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Voices - The “Others”
The devil made me do it!
A majority of people believe in angels and are often aware that angels have the power to speak to them and guide them. Many people believe that the devil also influences our lives at times.
This notebook explains about these dark forces, known to me as the "others" and about their sometimes insistent voices. Most people do not realize that dark thoughts originate from the "others" and not from their own minds. One need not hear a voice but simply a thought. If it is evil or destructive, it is not your own thought but that of the “Others”. Believe me, the Others can influence your mood and your behavior. They can cause you to believe things that are not true. They can cause you to cry and be depressed. You are responsible for yourself - don’t listen to negative thoughts.
Beware! Beware! Beware!
(There is a separate notebook about angelic voices.)
Friday, 6/9/00 4:35PM - Lessons
Man, in his unawareness mistakenly ascribes the voices he hears to his own inner consciousness and imagines himself both responsible and defective in his thinking. In reality the Others, as are all spirits, are able to communicate with humans by insinuating ideas, by suggesting courses of action, by weakening the will of the soul in crisis and persuading him that he is unstable.
At times the Others suggest to the vulnerable mind that he should seek to please himself above all else and to regard the concerns of others lightly, if at all. They persuade him that he has only himself to consider, that it is to no avail to be guided by love for others. In extreme cases they are able to persuade the troubled soul that he is unloved and therefore owes love to no other.
Once the Others have insidiously persuaded man to be governed by what they suggest, they grow even bolder in all they suggest and consider it victory when the soul in progress finds itself blocked spiritually and emotionally and has abandoned love as central to his life.
Not all souls in progress suffer equally from the distraction of the Others. They seek easy victims and choose those most vulnerable to suggestion, those most despairing for any reason, those lacking confidence in themselves or in others, those who fear that they are not truly loved nor capable of loving others.
It will serve man well to recognize these destructive spirits when they seek to lead him from the path of love and giving and to dismiss them totally as unworthy.
Martin’s Original Writings
There are some souls who arrive in heaven angry, confused, and prone to violence. At death the soul leaves the body with much of the human personality intact. As the soul progresses toward oneness with God, it grows in love and understanding but does not change the essential personality that it had in its earthly form. These new souls who are not receptive to progressing with their teachers' aid are called the Others. They band together or act individually in anger and arrogance. They refuse to believe in the power of God because God does not retaliate against them and their defiance. They mistake love for weakness and despise those spirits and humans who are doing God's work in a spirit of love and willingness to obey God's wishes. The Others do not persist in their arrogance indefinitely. One by one they realize the futility of their rebellion and surrender themselves to the will of God. They turn to their teachers and ask for help on the long road back to oneness with God.
The Others are, like all spirits, capable of the kind of communication referred to as telepathy. All spirits communicate through telepathy, and all spirits are equally endowed with this ability, although some may be more clever, as in life. The aim of the Others is to create doubt, confusion, and unrest in the minds and hearts of humans. They can do this in many ways. They have easy access to the mind of any human they choose, and they are able to draw on the memory bank of that person. That permits them to create the illusion that the thoughts which they implant in the human brain are the product of the brain itself when indeed they are not.
There are several ways that the Others create doubt, confusion and unrest. They invade the minds of humans and tell them things that are not true. They choose their victims carefully and attack mercilessly. The human in emotional crisis is the easiest victim. The Others seize upon the fears of this individual and whisper insidiously within his mind. They sow doubt and confusion and magnify his fears. The individual hears these inner messages and not knowing of the Others mistakes them for his own thoughts.
In a troubled marriage sacred to God the Others wreak havoc. In minds already ravaged by doubt and insecurity they tell the individuals that the spouse they love does not love them. They tell each of the parties to the marriage that it had better end rather than continue in a loveless state. They continue to badger the individual until the tension erupts and the marriage is doomed. The Others hate a happy marriage. They use every opportunity to sow doubt in the mind of each spouse about the faithfulness of the other. They sow unrest by insisting to each of the spouses that he or she is the better and is being taken advantage of in the union. They are merciless in their attacks. They stay long enough to create an impossible situation, and then they feel free to leave and find another victim.
The Others are lost souls who roam the world while they refuse to acknowledge the power of God. God in no way uses His power to retaliate against the Others or their actions because He is a God of pure love and the Others must realize this. Eventually each one of the Others realizes the inevitability of oneness with God and asks to see God. God tells him that he must repent his actions before he can progress toward oneness with God. The Other expresses his repentance, and God accepts his repentance, and the soul returned to God is given a choice of returning to this earth to learn the lessons he must learn and take a long time but find it easier or stay in heaven and learn there, knowing that it will be more difficult but a shorter time before the soul reaches oneness with God. Those souls who elect to stay in heaven are assigned a teacher and begin the long slow progression toward God. There is little unhappiness in heaven, but these souls can suffer from a sense of how slowly they are progressing.
