choosing, one of ease or hardship as is his option, one of brevity or longevity as he chooses. In all cases the soul come to life is aware of the options facing him, and he chooses in full awareness of the wisdom of his choice.
Once he has returned to life to effect his promises and his choices, man is given ample opportunity to succeed. He is never tried beyond the strength that is his to reject all temptations, to overcome all obstacles, and to triumph in all he is expected to do to affirm his willingness to fulfill promise.
It is not easy for the soul in progress to act in perfect commitment. Often promises are forgotten. Often temptation is irresistible. Often the soul in progress is lost in worldly pleasure which puts love above other enticements.
When this occurs, it is important that those who guide the life of the spirit speak forcefully and remind the human seeking perfection of his absolute obligation to seek love above all else. Often the soul facing temptation and loss of self is saved by the intervention of those who value his love above all other things. This soul, so driven, becomes a prize beyond price, and he is at all times totally and completely to be cherished.
Let us say, then, that the soul in progress is at all times to be cherished in the sweetness of its seeking, and that when it strays from the path of goodness, forces irresistible in their strength seek to guide him back to the home he needs to discover, and they seek to comfort him infinitely.
Wednesday, 3/17/99 11:49PM - Divine Nature
Among man's many gifts is his infinite capacity to participate fully in the joyous exchange of love. From the very moment of birth man seeks to show his hunger for love and to know its instant contagion. He learns before all else that love is a gift which brings infinite benefits. He learns that love begets love and that there is no limit to its beneficence, no boundaries that limit its infectiousness.
With the passage of years, man's capacity for love remains strong, though it may be modified in part by his experience. If he is rebuffed, he grows wary. If he considers himself vulnerable in expressing love, he becomes less willing to chance rejection. As he matures he seeks to understand the ways in which love is safely shared, and in all his efforts to find happiness this search is central.
For some men the search to find love shared equally and fully and faultlessly is a protracted one, marked by trial and error, sometimes by hurt and insult, but man is by nature a tenacious creature and his need for love shared is both inborn and constantly increasing. Not all men find the gift of love in exactly the same way. Some find love in unselfish service. Some find love in achieving a unity with a fellow man and perpetuating this relationship in the bonds of marriage and procreating souls bound to them in love.
There is no set pattern to be followed in the search for love, nor is there a set rule for success. Trial and error are often part of this needful search, and man is in some ways enriched by the lessons he learns in failure and is thereby better equipped for subsequent success. It is the rare soul who does not achieve belonging, and even in this company there is promise, for man is at all times granted the privilege of eventual achievement of love shared perfectly before the end of his earthly journeys.
No man exists alone. No man truly wishes to exist alone.
Sunday, 3/21/99 11:35PM - Divine Nature
In His infinite wisdom, it has since the start of time been the will of God that man become aware of his own capacity for perfect love and giving, the sole criterion for total perfection and oneness.
Over the centuries since time immemorial man has been aware, at times more completely than at others, that he is singularly equipped to be a creature of love. He is born with a sense of protectiveness. He is born with a need to share. He is born with a need to love and to be loved. He is born with a willingness to live a life of total goodness.
Not all lives are equal in their opportunities, and it becomes man's need and his responsibility to retain these noble characteristics no matter the nature of his human experience. Some challenges are truly daunting and it is understandable that doubt may enter the soul of the individual sorely tried and cause him to lose faith in his capacity to act as he knows he should. Some men weather every storm, even when they are uncertain of their ability to cope. Others, though their intentions are the most noble, surrender to despair and failure.
Man is never totally conquered, never totally fails. Even if he is reduced to absolute insecurity, even it he regards himself as totally lost, he retains his God-given capacity to triumph over all temptations and weaknesses. Man is never alone in his struggles, though he may consider himself so. He becomes at all times a part of the divine consciousness, and no matter the depth of his earthly failure he is destined to succeed eventually.
This awareness may at times save man from total surrender to despair. He may hear inner voices counseling courage and hope. Sometimes man must wait until the end of his earthly existence to discover this perfect promise. In either case, man is destined to know that never is he abandoned, to know that no matter how long and difficult the journey, he will know attainment of the perfection that brings him perfect belonging, total peace and joy.