After death the soul is confused, and God assigns a teacher to each soul to teach the first lesson, that of self love. This is the most difficult lesson for the soul to learn, and the teacher tells the soul that God loves the soul and that God makes no mistakes, and that God's love proves that the soul is worthy. When the soul feels it has learned self love, it goes to God and tells Him that it has learned the lesson of self love. God can tell if the soul is sincere, and if it is not God sends the soul back to work with its teacher to try again. This is repeated until God is satisfied that the soul has truly learned self love.
Martin’s Original Writings
The Others do not progress towards God. They do not want to progress. They delude themselves into believing that God is powerless to change their hearts and they set themselves in opposition to those spirits who are seeking oneness with God. These Others band together to give each other false comfort and to oppose the efforts of the other spirits to progress toward God, and to impede the efforts of humans to seek God in their lives. They do this in the ways that have been described.
After a time each of the Others realizes the futility of his attempts to deny God and to refuse to progress toward Him, and turns to God and asks for help in changing his actions. Some of the Others refuse to acknowledge God for only a short period of time. With the help of a teacher these souls progress rapidly once they start to seek God. Some of the Others take a longer time to turn toward God. They get caught up in the mischief making and doubt sowing and memory blanking and take pleasure in the discomfort that they cause in the humans they attack. For a time this destructive pleasure is enough to satisfy them, but eventually they see the emptiness of their small triumphs and they decide that God is the inevitable answer. They ask and receive help and start the long road back to oneness with God.
A small number of Others resist God's will for long periods of time, centuries in some cases. These Others become the leaders and they eagerly seize upon the new souls who arrive in heaven confused and angry. They encourage this anger by offering revenge. They persuade the new souls that God is weak and ineffective, and that they, the leaders of the Others, have the strength to prevail over God's will and to take control of the universe. The most angry of the new souls eagerly embrace this concept and join forces with the Others in wrecking havoc on the world.
There are several ways that the Others wreak havoc on the world. By sowing doubt in the minds of man they tell him that love is a useless emotion which will not help him achieve what he desires. They tell him that trust is a weakness and that force is the only weapon he possesses that will achieve his ends. Force becomes the method of preference among humans, and the strongest prevails. The Others also wreak havoc on the world by setting nation against nation the same way they do individual against individual. They cause nations to covet land above all else and see their neighbors not as brothers but as threats to their security. They inspire acts of aggression to possess this coveted land and these hostile acts culminate in mighty wars.
The Others are constantly endeavoring to set man against man in violent ways. They tell him that his neighbor is not to be trusted, that he must protect himself and his loved ones against the malice of his fellow man. He arms himself with lethal weapons in the name of self protection. These weapons proliferate, and the world is seized in a paroxysm of violence. Murder and assault become commonplace, and life is cheaply valued. Society is unable to handle the chaos that follows the constant increase in violent aggression. It builds jails which are not much more than cages in which to place its criminals, and when the jails become full society builds more. Those who are imprisoned are further embittered by being deprived of any loving human company and they become more hostile and violent still. They repeat their behavior and a cycle of violence and hostility is established. Love is an unknown in their lives. Love for self ceases to exist entirely; love for their fellow man gradually disappears; and love for God rarely survives the experience of violence and hostility. In the end society has produced a loveless creature, once filled with promise, now doomed to failure.
The Others whisper seductively into the ears of the young that drugs will buy happiness. They delight in creating the illusion in the young mind that the youth is capable of using drugs as a recreational device, that he can control the drug that gives him so much pleasure and not be controlled by the drug. He tells himself that he is in charge of his life, and gradually as the Others encourage this self delusion, the youth succumbs to the demands of addiction. He loses sense of self and his life is devoted to the acquisition of this means of achieving a type of euphoria, an escape however momentary, from the cares of life. He reaches the point where he will do anything to acquire the drugs that have become the mainstay of his existence. Life becomes a mania for possession of whatever drug is his need and passion. All else is forgotten and in his pursuit of chemical happiness he loses all sense of self worth, all love for his fellow man, and indulges in any form of violence he sees as necessary to achieve his ends. Murder, rape, and robbery become the means to achieve his goals. In the end, he too is dehumanized by the system and the cycle of despair is established.
Martin’s Original Writings
There are many other things to be considered when I speak of the nature of heaven. There is the matter of the Others. Although the Others have been admitted to heaven as have all other souls, they have chosen not to take the path of progress toward God. In some cases they are confused; they have brought to heaven the confusion they felt on earth. In some cases their earthly lives were lives marked by dark and evil deeds. In some cases they failed totally in living up to their contract with God and failed to learn the lessons that their mortal lives were supposed to teach them. In some cases they bring with them the arrogance and false pride that marked their earthly lives. In all cases they choose not to submit to the will of God and they join the forces of the Others to oppose those spirits who have chosen to progress toward oneness with God.
I have described elsewhere the tactics of the Others in their efforts to confuse and destroy the minds and faith of humans. On the heavenly plane they are rebuffed and rejected by the spirits of love in all temptations to oppose God's will. On the contrary, one by one the Others realize the futility of their opposition to the inevitable effort to reach oneness with God, and they turn toward this path and join the spirits of love. There is nothing but forgiveness and love in the hearts of God and His spirits and angels. The repentant Others are welcomed into the rank of those loving spirits working toward oneness with God in total love and harmony. It is a more difficult road for the Others, the more difficult the longer the Other has persisted in his opposition to the will of God. The repentant Others are aided in all ways by the help and love of teachers assigned to them, and there is great rejoicing in heaven when each one of the Others rejects the path of opposition and accepts the path of progress toward God.
Let it be known that in the end all of the Others will inevitably be drawn to God. In the meantime God's children on earth should be aware of the efforts of the Others to cause confusion, doubt, and despair in the human mind, and they should reject these efforts as soon as they recognize the work of the Others. The Others cannot do their nefarious work on earth if they are recognized and rejected by man. This rejection will have two advantages. Man will be freed from the destructive effects of their efforts, and the Others, discouraged by failure, will turn more readily toward the effort to reach oneness with God.
So let man be aware that when doubt, suspicion, envy or any other negative emotion enters his mind it is the Others at work. They cannot succeed unless they find acceptance in the human mind. If man rejects these ignoble emotions the Others fail. If man rejects these ignoble emotions his life is enriched and love flourishes. The Others are intent on destroying love in men's hearts. They cannot do so if man is aware of their efforts and rejects them the instant he becomes aware of them. Do not let doubt of any kind linger in the mind. Reject it at all times. Do not let unfounded suspicion invade your consciousness. Reject it at all times. Do not permit the Others to drive love from your hearts. With love and through love the Others are defeated. They are powerless in the presence of love. In the end the efforts of the Others will be totally defeated by love. That is God's plan.
There is little that needs to be said about the process by which man achieved the recognition he sought as a child of God, fully able to perceive and understand the relationship which exists at all times between him and his Creator. The countless individuals who facilitated this recognition by their thoughtful and sometimes scholarly teachings have been recognized in some cases and not in others. It is important for modern man to understand the extent to which his perceptions have been shaped by these teachers and religious leaders and to return to individual awareness of the relationship between the deity and all those being tried in the crucible of earthly life, for the journey from birth to death can be compared to a crucible.
The process of human existence is a solitary process in one sense. Each man born to life is entirely responsible for his progress in the path he treads. He is equipped at birth with all the strength he needs to fulfill his promises to live a life of love. He knows the perils and temptations that he will face, and it is his conviction that he is capable of not only surviving but profiting spiritually from the problems he must solve, the challenges he must meet, and the relationships that he chooses to experience. It is the responsibility, therefore, of each individual that needs to be foremost in our consideration.
At all times there is an individual spiritual relationship that exists between the earthly pilgrim and those heavenly powers ready to lend him strength and guide him on the way he has chosen. It is incumbent upon each individual to be aware of this intensely individual relationship and to hear clearly the direction this relationship affords him. It is important that he not surrender will to other forces which urge him in ways not conducive to spiritual progress. These voices can be both compelling and deceptive. They can lead him into the paths of self destruction and misery. Often they tell him what he wants to hear. They flatter. They cajole. They invite surrender.
Man must use all means available to him to distinguish rightness in his actions and in his relationships. He must know at all times the overwhelming need for him to choose to heed the forces within himself that counsel love and goodness above all else. He must learn that the temptation of those who would destroy his spirit is to be resisted and dismissed. He must pursue the path of holiness in all ways. Only in this way will he find in earthly existence what he came to seek. Only in this way will he achieve the perfection and progress that will take him closer to those forces whose concern for him is paramount in life's journey.
This is truth.
In the best of times man seeks to know the path he must follow to be pleasing to himself and therefore to his God. In the worst of times, man surrenders to evil impulse and fails completely in all he needs to do to find pleasure in himself and in his God.
It is imperative that man be aware of the absolute need to listen to the voices that speak to him of goodness and faith. It is imperative that he learn to distinguish between these voices encouraging him to follow his innate goodness and find satisfaction in acts of love that inspire others to goodness and acts of love. From the very beginning of human existence man has had this duty. He is at all times capable of good, and it is only when he fails to heed those who counsel him with love and caring and surrenders to those voices who speak of self indulgence and acts of aggression that he strays from the path he is meant to take.
Believe, My children, that these inner voices exist. Believe, My children, that the choice is always yours to make -- whether to follow those who urge love and caring or to follow those who urge selfishness and uncaring. All men will in time know the importance of this choice.