No man is eternally deprived.
Saturday, 3/27/99 11:18PM - Divine Nature
In all of life man is privileged in many ways. He comes to human existence of his own accord to live a life of his choosing with full capacity to learn all he has deemed needful. He comes with full awareness that at the moment of birth he will lose full awareness of all he has promised, all he has determined necessary to spiritual progress, but he retains in his inner soul a sense of mission, a feeling of need to live a life in accordance with this agreement.
The most fortunate of those making the human journey find themselves able in all ways to meet the demands of life in a loving way. They are rarely tempted to ingratitude, and they revel in the kinship they know with all those sharing their earthly voyage. These blessed souls serve as inspiration to all those who are aware of their goodness and their striving. They are beacons to many.
Others are less fortunate, but it must be remembered that all they endure in life is of their choosing. In this group, some are constantly able to cope with the most trying of challenges and also serve as examples of human endurance and courage to all who observe their triumphs over adversity. Others faced with the problems they agreed to willingly do not fully succeed. They permit themselves to be distracted and to yield to resistance. They neglect to respond in love and they suffer thereby. Yet more often than not their failure is temporary, and with the grace and awareness granted them they recognize their weaknesses and seek to compensate for them. They seek perfection and they find it.
Few men fail completely to recognize all they have been given in strength and determination, and few men are left with the feeling of hopelessness that is such a threat to spiritual progress. Even in the most desperate of cases, there is reason for optimism in the awareness that beyond immediate perception there is guidance and caring that serve man well. The soul in progress is never alone, never abandoned.
There is cause for joy always in the sure knowledge that the end of the road is always perfection.
Wednesday, 4/28/99 11:46PM - Divine Nature
It is the joy of all men to rejoice in the sharing of love. Love is nourishment from the moment of birth to the instant of death, and at all times it binds soul to soul and all souls to their Creator.
Love manifests itself in many ways, each precious to both the giver and the receiver. Love can know an intensity that is beyond human comprehension. Love can equally be casual -- a kind word, a loving gesture, a selfless giving that requires no consideration but rather instinctive kindness. Between these two extremes love manifests itself in an almost infinite variety of ways, each precious, each distinctive, each gratifying.
The first full expression of love comes between parent and child. More often than not, the mother is the primary source of love, and the soul newly come to life is blessed if its father shares in this early care taking and giving of nourishing love. Then comes the love of brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, relationships within and without the family, and love given and received grows in complexity and diversity and teaches and enriches always.
When love is disrupted, the soul suffers and instinctively seeks recovery. No matter the injury, the soul stubbornly clings to the love it cherished, and intent upon recapturing this love and knowing its warmth once again expends all energy and employs all resources to restore this love. Often these efforts succeed and love restored is even richer for having been so tried. At times all efforts to reestablish a loving relationship fail and the soul in need seeks other sources of the love it needs for a full life.
The search for love never ends, and the richest and most secure of men find it within themselves to embrace an ever widening circle of those who seek love and to satisfy their needs. All men need to be aware of the richness that the free and unconditional expression of love contributes to both the welfare of the soul and to the enjoyment of life. It is impossible not to find true happiness in love freely given and gratefully received.
Saturday, 5/1/99 11:55PM - Divine Nature
Before all else man learns the lessons of love. He arrives in this world knowing that he has chosen wisely and that he is able in all ways to fulfill the promises he made. He chooses those with whom he wishes to share his earthly pilgrimage, for pilgrimage it is, a constant seeking to achieve spiritual progress, to proceed to divine oneness. The only road to this oneness is the road of love given and received, given and received joyfully, generously, unconditionally.
To that end, the soul come to earth comes as a helpless infant in total need. He is in need of nourishment and nurturing, of shelter and sustenance, but above all he is in need of love. He cannot survive without love, and if he fails to receive this love he perishes. With this love he thrives, and his nature tells him of the need to respond to the love he is given freely.