Monday, 10/12/98 10:03PM Divine Nature of Man
There is in the human condition frailty. This frailty can take many forms. This frailty can emerge early in the human experience as a basic uncertainty. It can say to the soul, "You are not able," and it can extend this accusation of inability to many areas of human existence.
Know, My children, that this accusation of inadequacy comes from a voice that needs to be dismissed. I have said that each soul come to earth comes fully equipped to meet all the demands in the life fully charted. Indeed this is always true of the beginning of the journey through life that all men take. Know, however, that the world knows temptation that masks itself in an inner voice that men can barely -- if at all -- distinguish from the voices of love he has known always.
These voices seek to weaken, to distract, to lead astray. No man exists who has not known their seductive persuasion. No man has in his steady progression to perfection not been led astray, however briefly, and in some cases profoundly, by these wondrous exhortations that seek to divert souls from their true paths.
I use the word "wondrous" advisedly, for the capacities of these spirits, and I speak here of the Others, are wondrous in their capacities, talents and abilities shared by all heavenly spirits, temporarily diverted by the Others for purposes of harm and diversion. The soul in distress hears these voices, negative always in their message, and is instantly tempted to be seduced. They advise all means of escape that evades the responsibilities of this life. They advise rejection rather than acceptance. They advise hatred rather than love. They advise despair rather than hope. Above all they urge surrender to base instincts rather than to the love that is the right and destiny of all souls.
The world has long known temptation. To now it has not had a true name. Now it has. Believe, My children, that at all times there are wayward spirits who seek to seduce you, who wish you harm, who ask you to depart from the paths of love that you are meant to tread. You have the absolute power to reject this seduction and to know true power and happiness in this rejection. At all times you are surrounded by those beings of light whose joy is in your triumph over the Others. In this triumph you find ultimate grace.
Saturday, 1/2/99 11:50PM - Divine Nature of Man
Man at his finest is a true reflection of the God who made him. In goodness and generosity and unfailing faith in the power of love he is all he is meant to be. He fulfills all he means to be. When man succeeds in persevering in the path of goodness and giving, of faith and hope, of love unbound, he approaches the perfection that is the goal of all on their earthly journey. If man succeeds in living perfectly in the face of all trials and all temptations he need ask no more of himself.
It is not a simple matter to achieve a life lived so perfectly. All too often man doubts his goodness and his capacity for love, and in this doubt he becomes vulnerable to the voices that seek to distract him from his goals and persuade him to indulge himself at the expense of others. The first step that man takes in response to these devious voices makes it more difficult to return to the path to perfection. Man, in his weakness, finds pleasure and comfort and forgets the empty nature of selfishness. He continues to listen to those voices we call the Others, and they delight in each misstep he takes and strive to increase their margin of victory over the hapless soul who has surrendered to temptation and lost his way.
Not all souls return to the paths of love they have abandoned in pleasure seeking, but the efforts of their guardian angel teachers never cease. They speak to the soul in turmoil and seek to overcome the effort of the Others. In some cases good prevails; in others it does not; and in each case man is aware that he has been influenced in ways he does not understand. The man who responds to the urgings of the spirits dedicated to his spiritual progress finds his way and senses the rightness of all he must do. Those who fail to hear and to heed the benevolent voices urging love and righteousness wander further afield and are, at least for a time, lost. They lack direction. They do not progress.
In time, all wrongs are righted and each soul come to earth knows ultimate success despite errors and omissions, for the God who gave them life offers to even the most wayward of souls infinite love and infinite forgiveness and infinite opportunity to undo error and to progress to perfection and oneness. Not all men know this glory in human life, but all souls do after human death and no soul is found wanting.
Saturday, 2/6/99 11:32PM - Divine Nature of Man
Man in the joy of creation knows sublimity. He chooses all he needs to learn from earthly experience. He willingly accepts strengths and limitations. He is aware and willingly accepts all he will know in the life to come of love given and received, of trial and triumph, of acceptance and rejection, of hope and despair. In his wonder he deems himself capable of both enduring and learning from all that is expected of him in the life he has chosen as best suited for his progression.
In no case does man return to earthly life without full faith in his ability to succeed in his learning. He is fully aware of all the lessons which face him and he is totally persuaded of his inevitable learning. The soul come to earth, then comes with full awareness of all the life he has chosen will offer and will demand of him. His awareness is general in nature, and he agrees readily that he will choose wisely and well each time he must decide a response to whatever is demanded of him. No soul returned to life envisions failure as he begins his journey.
Yet, as all know, man does indeed experience failure in many ways. He is often tempted by those inner voices which urge indulgence, which speak of the satisfactions that selfish response will ensure. At times he succumbs to the inner weaknesses that he vowed to overcome and is instead overcome by them. Sometimes he is lured to be a part of activities which satisfy his earthly yearnings but which corrode his soul.
No matter the degree of iniquity to which the soul in journey may sink, he is at all times in his innermost soul capable of hearing the voice which speaks to him of goodness and love. He may in his despair ignore this last hope and be lost to divine intervention. He may pass the threshold of death in great need.
Yet, most men know salvation from error before their human deaths. Some barely err and need little guidance. Most err but not mortally, and find in their inner voices angelic sustenance. Those few who come to the end of life having failed to do all they promised, learn that no failure is total but that their efforts must increase if they are to achieve the perfection they must. Their joy is in knowing that there is no such thing as total failure. They find joy in this assurance of success, of infinite joy, in absolute belonging in oneness.
Tuesday, 3/23/99 11:50PM - Divine Nature of Man
Always man seeks to find happiness. In this search he is often misled. He is tempted by all he sees about him and all he knows of envy to equate happiness with plenty. He confuses material wealth with emotional and spiritual richness. Thus misguided, he is led further astray when his craving for worldly goods leads him to seek all he covets without regard for his brother's welfare. If he permits himself to be so misled, he becomes capable of destruction without guilt. He places his shallow desires above all else, even at the expense of others' peace of mind and material security.
Man does not sink all at once into selfishness. It is an insidious progression, one in which he ignores all those earthly and divine who try to guide him in the paths of goodness and giving. He heeds instead those beguiling voices which encourage him to enrich himself at all costs, to ignore the doleful effect his actions may have upon others, and to be so self centered in all he does and says and thinks that he loses completely his awareness of his need to be a part of the brotherhood of man in ways of love given and received.
In its most extreme form, man suffers total loss of self in his striving to be superior to all others in the ways of the world. In less extreme cases, man deprives himself of the only meaningful happiness in earthly life, that of love shared.
In all of his striving for material success at all costs, man loses himself to a greater or lesser degree, and it is purely a matter of time before he comes to a realization of the empty shell he has become, and then sometimes much too late, he begins to know regret. He is not always able to make amends as he would choose. He finds it impossible to mend lives he has broken. He weeps.
Thursday, 3/25/99 11:58PM - Divine Nature of Man
It is at all times clear to man that although he has great power to control his earthly existence this great power knows limit. Often man is unaware of this limitation until he finds himself confounded by his experience and incapable of controlling all that happens to him.
It is at this point in human experience when man's reaction to all he is asked to endure becomes significant. Sadly, man is often tempted to rail against what he calls "fate" and to denounce the God who so tries him. He does not seek solution. He does not seek solace. He yearns for a kind of revenge -- a reversal of fortune that will deem him the victor in trial. It is rare that man experiencing this rejection and demanding what he regards as justice finds the solace he seeks. He feels himself further rejected and he ceases to accept even in small part what life has demanded of him in hardship and cruel deprivation.
Such rebellion is nurtured by those spirits seeking to destroy human faith and hope, and in his vulnerability man in trial all too often surrenders to the misleading promises he hears from the Others. If he permits himself to surrender to defiance and despair he serves himself ill and he abandons completely those bound to him in love both human and divine.
Fortunately man, more often than not, realizes that the descent into despair offers nothing but destruction, destruction both of self and others, and however slowly it may be, he emerges from the depths of his surrender and recognizes the rightness of acceptance and of a new beginning. He comes to realize that no defeat is final. He comes to be aware of strength lent to him in need, and above all he realizes the beauty in dependence upon those who long to nurture him with their generous love.
Blessed is the man who falls into despair, who rebels, and who in the end sees the light of truth in the perfection of loving acceptance he is privileged to know.
Easter Sunday, 4/4/99 11:00PM - Divine Nature
There is little that escapes man's understanding of his human experience when he turns in full faith to the voices that speak to him both within and without. He needs in both cases to distinguish. He needs to be aware that there are opposing forces seeking to influence and govern both within and without.
I have spoken of the Others, lonely souls who reject the offer of love eternal in favor of personal power, who mistakenly seek to possess the souls of those striving to find perfection in human life. These voices are suspect always, for it is not always that the soul in progress believes that he hears urging other that of his own consciousness. In addition, there are human voices, siren in their seductiveness, who tempt man to stray from the chosen paths of goodness and light, at times themselves victims of the Others.
In all of this confusion, it becomes man's responsibility to recognize the voices that seek to lead him astray and to seek in his heart and mind the strength to resist and to seek other counsel. At times the struggle for a single soul becomes a mighty battle. This mighty battle is enacted over and over again in places familiar and foreign, and in each of these struggles for possession of a single soul much is involved. Each soul is a prize to be won, a victory however temporary, but in each case the price to be paid by the soul so seduced is great and the path back to achievement of perfection can be long and difficult.
The victory is always one-sided, for however long it takes the erring soul to triumph over the voices of seduction the outcome is certain. Each soul, no matter how many challenges, no matter how many defeats, no matter the degree of despair and humiliation, finds itself on the true path to the sublimity of total acceptance by the God of perfect love, endless joyful oneness, the supreme achievement.