Ideally man grows in the strength of the love he knows from all others, primarily his parents or other care givers, and then from all those joined in family and friendship. He learns as he grows to recognize and appreciate various degrees of love, varied relationships. As he matures he learns the overwhelming power of love to bind souls together in perfect harmony, and he appreciates fully the need to give generously even when he knows inadequate response. He learns that even under the direst of circumstances love is a powerful weapon. It disarms the hostile. It breaks down barriers. It gives hope to the hopeless. It persuades the skeptical. It is all powerful.
Once man has learned this lesson and has succeeded in incorporating it into every act of his life, he has achieved the perfection he came to achieve. In his heart he knows his worth. He knows the love others bear for him. He needs no more.
Friday, 5/14/99 12:58AM - Divine Nature
There are times when it is difficult for man to comprehend and accept his perfection. He knows this full confidence when he first enters human life, but as he grows in a world quick to correct and condemn, he grows uncertain of this perfection and at each step forward in his earthly journey he becomes less certain that he is indeed a creation of divine intent, totally capable of living a life of absolute worth in total awareness of his own perfection.
Even when the maturing individual comes to feel less than perfect, acutely aware of the judgments of others, he retains his divine relationship and he has the capacity, no matter how sorely it is tried, to live in full expression of his divine origin. There are times when man acts in perfection totally unaware of the significance of his actions or of their enduring significance in his spiritual progress. There are times when man knows perfection despite the judgment of others, and in his heart is aware of his own rightness.
All through human life man seeks to achieve. When his desire to achieve concerns his material wants, he finds satisfaction short lived and subject to loss. When his desire to achieve finds expression in acts of love and achievement of love given and received, he knows a richness that does not diminish but rather increases with each generous impulse and each worthy effort.
In all of life perfection is within man's grasp. He has only to learn how to achieve what he seeks. He has only to learn that the surest way to receive is to give.
Tuesday, 5/18/99 1:14AM - Divine Nature
In all of life there are moments of great beauty when man cannot but be aware of his link with divine purpose and heavenly origin.
Take for example the moment man looks upon the face of an infant newly released into this life and he cannot fail to realize the miraculous nature of love exchanged. This tiny perfect being represents most truly the miracle of love given and received, come to this earth in full pursuit of its own goals and providing to many the opportunity to express love pure and perfect.
It is no accident that the soul newly come to earth inspires love and in its total dependence infinite caring, for this is a plan divine and man is almost without exception inspired to reverence by the nature of birth.
There is no purer time in human life than the time when a child comes to human existence needy and dependent, totally trusting and totally demanding. Those who are privileged to respond to this pure dependence feel themselves blessed in providing succor and nourishment. Their capacity for love expressed is both strengthened and enlarged, and all of life is enriched. In turn, the child so nourished is prepared in later life to play the role of the care giver and is in all ways aware of the importance of the love received and the love it is time to give.
When man reaches awareness of the glory of love under all circumstances, he will have reached the purity of love that he brought into this life as a soul newly arrived. His joy will be complete. His joy will be contagious. He will know no further hunger. He will be complete.
Tuesday, 5/25/99 11:33PM - Divine Nature
At the start of each human existence there is infinite love involved. The soul having chosen to enter human life comes accompanied by beings of light, sweet and loving spirits who have prepared him for rebirth and will continue to bend all their efforts in continuance of this loving guidance.
As I have said, the newborn quickly loses memory of his origins but he retains a sweet innocence and an infinite capacity for trust and love. He is like a magnet drawing to himself love from all those who are aware of his existence. Man finds it impossible to respond to an infant with any other emotion than love, and the child sets out on its earthly journey enveloped in love, sustained and nourished by love, infinitely trusting and infinitely appealing. This blessed capacity to inspire love and to receive love is denied to no soul come to life, and under the best of circumstances this loving existence continues through infancy and childhood into maturity.
Many souls in progress choose the more difficult path where they must learn to retain their capacity to love in the face of deprivation and loss. The challenges may be physical. They may be emotional. They may be minor. They may be overwhelming. In all cases the soul in progress, aided by the loving spirits dedicated to their welfare, find the faith and strength to meet all difficulties and all deprivations without losing their instinctive response, that of love freely and unconditionally offered. They know great strength in this capacity and it serves as an example to others facing similar trials.
Never should the power of love, which is deep within man's soul from the moment of birth, be underestimated. Even if this power seems to be weakened or even lost at times, it stubbornly persists, and in his moments of greatest need man is privileged to rediscover its divine nature. It is the source of all good in human life.
Wednesday, 7/21/99 11:55PM - Divine Nature
It is in the best interests of all men to be fully aware each day of their earthly lives of the extent to which they have responded in love to each daily encounter, to each challenge, to each proffer of love.
Man tends to become involved so completely in his own endeavors and his own close relationships that he is insensitive to the needs and offerings of others who touch his life only peripherally. It is a great temptation to all those granted a peaceful and loving existence to become encapsulated and to therefore ignore the needs of others outside their immediate environment.
It can safely be said that the more privileged man's mortal life the greater is his obligation to see beyond this privileged existence to an awareness of the needs of others less endowed with worldly riches. Indeed it is his privilege to do so and to thereby enrich himself and to know the inner pleasure that is his when he touches and enriches the lives of others.
To some men this reaching out in love and giving comes as new awareness of life's possibilities. They find in sharing the richness that life affords them the infinite satisfaction that marks the soul destined for perfection. They rejoice in new found awareness of love shared so infinitely that it is infinitely returned.
Man in the course of his earthly journey is afforded infinite opportunity to learn the lessons of love. It is of no import what he does in material terms. He shares infinitely in spiritual riches, and in this giving knows infinite pleasure. All that man has to share and share fully is a gift beyond price, and the man who finds himself impoverished by giving knows richness beyond measure.
So, dear children, know that the absolute joy of life is in meeting the needs of others and that the full measure of worth is in the giving and in the receiving, both blessed.
Sunday, 8/22/99 1:04AM - Divine Nature
Among all of man's gifts he cherishes most his capacity for giving and receiving love. At all times in human existence this is the key to all happiness and all sense of well being.
This has been said over and over, but in one sense it has not been stated clearly. The key to perfect love is not so much in the receiving, though this is important, as it is in the giving. This perfect giving is marked by absolute unselfishness. This perfect giving knows absolute tolerance. It knows no limitations, no conditions, no distractions. Perfect love is never judgmental, never measured meanly, never a source of anguish or self concern.
How many men can say that they are capable of perfect love? The answer should be "All." How many can claim that they live each day in perfect love in each thought, each word, each action? The number who can respond in the affirmative to this question drops precipitously. It is difficult to live in perfect love in earthly life, though it is at all times possible.
It is a challenge for man to achieve this perfection in his human journey. It is important that he do so. If and when he does, he will make the joyous discovery that he knows all happiness, all sense of self satisfaction, all joyous awareness of the perfection of life lived in love. He will discover further that the infectiousness of love given finds its reward in love received. He will find each day of his life infinitely rewarding, and he will joyfully share all he knows of love.
Monday, 9/6/99 11:35PM - Divine Nature
Whenever man begins to doubt himself he finds consolation if he realizes that he is at all times a creature meant to live in love each and every moment of his life. In times of trouble his consolation is to love and to be loved. In times of joy he exults in love given and received, and his awareness of his own capacity for infinite love gives him confidence.
It is no mean achievement for man to know with absolute certainty that he is capable of acting in love under all circumstances. In this habitual response he is a source of contentment to himself and a source of inspiration to others. Those who observe his full expression of love even when he is sorely tried are both impressed and motivated. His goodness inspires a desire in others to achieve goodness themselves, and in this resolve they find themselves in turn growing in self contentment and in turn inspiring others to emulation.
Love begets love, and at all times fills man with the pride in himself that he was meant to know. He finds the world a place of joy, and he finds in each of his experiences opportunity to share the love that lights his life. He needs no more. He doubts no more. There is no end to this enrichment.
Friday, 9/17/99 11:50PM - Divine Nature
Chief among man's virtues at all times is his capacity for love given and received.
Man is always aware of the power of love. He knows in his heart the degree to which it gives life meaning under all circumstances. He knows the all encompassing joy in the full exchange of love shared. He begins each day in the hope that all his experiences will be marked by love and that he will find within himself the capacity to respond in love to all he experiences that day for good or for bad. He knows that it is both his duty and his pleasure to live a life of constant generous love, freely given, totally responsive.