Thursday, 6/17/99 11:55PM - Divine Nature of Man
As children, all souls in progress know a sweet innocence that brightens their days and allows them to create within the real world, worlds of their own imagining. In this imagining there is a rich awareness of the world they know, but there is beyond this a sensitivity to forces that they know only instinctively. They find in the garden of their imagination peoples and worlds that they alone create, and in their pleasure in creation they learn much.
It is a pity, in one sense, that in the passage to maturity man loses this vital creative imagination, and yet this talent lingers in different forms, in varied awareness. Often man is aware of those inner voices speaking to him of the richness of his existence, and often he responds in a joyous exchange of loving awareness.
Man's mind is rarely idle. It is never empty of thoughts and emotions. As man progresses in life it becomes his responsibility to recognize that the inventiveness he knew as a child has been transformed into awareness of the intricacies of his consciousness and as well into the extent to which he is at all times subject to awareness of thoughts and communication not of his own creating.
Man retains the sensitivity of childhood long after he has set aside childish ways. His awareness and creativity has simply been transformed.
How often does man find himself aware that he is "talking to himself'? Indeed often this is an exact description. Sometimes, however, his inner conversations go beyond this. Sometimes these inner conversations are more complex and in them man becomes aware of the influence of others.
These voices are undeniable in their insistence, and it becomes man's responsibility to determine the acceptability and the beneficence of what is said. There are influences both good and bad that invade man's consciousness without having been bidden to enter. Most often man is well served. Sometimes he is not. Always he must respond to the influence of good and reject those who seek to deter him on his earthly quest.
Love is the criterion always in seeking to distinguish.
Wednesday, 8/11/99 10:57PM - Divine Nature of Man
It is within the capability of all souls come to earth to lead lives of faith and holiness. Each soul come to earth comes with this capacity and with firm intention of maintaining the compact to live in love and to step closer to his goal of oneness, the eternal goal of all souls.
Some men despite serious trial and constant challenge are able to remember in their innermost beings the vital importance of meeting each difficulty with acceptance and love. Each victory over difficulties increases man's certainty of his own strengths, and in turn he is even better equipped to meet life's challenge. This man is blessed indeed, and his conscientious striving brings joy and satisfaction to himself and to all others whose lives he touches. He rejoices even in the midst of great pain in the sure knowledge that his path is straight and true and that he is doing all within his power to progress in all ways.
All too often man listens to the inner voices that tempt him from the path of loving acceptance of all of life's demands. At first he may fail only slightly, but the siren voices of the Others encourage him to further dismiss urging for good and to surrender to self indulgence and self aggrandizement. He may go as far as to consider himself all powerful in his life's journey and even to despise those who are willing to accept life's misfortunes with equanimity.
At times violence is regarded as a useful tool by the soul gone astray, and his use of violence to achieve his desires has a two fold result. First, it tends to increase his sense of power and to cause him to disregard completely the needs and feelings of others. Secondly, his behavior corrupts his environment. He seeks to involve others in his evil doing and all too frequently succeeds, particularly with the impressionable young. What the soul gone astray fails to consider is the ephemeral nature of life and the absolute certainty that temporal power ends with death.
It is revelation indeed to all souls who look back upon their lives in the total honestly that is required past the transition of death. Those who lived in love and caring and perfect acceptance know joy beyond measure and find in their hearts pity for those who look back and regret squandering their opportunity to progress spiritually and to know absolutely that they must atone in another existence. The most errant of souls finds solace in this opportunity to compensate for past error and to aspire to perfection in living in love.
Tuesday, 2/29/00 11:29PM - Lessons
It is of the utmost importance that man grasp early in his earthly existence the significance of his being. He needs to know from the earliest part of his life that he is not a random accident come to this life in accident, in pointless striving to survive trial and to pass from worldly existence into extinction.
It is not important that man know this awareness to cheer his days on earth, for it is quite possible for man to know earthly pleasure without regard to the true significance of his life. It is deplorable when this occurs, for life however sweet, is the sweeter for an awareness of its greater significance.
All too many men live in relative ignorance of the true significance of their earthy sojourn. The reasons for this prevailing unawareness are many. Some men are sensitive from birth to the voices of those mischievous souls who seek to deter the soul in progress from knowing the true nature of the love that is theirs from birth. It may seem strange to some that the soul newly come to earth is potential prey to those wayward spirits who seek power, and indeed it is rare that the new soul is so assaulted and conquered, but as years pass and the prize grows more desirable, the efforts of the Others grow in equal intensity.
The soul in progress thus assailed is a soul which has agreed to this trial, and it is a joyous day in the heavenly realm when the soul in combat triumphs and shares his wonder with all those loving souls who wish him well and whose rejoicing knows no end.
What man needs in life to fulfill his promise he is given in good measure. These gifts are his to accept or reject as his heart speaks. It is a joy indeed when his heart speaks truly and he embraces life and its attendant blessings and demands with full awareness of his own divine nature, able always to please himself, his brother, and the God from whom he comes.
Tuesday, 6/1/99 11:60PM - Divine Nature of Man
Whenever man doubts, he needs to look into his heart to find response to his questions. It is in the nature of human existence to hunger to know more, to seek answers absolute in their relevance, totally satisfying in their completeness.
Some seeking souls are satisfied with the answers they find in the teachings of other seekers, in the history of man's search for truth duly documented. Others, with the same awareness, are not fully persuaded. They find glimpses of truth but not truth complete.
It is at this point that the wise and enlightened man determines that the answers lie within. It is not an easy road to follow to seek to know within one's self absolute truth, and indeed it cannot be said with certainty that any human has come to total and complete grasp of divine intention and execution. Yet through the ages there have been men blessed with the intuition and insight that marks them as chosen to know and chosen to teach. In all goodness those blessed souls have spoken. They have spoken of their perception of divine purpose and of all man needs to know in this life to ensure his spiritual needs.
Some of these teachers have known fame. Some have been heeded and honored. Few have been permitted to live in the minds of man exactly as they would have chosen. Time has in most cases distorted the purity of their lessons and man has been ill served by this distortion.
Yet through the ages one central truth has survived, and that teaching is that man must trust his innermost self to know the truth of life and to appreciate with absolute certainty all that he must do in the course of his life to know true progress and infinite happiness.
There are times when man's perception of the dictates of his heart are less than he would choose. There are times when he is misled by voices inimical to his well being. At all times he needs to persist and to know that in the end his heart will speak truly of all he needs and wants to know. He will know glory in all his heart speaks and in all his responses to this divine voice.
Thursday, 1/27/00 11:40PM - Lessons
There are several ways in which man can assure himself of a smooth passage through life. I do not mean by this a life free of challenge and hardship, but rather I mean a life lived in peacefulness, in full assurance of the rightness of all that life holds and all that is demanded in response.
First of all, man must be assured that he is guided in all of his actions, in all of his responses, and in all of his relationships by a power beyond his immediate comprehension. He must accept this guidance and know its persuasiveness for good. If he listens, he will hear. If he accepts, he will know.
Not always will this guidance find expression in words, in the inner voice that speaks to him. At times he must trust his instincts, to be aware of urges and inclinations that lead him to act in love. At the same time he must resist those voices and those urges that lead him to speak and act in unloving fashion. This is not a difficult task provided that man does not let himself be beguiled. There are times when it will be hard to resist those voices that urge self indulgence at the expense of another. He must recognize temptation and resist all blandishments that seek to persuade him into the paths of selfishness and uncaring.
From the very start of consciousness, man is well served if he strives to please others rather than himself. He will learn quickly that true happiness lies in the happiness he affords others. Generosity finds its reward in the gratification he knows from all those who are indebted to him in love received. Once man discovers this fundamental truth, he is unlikely to seek self satisfaction by depriving others, and the habit of giving grows stronger and more satisfying with each generous word and act.
The man who seeks the path of goodness and generosity is a man fulfilled. He is a man whose love inspires love in others, whose generosity inspires others to emulation and the circle of love given and received grows ever wider in enrichment. To live a life of love is to live a life pleasing to all those whose lives touch his. It is a source of infinite self satisfaction. It pleases God.
Martin’s Original Writings
After God established the fact that love was the answer to all things, He devised a method to get man to listen. He sent His angels as teachers to live in the hearts of men and tell them of God and His love. These teachers know the hearts and minds of their students. They know their every thought every hour of every day. They speak to their students of God's love and God's will and make every effort to have the students hear their messages. These teachers work very hard to help their students make spiritual progress. In some cases they are able to communicate directly with their students who are able to hear the voices of their teachers in their heads. In other cases a method of communication is needed, and a ouija board serves the purpose. The ouija board is a much maligned instrument of communication. It is most often treated as a toy. It is not a toy. It is and has been in different forms through the centuries a medium of communication for spirits to reach humans.
The board is not to be used lightly or irreverently. The board will not respond to all persons equally. Every individual has the capacity to use the board for spiritual communication, but this ability is more developed in some humans than in others. It is not a matter of practice. It is a matter of openness. If the board is used with reverence by someone to whom the spirits will respond, communication with the spirit world is there for the asking, but this communication at no time should be treated frivolously. There is a great need for some humans to communicate with the spirit world, and there is a great need for some spirits to communicate with their loved ones on earth. Both purposes are served by the board. There is, however, a dark side to the use of the ouija board, even by those who are reverent and receptive.