When man has experienced the full wonder of love shared he is unwilling to settle for less. There are times when the perfection of shared love is adversely affected. It may be shattered by tragedy, by bereavement. It may be marred by disaffection, by rejection of love, by ill judgment. At such times it is difficult for man to resist despair and bitterness. It is difficult for him to retain his faith and confidence in his ability to live a life of love freely given and gratefully received.
In his resilience, man most often recovers from injury to his experience with love and he seeks new opportunities to discover and nurture loving relationships. The seeking soul is rarely disappointed when he brings to his search an open mind and a heart generous in its giving. His hunger is most often satisfied and the memory of his earlier painful experiences fades.
It is right and good that man strive constantly in the face of all challenge to satisfy his need for love shared. He knows its necessity.
Thursday, 3/4/99 11:36PM - Divine Nature
Innermost in man's being is his absolute desire to be a part of a loving community. Man is born in belonging. At every point in his growth his overwhelming need is to know and to exchange the love that binds man to man. He is happy when he knows the security of love that knows no denial, survives all threats, and nourishes totally.
This love is generally a gift at the start of life, and its essential nature is clear. Deprived of love the soul newly come to life knows disease, and its very survival is threatened. Nourished by love, the new soul come to earth thrives and finds his place in the earthly firmament.
Year after year the search continues. There is no such thing as too much love, and each soul in progress aware of this infinite truth pursues a path of goodness in seeking in all ways to know further manifestations of love given and received. There is no limit to man's capacity to discover love and to nurture and cherish it. There is no limit to the joy that love offers to all who share its warmth.
Let man know that love is the greatest gift of all.
Friday, 6/2/00 11:55PM - Lessons
Before all else, man must understand that his obligation to live in love means more than would appear on the surface. It is of course commendable that man love those who give him love and pleasure in all ways and with a constancy that never denies. He finds it both easy and gratifying to share his heart with those family members and dear friends who strive always to share the deep affection that gives meaning to life and a pleasurable sense of belonging.
When man finds disruption in his circle of love, he is obliged to remember that his love must remain constant in the face of all disagreement. It becomes his responsibility to recognize the healing power of love and to offer unconditional love under any and all circumstances. Even when he considers himself woefully betrayed and abused, he must be steadfast in professing love in the face of all affront.
Rarely is man disappointed in the powerful force that love given proves in conflict. Anger dissipates in the face of love. Protest is silenced by love. Estrangement is healed by love. At times the miracle of love may demand patience and persistence, but never does it fail.
And so it is incumbent upon all souls in progress to live in full awareness that love, however tried, must be forgiving, persistent and persuasive, that it must be both felt and proffered without condition or limit, and in this wholeness it blesses all those it touches. Love is all at all times under all conditions to all souls.
Friday, 6/25/99 11:34PM - Divine Nature
In the fullness of time there awaits much in revelation and in promise. In man's brief interlude in human life, whether this interlude be few or legion, he seeks progress in spiritual perfection in order to return to the glory from which he came.
The most gifted of souls in progress retain strong awareness of the blessedness of their mission. Most seek to share this awareness. Some have been privileged [ to have] glimpses of what lies beyond human existence and to feel the power of this glorious kingdom where love is all and fulfills all needs. Some have shared their insights and visions and have been hailed as saints and seers. Some have been silent in their awareness but know within themselves the certainty of their privilege.
Increasingly man has opened his heart and his mind to the wonders that await him at the end of his earthly endeavors. The world has responded to the words of those whose spiritual awareness is cause for wonder. In greater numbers those souls progressing to perfection recognize the glory that awaits and are inspired to further effort in learning and acting the lessons of love in all the days of their lives in all the relationships they know.
Slowly the world is being transformed by loving practice. It is true that cruelty and injustice are rampant in the world man currently knows, but even in the midst of the most egregious cruelty and injustice love flowers and persuades. It is merely a matter of time before the power of love prevails in all lands and at all times under all circumstances. The process may be slow, but it is sure.
There is no denying the power of love. Look about you and know this to be true.
© 2010 Cornelia Silke dba New Light Publishing