Martin’s Original Writings
This is one way in which the ouija board can be of help. A person who is able to use the board to summon spirits, and they must be summoned by the person who wishes to communicate, can aid in permitting humans to speak with those they loved on earth who are in the spirit world. The spirit is able through the board to communicate its needs and its love to the earthly individual who invites the communication. If the spirit needs help it can ask for it and can indicate the exact nature of the help it needs. If the spirit is happy and has achieved oneness with God or is progressing satisfactorily toward oneness, the spirit can communicate this information to the human who summoned it. In all cases communication with the spirit world brings comfort to both the spirit and the human. Each is able to express love given and received. The spirit is able to offer the human affirmation of the eternal nature of the soul and the human is comforted in knowing that death means not an end to existence but merely a transition.
In some cases the soul summoned will not be available because it has returned to another earthly life, and in these cases the person doing the summoning will be told. Often, but not always, the human will be given an indication of the current or future human identity of the soul that has been granted reincarnation.
The other chief communication offered to humans through the ouija board is of an individual on the earthly plane and his or her teacher on the heavenly plane. A teacher will be granted to all who seek knowledge of the spirit world whether consciously requested or not. This teacher may have many students, a few students, or one student. Teachers are spirits who have achieved a high degree of holiness and oneness with God, and it becomes their duty when they become teachers to aid their students in making spiritual progress during their earthly lives so as to better prepare them for death and their existence in heaven. Above all the teachers emphasize the need for love, always in the same order --- love for self, love for one's fellow man, and love for God above all. Without the first, the second is difficult, and without the second the third is impossible.
Teachers will try to help their students in other ways as well. They will teach them about the Others and offer them warnings and advice about how to handle the Others when they attempt to create doubt and confusion in the human mind. They will offer solace if solace is needed, wisdom if wisdom is needed, and love at all times. Constant communication with a teacher is desirable but not absolutely necessary. Once contact has been made through the board, the spirit teacher will make strong efforts to communicate directly with the student through telepathy. If the human has an open and receptive mind he will in time be able to hear his spirit teacher directly. This is the ideal, but difficult for some humans. For most it will take time and effort to achieve spiritual communication.
At all times humans desirous of communicating with the spirit world should be wary of charlatans, those who would take advantage of this very human desire to make a profit. While there are some individuals who have a genuine gift for communication and charge a price, the great majority of those who make a business of psychic communication are not to be trusted. Most are, to put it simply, fakes. On the other hand, there are many who are capable of aiding in communication with the spirit world both with and without the ouija board who regard their talent in this area as God given and offer their talent and aid freely to those who are seriously desirous of communication with the spirit world. In addition there are innumerable humans who have the capability of using the board for this serious purpose and are unaware of their talent. These people should seek out someone well acquainted with the use of the ouija board for help in understanding the few simple rules that govern effective use of the board as a means of communication.
The dark side of the Ouija Board is real! It is the “others”.
Be aware, however, that the “others” are able to speak to your mind directly without the board.
Dismiss them in either case!
Thursday, 12/17/98 10:17PM - Divine Nature of Man
In the blessedness of being man finds peace. In the full awareness of his infinite goodness he finds infinite satisfaction. In the deepest recesses of his soul he beholds himself as a child of God, sacred in his being, perfect in the eyes of his Maker, destined for eternal glory and joyous sharing.
Man does not know this awareness of perfection at all times. It begins when he enters this life to seek to recapture and to renew the bonds of love divine that are his always. In his entry into human life he agrees to surrender awareness of all that fills his soul and to begin anew to learn whatever remains to be learned of the lessons of love in a life of his choosing. Man, armed with all the strength necessary to his mission, embarks upon the road of life with full determination to satisfy all promises, to learn all necessary lessons, and to live a life that exemplifies the perfection of love that is the only true perfection.
There are many obstacles and challenges in earthly experience, but man must remember that all he faces in life he faces in full agreement before coming to this earthly lesson. He needs to be aware that no more is ever asked of him than he can satisfy. He needs to be aware that he will need to resist temptation of all sorts, to resist the siren voices that attempt to lead him into the paths he should not take.
Man needs to know always that implicit in the human journey is a struggle for his soul, a struggle between the forces of good and evil striving to persuade him. It has been said that the devil is the source of all evil in human existence. There is reference in this appellation to a mighty struggle eons ago in which the forces of evil, personified by the devil, were cast out from eternal bliss and sentenced to eternal damnation. It is said that these fallen angels roam the earth to seduce man and to lead him into evil ways.
This myth has some basis in fact, for indeed there are lost souls who with the power of all spirits, speak to man and seek to entice him to abandon love for hatred, generosity for greed, faith for skepticism, acceptance for rejection.
The ultimate truth, however, differs completely from myth. Each of these lost souls is in time found. Each recognizes the infinite power of love and surrenders to this power. Each finds release in the acceptance of God's infinite love and finds promise in the possibilities of renewed opportunity to learn and to progress.
We call these wayward souls who seek for a time to mislead man the Others.
© 2010 Cornelia Silke dba New Light Publishing